Yenna - Half-Orc Cleric

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“Dad? How did you and momma meet?” Asked the little half-orc, her sweet, red eyes looking up at her human father.

“Well some mean orcs made your momma leave home, and she didn't know other nice orcs that could take her in. Eventually she came here and I helped her feel better. Then we had you, and life was even better. Now get some sleep, it's late.”

“Okay, night-night dad.”

“Goodnight, Yenna.”

And as the man tucked the little girl into bed and blew out the candles, she began to fall asleep. 






Many grunts, cheers, laughs of victory, and winces of pain ensued as the, now teenage, half-orc girl and her mother sparred in the garden. With a swift movement, her short, raven hair flowing behind her, Yenna dealt a blow with the end of her staff to her mother’s stomach, sending her backwards and onto the ground. The girl pointed her staff at her mother and smirked, her red eyes gleaming with pride. 

“That makes it 5-3 to me, right?”

Her mother laughed and grabbed the end of the staff, Yenna tugged on the other end and helped pull her mother back to her feet.

“It does, you little menace, you are definitely my daughter!” Her mother declared.

They both grinned at each other then made their way back to the house where Yenna’s father had begun to make dinner. By now, Yenna stood almost half a head taller than her dad while her mother was even taller, but he didn’t seem to mind, he loved both of them with all his heart. He was the protector of the village he lived in, being a monk he was trained to complete self-perfection and decided to use his abilities to help others. He also would often train Yenna his ideals in the same way her mother taught her fighting and general strength. 

“Hello you two, have fun out there?” He asked as he began to chop carrots.

“Yes we did. I won. Again.” Yenna said proudly.

“Our little girl is turning into quite the beast.” Her mother said with a happy expression, ruffling her daughter’s hair.

“Well just don’t let all that go to your head, miss. Remember-”

“Real strength is peace in yourself, knowing you can defeat your enemies but also knowing when it’s necessary.”

“That’s my girl. That also reminds me, while I get this done, how about you go out to the woods and get some meditation done early, then you can have the night to yourself.”

“Yes, father, thank you.”

Yenna took her staff and made her way into the nearby trees. She didn’t take the staff with the intention to fight, she just felt comfortable with it - like it was an extension of her own body. It was early evening, but the beautiful, full moon was already in the sky, making it even more of a peaceful time to begin meditation. 

But it wasn’t too long after her meditation had begun, maybe ten minutes or so, before Yenna heard a shriek and loud growling. To this day, she didn’t know why she ran toward it instead of going for help, it wouldn’t have taken longer than a minute to alert her parents.

Insanity? A heroic complex? Or just pure instinct? Something in her mind just told her to run towards it to help. Suddenly she stopped, in front of her was, what appeared to be, a mother and child…and a werewolf. It looked weak, but still strong enough to hold its own. Anyone else would have frozen in fear of it, but for some reason Yenna hadn’t. Her body moved before her brain had time to think. 

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