Zephia - Pallid Elf Cleric

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Finally, the family had finished unpacking. They were all set up in their cosy, new, sweet cottage home. Two Pallid elves and their beloved daughter, Zephia, all excited for their new life. Zephia's parents had decided a while back that it would be healthy for her to live in a busier town with all different kinds of people rather than only living around elves like herself. This plan had worked well, Zephia grew into a beautiful young woman and knew all sorts of different people throughout the years.

One day, several new families had moved into the neighbourhood, so Zephia took it upon herself to welcome them, as she often did. She quickly became friends with many of the new arrivals, especially so with a human boy around a similar age equivalent to her.

"Ugh, I'm so sorry. Even after eighty years, I'm not used to being up so early."

"It's almost midday."

"I know, right?"

Zephia yawned once again, then swept some hair out the way of her face. Everything Zephia did was beautiful. She yawned beautifully, her hair flowed like a stunning river, her skin was pale and creamy, her eyes were deep and black in a way that was somehow not frightening at all but instead adorable like when a cat's pupils turn huge. And the way she dressed only accentuated her beauty. Light and flowy sundresses as often as she could, when it turned cold, she wore thick, homemade knitted sweaters and fur-lined pants. She even wore flowers in her hair.

"Anyone would think you're nocturnal or something."

"I mean, I kinda am."

"Oh right, yeah, I forgot."

Zephia and her friend laughed together and continued walking. The two had been strolling through the marketplace that afternoon as they did each week when all the stalls would be set up by travelling salesmen. They reached a stall selling shawls and dresses made with exotic materials when Zephia's gaze landed on someone that almost knocked the air right out of her lungs.

"Hey, Edward, who is that?"

Her friend looked up from the items on sale at the stall to see what Zephia was looking at. A gorgeous elven man stood at a stall selling expertly crafted swords, seemingly having a very enthusiastic and fun conversation with the man at the stall.

"That's Thesius. Absolute heart throb of the town, I'm surprised you haven't heard of him before. Moved in a few months ago and already has every girl practically on her knees for him."

"I can see why. He's so handsome. I've never seen anyone like him."


"Not that attractive."

"Well, go talk to him, genius."

"What? No way, I can't talk to him!"

"Are you kidding? You're a knockout. You can talk to him."

"Mmm, are you sure? Ah, I feel so nervous."

"You have nothing to be nervous about. Go talk to him. But be warned, I heard he's kind of a player, so don't be too upset if...y'know."

"I'll bet. Ah! Okay, okay, I'm gonna do it!"


Zephia squealed with excitement and smiled brightly to Edward before walking towards the sword stall. Then past it. Right past the elf. And struck up a conversation with a Bugbear who stood nearby. Edward practically choked on air. That was unexpected, to say the least.

"Hi, I'm Zephia, I hear your name is Thesius?"

"No, Gork's name is Gork."

"Oh, my apologies, my friend must have been mistaken. Well, anyway, it's nice to meet you Gork."

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