Lythrana - Drow Barbarian

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“Oi! Keep moving!”

“Welcome to your new home, scum! Mind the roaches, ha!”

Cruel taunts, things being thrown at them, booing, the dragging of chains connecting each person from clasps on their wrists - all this as the Drow led the poor souls into the dungeons. They were pushed into a line formation as one guard stood in front of them, her arms firmly behind her back and a scowl on her face. 

“Right then, fresh meat, you’re in here for life, most likely. If any of you creatures do manage to scrape by and any of our slaves crumble under their workload, you replace them. Got that? You’re our cannon fodder now. Try to escape and I guarantee you will be caught and killed.”

She nodded her head to the other guards that were leading the poor people into their cells. Lythrana, another Drow guard, began her patrolling the dungeons as the other guards left to go elsewhere. As she passed by each cell, each person cowered in fear of her, one of which even being a bugbear. 

Which is why it surprised her to hear one speak up. 

“Wow, you’re beautiful.”

She turned her head, her white hair flowing like a whip behind her, as her pale, glaring eyes landed on a Spring Eladrin man. 

“Silence, you cretin!”

“Oh, I’m sorry. You are very beautiful though.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere. Not only are you a weak male but you're an inferior elf. Your words mean nothing.”

“And yours mean a lot, I’m guessing? You look like someone important.”

“I’m here to make sure you and the other scum don't put a toe out of line. You can’t imagine the punishments that await.”

“Then I will not put a toe out of line, ma’am.”

Lythrana just scoffed and continued her patrol.

Such a strange person. Why did he talk to me? How is he not terrified? Us Drow are the most powerful, superior, and feared elven race known to all. Good thing he isn’t a sacrifice to Lolth, praise be to her, she would be insulted to have something as weak as that offered to her.


“Hello again, miss.”

“What do you want, this time, you wretch?”

“Just to say hello. You’re really mean.”

She took out her rapier smoothly and jabbed it through the bars of the Spring Eladrin’s cell bars, the tip of the blade being mere millimetres from his neck.

“You watch your tongue or I’ll cut it out. Understand me?”

“Yes ma’am, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Lythrana scoffed again and put her rapier away, “As if something as pathetic as you could ever upset me.”

He just smiled up at her, his soft, naive brown eyes shining despite the despair surrounding him. Lythrana found herself hesitating for only a moment, looking at the green, flowery, kind gentleman who was sitting on the filthy, damp dungeon floor. But she soon snapped out of it and continued patrolling

~[1 week later]~

The horrible grating, ringing sound of metal hitting a bell rudely woke up all those that were in the dungeons. Despite being used to the noise now, it still caused every poor soul in that dungeon pain to hear it.

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