Aracard - Eladrin Sorcerer

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Another day…just like the last one. And the day before that. And the day before that one. It was so dull. Every day was always just like the other. A sigh escaped the lips of a young winter Eladrin who lay in bed alone, staring at the ceiling. He played with his long, white hair absent-mindedly as he tried to think of something to do.

Unlike most elves who were more than happy to just frolic, work different jobs, meet with other elves, or party, Aracard had no such desires. He’d done it all before. He’d lived one hundred and twenty one years, there are only so many things you can do before it just gets boring. Even things he hadn’t done before just didn’t excite him.

Another thing which added to the monotony of it all was that, unlike any other Eladrin that he knew, he had been a Winter Eladrin since birth. Usually elves of his kind would change frequently to the different seasons, but not Aracard. He didn’t know why. No one did.

He sighed and forced himself to stand, his skin shimmering from the light coming through his windows and his hair flowing like lily-white waterfalls past his shoulders. He lazily grabbed a long, dark blue and grey coat and a pair of navy blue pants, throwing them both on before exiting the house. His town was bustling with energy, elves of almost all varieties wandering happily, some playing music, some selling wares, some dancing, some chatting, and Aracard could hear jolly chanting or singing from inside the tavern.


His red eyes slowly moved to look towards where the voice had come from, landing on a childhood friend of his.

“Oh my gosh it totally is you! Ah! It’s been so long!” She threw her arms around his neck and hugged Aracard tightly, beaming at the sight of her old friend.

“Hello again, Vaxis.”

“Ah there it is, typical Aracard and Vaxis witty back-and-forth, just like old times.”

“And your sarcasm is just as smooth as ever.”

We will talk about how our lives have been since we last spoke then she will leave. I can already tell.

“So what have you been up to, big blue? It’s been, what, fifty years?”


“Aw you kept count?”

“I have nothing better to do.”

“Always so kind. Come on, you have to have been up to some stuff.”

“Hm…nothing in particular. Going along with the crowds here and following what others do but it’s all quite dreary.”

“Dreary? Ara, you live in the Feywild! One of the most magical planes of existence ever!”

“Yes, but it’s all the same. There are no new people to meet after a while, all the places are just the same, all the activities just become…boring.”

“I’ve never known an elf quite like you, Ara. We have such long lives! You can do anything you want in the world. Only you could find that boring.”

“Hm. And what have you been doing since we last saw each other?”

“Well actually, I joined an adventuring party! We go all over the Feywild and we’re even planning on maybe going to the common realm! It’s all so exciting, never knowing what will come next, the people you will face. Ah, it’s a dream.”

“That does sound interesting.”

“Well we can always take on another man. You were always one of the best sorcerers in town, just a shame about your personality.”

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