400 - Arachne Rogue

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"Push! In the name of Lolth, PUSH!"

Pained screaming. Shouting. Then quiet. The woman panted heavily, completely coated in a layer of sweat. Then there was crying. Her baby. It survived.

For anyone else, this would be a wonderous moment. The mother would be eagerly reaching for her infant, desperate to hold the creature they'd been growing inside their body for so long. Wishing for nothing more than to feel that first feeling of connection with her baby. To say her first words that she'll ever speak to her own beloved child.

But not here.

"It's a girl. Thank Lolth."

The Drow woman that just gave birth simply grabbed a towel and wiped her face with a huff, "Bloody exhausting...What does she look like?"

"Almost exactly like our powerful goddess. Drow upper body, and a spider's lower body."

"Ha, excellent. Good thing we finally got our hands on an Arachne."

The baby was quickly cleaned and wrapped up by the nurses, then handed to another Drow woman. The elves in the room all began to look after the mother and provide her with treatment, while her baby was shushed and carried to another building. The building was full of more Drow staff, predominantly male this time, as well as rooms upon rooms for children full of toy weapon racks, real weapon racks for children of higher ages, eating areas, libraries, and prayer rooms.

"Oi got a new one for you. This one's special, you look after it good and proper."

"Yes ma'am. She's beautiful, Lolth herself would be proud."

The woman handed the baby to the Drow male before promptly leaving. The man walked through various corridors, until eventually reaching the section of the building for babies and toddlers.

"So, special one, this is your new home. Make yourself comfortable while you can. The minute you start walking, your training starts."

"Ah, this is the Arachne breed, right?"

"Yup. First one they've made in this city."

"Excellent. Hopefully, many more will follow."

"Indeed, praise Lolth."

"Praise Lolth." The second man readied his clipboard and began writing things down, "Welcome to the Spawn House, Number 400."

[Eighty years later]


"Ugh, damn it!"

"Training over. 400 wins again. 265, go to the Punishment Room."

"Burn in Hell, 400."

"Bite me."

265, a Drow teenager, stormed off obediently after staring daggers at her opponent. 400 lazily swept her long hair out the way of her face and huffed, her face entirely deadpan. She had grown into a strong, lean young girl. She was easily one of the best training soldiers in the whole Spawn House. Her large spider-like body gave her a size advantage, of course, but her extra legs also made her incredibly dextrous and nimble. She went undefeated almost every single time.

"Congratulations again, 400, keep this up and your future will be very bright indeed."

"Thank you, commander, but can I get something decent? Every opponent you put against me is so beneath my skill."

"You will advance alongside everyone else."

"What's the point in extra training if I never get to advance? You and I both know I can do better."

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