Yadani - Tiefling Bard

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“Oh look at you, my dear, you’re practically skin and bone! Not at all good for having a baby.” Cecilia’s mother announced.

“You two really need to hurry, you’re not getting any younger.” Kurt’s father muttered to him.

“Y’know I struggled conceiving with my third baby, but it all just depends on you being active enough.”

“You two are still trying right? You gotta try at least once every night to make sure.”

“Are you sure he can even give you a baby?”

“Are you sure she can even have a child?”

And they weren’t the only ones. Every family gathering that the two went to, it was always “Babies! Babies! Babies!” and nothing else. Their families didn’t care that they were still fairly young, it wasn’t an excuse. Cecilia and Kurt were the only children of each family that hadn’t had children yet. They both had begun to wonder if they couldn’t have a child, but were too afraid to say it to their families. They would be furious. 

Cecilia was fairly tall with long blonde hair, and grey-blue eyes. Kurt, her beloved husband, was a few inches shorter, a slightly stocky build, short stubble on his face, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

The couple were starting to be driven mad with all the talk about them giving their parents a grandchild. Kurt’s parents would constantly say that he doesn’t try enough and isn’t masculine enough with his woman. Cecilia’s parents would constantly berate her for the things she eats, saying that the women in their family only had certain things when they were trying. 

Their families acted like Kurt and Cecilia hadn’t been trying for years. They did want to have at least one child, they wanted a lovely little family in their quaint village. Despite their families upsetting them so much about the topic, they still wanted it. They wanted their own child to love, nurture, and protect. 

And they wanted their families to leave them alone. To give them some peace and quiet for once and stop being so grossly invested in their love life. 

It reached a point where the pair were willing to do anything to know if it was possible. 



“Are you sure we should do this? We could just stop now, cancel the deal, it can all be over. We’ll figure something out.”

“There’s no way that creature will let us back out now. We already agreed.”

“I know.. You’re sure there is no way it can be traced back to us?”

“Yeah, no one should be able to figure out we were the ones that exposed them.”




And with that, the two of them snuck over to the announcement board in their village and hammered the sheets of parchment to it. The things they were displaying was evidence of a very large and famous church near where they lived - Documents, records, evidence of wrongdoings, dodgy dealings, behind-closed-doors type activity. 

Many people went there for worship and safety, so to find out things like this were happening would definitely not be good. And definitely something they wouldn’t want the public to know.

The couple quickly rushed back to their home and shut the door, both of them panting heavily and their hearts racing. Neither of them were drama-obsessed people, they would never normally hang out other people’s dirty laundry for all to see and gossip about…but this time they felt like they had no choice.

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