Gwaine - Changeling Monk

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“Oh my darling boy got his first kill! You’re a natural born hunter, just like your dad! We’ll have to get some cake to celebrate.”

“You didn’t get me cake when I had my first successful hunt…”

“Well you’re still young, Gwaine, we can’t have you eating too many sweet things.”


“Father, I’m tired, I don’t want to do combat training!”

“Oh it’s alright, my son, you don’t have to do training today.”

“You always make me do training.”

“Gwaine, your brother is older than you. He did his training when he was your age, so he can rest now if he wants.”


“You look lovely, Raphael! You’ll be the one everyone has their eyes on at the feast tonight.”

“What about me?”

“Oh, yes, you look lovely too, Gwaine.”


“Your father needs to meet with the king, so get packed up!”

“Am I going too?”

“Oh Gwaine, honey, your father is only allowed to take one other person with him.”


“Mother! Father! I got perfect scores on my tests!”

“Oh, Gwaine, that's wonderful! Following in your brother’s footsteps, you’ll be just like him someday.”


“Sweetie, tomorrow is the day! Are you excited?”

“Yes! I promise I will make both of you so very proud!”

“Aw, I’m sure you will, little man. If only your brother were here.”


“To see your big day, of course!”

“Oh right, haha, yes, that would be nice.”

Gwaine was finally the centre of attention for the first time in twenty years. His brother Raphael had left several months prior for an adventure. He had made the decision so last-minute, Gwaine and their parents hadn’t even found out about it until the morning he had left.

But now, Raphael was gone. Out of the way. On one hand, it was sad that none of them had heard anything from him, but on the other hand, Gwaine was now the only heir to run the island in which they all lived. Of course, since Raphael was the older of the two, he had always been first in line, and his parents were not ashamed to make it very obvious that they were very happy about it.

“Dear, will you please let me cut your hair? I want you looking your best for the ceremony.”

“Mother, it’s fine! I like my hair like this. Makes me look dignified, don’t you think?”

“You look homeless. Next thing you know you’ll start growing a great big beard.”

“Well actually--”

“Absolutely not.”

“I bet you’d let Raphael do it…” Gwaine muttered to himself.

“What was that?”

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