Yadani 2.0 - Nymph Bard

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"She's so beautiful..."

"Just like her mother."

A beautiful family of three were sitting beside a gorgeous spring; fireflies scattered in the air, and a small waterfall flowing into the crystal clear water. A magical fire burned softly in front of them, warming the Elf, the Nymph, and their newborn daughter. The cosy area where they sat together was positively tranquil. The sounds of nocturnal creatures and animals graced the air as the moonlight shone down beautifully. Everything was perfect, and they couldn't have possibly been happier. 

But that day would ruin it all. 

"Grab her! Throw the bag over her, and don't let the witch charm you!"

"Don't you touch her!"

"Get him!" 

The baby Nymph cried horribly at all the shouting and sounds of pain. A group of black market mercenaries had been pillaging the Feywild, including this area of the woodlands that the Nymph woman had been in charge of guarding. They'd attacked just as the three of them had begun to wake up that morning. They'd used vials and jars to gather water from the spring before treading in it, tracking common mud and filth through the pure liquid. They had stolen rare plants and herbs, grabbing them all by the fistful. And now they were going to take the Nymph woman and see how much they could get for her. 

They had thrown a bag over the Nypmh so they wouldn't be affected by her blinding beauty. The Elf who loved her so dearly, the father of their child, fought against them as best he could, but he was simply outnumbered. He knew they would beat him soon.

"My love, I'm sorry! I...I can't.."

"Destroy it!"


"Destroy this place! If it's the last thing you do, please do it for us!"

"But you'll-"

"Please! Whatever fate they have planned for me is worse. Promise me!"

"I promise!"

The Elf felt his eyes sting as oncoming tears made themselves known. His throat felt tight, his heart felt heavy, and his whole body felt weak. But he had to do it. He pulled himself away from the fight and, despite feeling utter disgust at himself for his actions, he began to destroy their home to the best of his ability. The men chased and attacked him, but rather than fighting back, the Elf just dodged them. All he had to do was outrun them for now.

He drew his trusty handaxe and began to hack and slash at the flora that made up the place he had considered his sanctuary. He heard his beloved's sobs of pain with each swing, but he knew he must continue. He sliced up chunks of the grass before throwing them into the spring. He cut off small branches of the trees and threw them at the men who had attacked them. Sparks shot through the air as he threw his axe at the gap where the waterfall began, causing a minor rock slide and causing the spring to flood rapidly.

Then he was cornered. Completely surrounded. The Elf sighed and accepted his fate.

"I love you, my dear!" He called out one last time before closing his eyes.

A scream. A piercing scream. The Nymph woman heard those horrid cretins drive a blade through her lover and let out the only sound she could. She and her baby were crying uncontrollably. Then soon she felt something else. Horrible, emptiness, and pain. But it was wonderful. It meant their plan had worked. She was beginning to fade. The aching pain she felt in every part of her in that moment was like a dream. At least she knew they would get nothing from her or her baby.

For she would surely fade as well, right?

"NO!" The leader shouted as he saw the bag the Nymph woman was in sink to the floor.

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