skating rink - B.S

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(y'all are both 10 in this story later in the story hall are 14! i got this story off of someone's story's they names it "billy's angst hc's" so i made a story about it but with my own twist!)


y/n's pov-

it's billy's 10th birthday! i'm so excited i got him some new skates because he loves skating. we were going to the skating rink with his mom.

"bye mom!"

i yelled as i went outside and got in the car. i smiled at his mom and hugged her.

"hey billy! happy birthday!!"

i said and hugged him. he smiled and hugged me back.

"hey y/n thank you!"

he said and i handed him his gift. he opened it and his eyes lit up.

"mom mom! look y/n got me new skates wow they look so cool!"

billy says excitedly. i smile and clap.

"that's awesome honey!"

billy's mom and smiled through the mirror. billy looked at me and hugged me tightly.

"thank you so so much y/n!"

he said and i nodded. we got to the skating rink and went inside.

billy's pov-

i ran inside with y/n. my mom payed and i put on the skates. we skated around and y/n fell a few times. i had to use the bathroom really bad, me and y/n walked off the rink and to my mom.

"mom i have to use the bathroom i'll be right back!"

i say and skate to the bathroom i go to go in the stall but some guy stops me. he smiles at me and i get creeped out.

"excuse me sir i really need to use the bathroom"

i say trying to get by him. he lets me go in the stall but he follows. i look at him with wide eyes. the guy walks up cornering me and covers my mouth. i start to cry and move my legs. but then i felt a hand in my pants. my eyes go wide and i start crying harder.

"please stop!"

i say trying to get my mouth from behind his hand. the guy just smiles again that creepy smile. he tugs my pants down and my underwear i cry even harder. he won't stop touching me. after 10 minutes i hear my moms voice.

"billy sweetie you ok?"

my mom asks. i shove the guy hard as i can and yell.

"mom please help!"

i scream and she broke the stall door.

y/n's pov-

i follow billy's mom to the bathroom.

"billy sweetie you ok?"

his mom asks and waits for a response.

"mom please help!"

billy screams, his mom breaks the door and i go in with her. i see her going to hit the guy and billy crying. i quickly go over to him.

"billy! are you okay why are you crying?"

i ask and squat down to him. he just looks at me his eyes puffy and red. i look away and help him up and we quickly go outside.

"billy what happened?!"

i ask confused. why was he crying and why was that guy in the stall with him?

"h-he touched me!"

billy says and cry's again. my eyes widen and i hug him. he flinches but realizes it's just me and hugs back. his mom comes out with blood on her and picks up billy helping him in the car.

"come on sweetie we're gunna go home"

billy's mom says now she was crying. i can't help it and i start crying to. i can't stand seeing my best friend hurt like that. i get in the car and billy is curled in a ball by the window. i sit by the other window staring out of it.

"we're home kids y/n your mom said you can stay the night."

his mom says and i nod. billy quickly goes inside and goes to take a shower. i get a idea to try and cheer him up.

"can we make billy blueberry pancakes?"

i ask and his mom smiles sadly and nods. i go to grab everything and walk back to her. we make the pancakes while billy showered he was in there for a hour. that's a long shower. he comes out dressed in sweat pants and a hoodie. it's 90 degrees? sits on the couch knees to his chest holding them tight. he's still crying a little but i walk over to him with the pancakes and a fork.

"here you go billy..we can watch cartoons if you want.."

i say and he looks at me he smiles slightly nodding. i smile a little and sit next to him. i put on his favorite cartoons as he ate his pancakes.


y/n's pov-

today is billy's birthday, he hates his birthday since the skating incident. and what makes it worse is the guy got out of prison today but i wouldn't dare tell him that.

"hey billy!"

i say and smile sitting next to him on his bed.

"hey y/n!"

he says and looks at me. i already planned today we were going to go to the park and have a picnic.

"come with me"

i say and grab his hand. he puts on his shoes and follow me. we walked to the park and showed him the picnic set up. he smiled brightly and hugged me.

"thank you so much y/n! it's so pret-"

billy says but is cut off seeing a guy. the guy from 4 years ago staring at him smiling that creepy smile. i look behind me and see him. fuck. billy has tears in his eyes and i grab his hand running to his house. billy breaks down crying clinging onto me.

"it's okay billy he's not going to get you not with me around."

i said sternly and billy let go cuddling rover. i got up and walked to the kitchen. i made blueberry waffles and walked back to billy. he smiled and i put on cartoons.

"i like you y/n.."

billy says very lowly. i barely heard him i looked at him wide eyes i sat up.

"i-i'm sorry i just coul-couldn't hold it in any longer..i get if you want to leave b-but i love you- fuck please don't think i'm weird! i promise i'm n-not!"

billy ranted and i smiles i hugged him tightly.

"i love you to billy.."

i say and kiss his cheek. he smiled and looked me in the eyes.

"i think i love my birthday now."

billy said smiling. i smiled and laughed a little. billy was my best he's my boyfriend!

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