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Infatuation•verb• to be inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for

War. That's what the world has both started and ended with. Whether it be within ourselves, between two people, or divided countries, we are fighting a war each day.

I wish I could say that my life has been a breeze, living as one of the 'in-lines' to the throne, but my life was the exact opposite. Especially in these past few months.

Having been fighting a war my friends and family couldn't even begin to fathom, I tried breaking out of the kingdom and joining the Rebellion. Of course, that failed miserably, and got my friend and I in a lot of trouble.

I should probably start from the beginning, when the Golden War started in 2021.

The country formerly known as Russia had declared a nuclear war on Europe, and the entire world was split in two.

As you can imagine, blood was shed, lives were taken, and the economy was hit hard.

When the war finally ended, some countries had been completely obliterated. Of course, they refused to tell our generation what countries were gone or the country we were currently living in, so I couldn't tell you. They fathom told us the basic information.

A line of order was created to prevent war, and for a hundred years it worked--as well as it could.

They created different factions. There was the first faction, my family, the royal family, that ruled over all the other factions.

Then there was the second faction, all the Dukes and Duchesses, the people important to the kingdom that created order. They were in charge of rations distributed out of the kingdom and laws legislated and delivered.

Finally there was the dreaded third faction, the servants and knights of the place, because they had to go somewhere. They were treated cruelly, and I tried to stop it many times, but it only set me back from the throne.

The throne of which I was fifteenth in line for, and wasn't fighting for in the first place, nor did I care. I would never say that out loud as my sister was fighting like hell for, as she was currently third in line.

I wish I could explain why I felt such a strong impulse to protect the third class, and maybe it was because of one of my closest friends, who worked in the kitchen.

I still remember the day where my instructions counselor, a duchess, found her sneaking food from the Royal Hall, and made her throw up the little amount of food that was in her body.

While some people call this the Golden Age, I call it the Dark Age. The Rebellion was rising, and I was helping it thrive through the kingdom's unnecessary advantages.

And then it all changed the day I tried running away. Again.

One Week Earlier

"Dawn, you must understand! The dinner is mandatory!" My mother shouts, shaking her head to show her disapproval.

"Dawn, please do this." My sister, Melody, spoke up. I glared at her, tired of being in her shadow all the damn time. She was the spitting image of a perfect Queen. With her perfect manners and her perfect posture it was hard to compete with my lack thereof.

"Why can't you understand I don't support what the king and queen do to the third class? You saw what the Royal Advisor did to Lucy when her and I tried to join the Rebellion. I didn't even get punished." I snarl, tired of making the same argument over and over again.

"She was trying to join the program to take down the Kingdom! And you were punished!" My mother responds.

"I didn't get a life sentence in jail like her," I said, looking my mother dead in the eye, knowing how this effected her. She winced, recalling that my father had killed for the same reason.

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