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The ballroom was swarming with people. My heart hammered frantically in my chest, and I couldn't seem to get it to slow down.

I took a deep breath, and shut my eyes, and repeated the process before opening them and peering over the balcony.

Many different outfits were scattered across the room, a fine line between each Faction. They were all interacting, calmly talking and took no notice to my appearance.

"Everything alright?" A voice interrupts, a hand being laid on my shoulder. I turn to Liam and smile, wanting nothing more to wrap my arms around him, but there were too many eyes.

"Just nervous," I tell him, running a clammy palm over my dress. Liam takes my hand and presses his lips to the top of it, looking up at me through his thick eyelashes.

"I'll be beside you the entire time--supporting you," he says, giving me a sly smile before assuming his position by the stairs as Evan approaches.

He seemed to haven't even noticed Liam, walking up and taking my hand in his. "Ready?"

"Barely." I whisper, my eyes roaming skittishly over Liam. He winks at me, but it looks more like a twitch, and I hold back a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Evan asks, taking his position at the top of the stairs and motioning for the orchestra to begin to announce our arrival.

"Just nervous," I giggle. Evan nods, glancing down the stairs and smoothing out his guard's outfit, which I realize is the same outfit I saw him in when we first met. The badges hung with pride on his shoulder, and a new pin was on his breast, telling the death of his mother.

The attention has been turned to us, all the eyes upon us. Some had taken the chance to applaud us; mainly the people of Third Faction. I saw my mother standing proud near the back, and I could almost imagine her leaning over and whispering to the person next to her, "That's my daughter."

Lights shone down on us as we made the descent down the grand staircase. My grip tightened on Evan's hand, and it took everything in me not to turn around to make sure Liam was following us.

"And for the first dance of the night; the future King and Queen, Evan and Dawn." A voice announces, and a smattering of applause begins.

We take our place in the center of the ballroom. I lay my hand on his shoulder, the other still tightly grabbing his hand. He smiles at me, as he begins to twirl me around the room. Other couples begin to join us as the ballad continues, and I start to relax.

"Are you ready for your speech?" Evan asks, taking my calm façade away from me. My breathing quickens, and I am luckily stolen away from Evan by... Desmond.

"Long time no see," Desmond comments, smiling down at me. His eyes seem tired, but as they looked down they seemed to sparkle with pride. His hair now fell to his eyebrows, which I'm sure my mom didn't approve of, but he looked dashing. "I see you still don't have a crown."

"Don't remind me." I give a stiff laugh, and he pats me on the back.

"I'm so proud of you. A ceremony in your name, the future Queen, the start of a better world," he rattles off. I gulp despite his shower of compliments. "You're going to be a great Queen."

"And now, the guest of honor at our celebration tonight; the future Queen Dawn."

"Go knock their socks off," Desmond whispers in my ear before sending me off.

As I make my way up to the podium, my heart strums in my heart like a guitar; despite the array of compliments saying I'd be such a good Queen, I was still so nervous. I couldn't help but think; was what I was doing right?

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