twenty one

14 4 0

EMTs rushed around and got Evan to the infirmary. I clutched onto Liam's hand as I watched him have to be resuscitated more than once. I didn't even know a person could bleed that much.

As he was rushed out the ballroom door, some maids took care of the blood stain that was slowly drying onto the hardwood floor.

My stomach becomes queasy at the sight and I turn away, protecting my eyes by Liam's chest, letting a few tears fall. I didn't know the Rebellion could be so harsh.

I didn't even notice the doctor approach Liam and I until he tapped me quietly on the shoulder, a mournful look in his eyes.

"Thankfully, we have enough blood to get him the transfusions he needs, but it's going to take awhile before he fully heals," the doctor tells me, looking at the future king with fear in his eyes. "We're not going to let him die."

"What about the Rebellion?" Liam asks quietly, as I was too taken over by emotions to respond. The doctor shakes his head.

"All I know is I have to write an autopsy for the man who was killed--rightfully of course, Queen Dawn," the doctor says, nodding his head at me. I try to give him a weak smile, but by the churning of my stomach, it probably looked more of a grimace.

"Are you alright, Dawn?" Liam questions, laying a hand on my shoulder. I could only imagine the mess I looked like; my hands bloody from trying to stop the heavy flow of blood from Evan's wound, my dress also spotted with the substance, and I couldn't even imagine how my hair looked.

"Should I get her something? I could take her in for shock...," the doctor trails off, looking carefully at me. I shake my head vehemently, not standing the thought of yet another hospital visit.

"I'll be fine." I choke out. My eyes drift to the chandelier, staring at the light that only minutes ago casted a cheerful glow on the room.

"Make sure she's alright," I hear the doctor tell Liam.

My mind becomes lost. Only two months ago I was ready to run away to join the Rebellion; believing it was the only and best choice. And Liam was apart of it; seeing the consequences of their actions first-hand.

I knew better now. I had seen the pure destruction they did, especially behind closed doors, when it was just the palace and them.

They killed, they destroyed, they were merciless.

And it took becoming the Queen of the country to figure it out. It took watching the Third Faction almost die off due to an attack and the First Faction completely ignoring it.

I realized both the Rebellion and the First Faction was completely fucked up.

The Rebellion didn't understand the castle; what they were really trying to do behind the public's eye. And the castle didn't understand the conditions of the Third Faction; as no one had informed them.

"Dawn." Liam shook me out of my reverie, and I glanced around the room before meeting Liam's gaze, realizing we were the only ones left in the room. Not the romantic "alone-time" I was hoping for.

"Did you know?" I whispered.

He looks dumbfounded at me, shaking his head, "Of course not! I can't believe you would even think for a second I'd mercilessly kill the King!"

"I'm so scared, Liam. Does the Rebellion plan on killing me next?" I ask, watching his expression go from angered to soft. He wraps me in a hug, rubbing my back.

"I'll make sure they won't hurt you. I'm here to guard you; as both your guard and your lover," he tells me, pressing his lips to my forehead.

My eyes close as I savor the feeling, and despite the drastic measures that were taken today by the Rebellion, I feel my heart flutter in my chest.

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