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Looking back at the castle was the hardest park.

I immediately felt nostalgic, recalling all my childhood memories; when dad was still alive and he would take Mel and I to the pool and throw us in the water. When Mel was still Mel, and not only my sister but my best friend. When mom didn't care about the crown, and took Mel and I to the Third Faction for Sundae Sunday's and we would give ice cream to the working.

But life had changed.

So as I made my trek through the woods, I have no regrets. I admit to my anxiousness; that was necessary to breaking the law.

My bag started weighing me down, and about a mile in I considered lightening the bag, but I had no clue to what I should remove. I find a fallen log to sit on and started rifling through, but once again, prior to my thinking, there was nothing to take out. I sigh, deciding to suck it up and keep trekking.

When I finally enter Third Faction, everyone was either sleeping or busy away at work, leaving the streets in dead silence.

I follow Cecily's directions, but when I get to the fountain in the town center like she told me, I see nothing. I look around, thinking I missed something when a light blocks my sight.

"Subtle, Cecily." I rasp, holding my hand up to the source of the light. I could see a figure, but it looked nowhere near girly. "Cecily? Cecily's assistants?"

"Dawn Edwards!" A deep voice shouts. "Keep your hands up!"

"Who is that?" I call out. The light still blocks my vision and I can't see anything, which is why I become surprised when I feel someone grab hold of my hands and hold them in a tight grip against my lower back.

"You're not in trouble, just," the voice pauses, "please stay calm."

But I can't stay calm. My arms start to cramp at the strange position as the light is finally lowered and I see the familiar uniform of a castle guard.

They thrust me towards a HoverTruck with the kingdom's emblem and push me into the backseat. I blink in contrast to the light, and as my eyes adjust I make out a familiar face.


"What are you doing here?" I hiss, lowering my voice so the guards climbing into the front seat wouldn't be able to hear me.

I massage my wrists, but am mainly overcome by surprise by Desmond.

"I overheard your conversation with Cecily. Don't worry I didn't tell them anything, just that you were trying to escape. Again," he tells me.

"You said-," but I'm at loss for words. Right when I was beginning to think I could trust him. As if he could read my mind he speaks up.

"Please don't be upset. I was meaning to tell you, but after you stormed up to your room, your mother informed me of something. It was involving you and the castle, but I can't say anything more. I had to tell them you were running away, and they rushed the plan into a little more action," he informs me.

"What plan?" I ask.

"I'll tell you more once we reach the house."

And so we sit in the backseat of the HoverTruck, waiting to get home. Not a single sound is made except for the hum of the engine, and when we finally pull up, I see many other trucks with the kingdom's emblem plastered on the side. I started becoming highly suspicious, especially with all the glowing lights streaming inside the home, especially now as it was close to one in the morning.

One of the people who had pushed me inside the car presses the buttons to open the car door, and quickly reaches through to extract me.

"By the request of Auradon court and the King and Queen, we must take federal matters to keep you inside the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwards until the King and Queen arrive." The man tells me, once again pinning my arms to my back.

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