twenty seven

12 2 0

After the battle, Auradon was a wreck. Bodies needed to be disposed of, ceremonies were to be given, and it felt as if Auradon was soon to become a thing of the past.

I waited. I could barely face Evan, the true King of this small country, who's home was falling apart. Liam guarded this place for almost his whole life as a person of the third faction, and I couldn't imagine what it would feel like looking out upon the wreck he once called home.

Everyone was depressed, if the Rebellion decided to attack now they would win easily.

A week passed. Two weeks.

Then it was Evan's birthday. One hell of a birthday.

But still, the small country, barely bigger than New York City, found hope and courage that their leader was still alive; that he lived another year.

It appeared everyone was willing to sacrifice one night of self loathing for a bit of well-needed celebration.

So the palace became decorated with Evan's favorite colors, the makeshift ballroom was transformed once more and shimmered like a diamond under the rays of the sun.

Staring out upon the ballroom, I frowned. Evan, while not being involved romantically, was my best friend, and he had to spend his birthday without his mom or father; a "wife" in love with another, no children, and a kingdom falling to pieces in front of him.

I turn quickly around, my party dress- which was a deep emerald green; Evan's favorite color- trailed on the floor behind me like a wedding gown I wondered if I would ever wear.

I find myself traveling down the long hallway to the end of the hall; Evan's bedroom. Two guards stood at the French doors, nodded at me, and the doors flew open, revealing an impeccably dressed Evan.

"Dawn." He stated. I couldn't read his emotions like I used to; what used to be an open book became a closed one, something that happened more and more the less we saw of each other.

"Evan." I respond, feeling obligated to curtsy. He bowed back, brushing imaginary dust off his vest, which was the same green as mine.

"Matching like prom, aye?" I say, attempting to crack a joke. He smiles, but it doesn't resonate with him the way it would use to.

"I would say so, except you're not my date," he says back, his words lacing with a deeper meaning that I know is meant to strike a match within me.

I'm angered, but instead of yelling, I step towards him and trap him in a hug tight enough for him to gasp from lack of breath.

"What's that for?" He asks, after I loosen my grip, but don't let go of him.

"You don't deserve a birthday as shitty as this one. I'm sorry," I apologize. I bury my head in his chest and breathe in his pine-like scent, that I have no idea how he keeps after being locked inside a castle for so long.

"It's not your fault, Dawn." He tells me. I meet his eyes for the first time in a week, and I see the familiar open book I once loved.

"Dawn." Someone interrupts. I turn to see Liam standing in the doorway, a frown etched onto his face like it had been for the past few weeks. "We need your help with some last minute touches."

I nod, turning back to Evan. I take his hand, running my thumb over the knuckles and meet his gaze once more. "I'll see you in a couple hours," I hesitate, "and happy birthday."

Leaving the room once more, I feel my heart pivot at Evan and I's conversation. It was awkward and unnecessary; I honestly don't know why I went in in the first place.

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