chapter 9 || worry.

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I promise y'all I'm backkk!
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- Alisha's pov -

my parents have already been contacted? shit shit shit shit. I already know what they are going to say. ' we still warned you , you weren't ready.' ' you're only a 17 year old girl...' bla bla bla. All bullshit. Okay it was my first mission in 3 years...but it didn't even end that bad...fuck what am I telling myself.

Ofcourse it ended badly. Look at me. With any luck I can still walk normally in the future. ' What's your name?' I ask the handsome man nursing my leg. ' Kai, ' I smile. 'Nice name. You're cute.' Now he is the one starting to laugh. ' You're a little drugged by the medicine. Try to rest okay?' I nod and lay my head down on the pillow.

Where is Marcus anyway? ' where is Marcus cutie? ' I ask. He smiles and looks at the door. Marcus stands there looking at me with a smile on his face. ' Just woke up and already flirting with my friends? ' he says as he walks over to my bed.

' I can do whatever I want.' I say as I roll my eyes. Pfff...if he is a cutie I can say that right? ' don't forget you have a boyfriend alisha.' Oh yeah. Jayden. That didn't end so well last time. But I'm sure it will work out.

It always works out. He comes to say sorry and buy me expensive gifts and then I forgive him. I close my eyes and go to sleep.

I wake up and see all kinds people standing around my bed. Kayla and Paula , my mother , father and sister and the doctor.

' oh my... sunshine is everything okay with you?" says my mom as she comes stepping over to my bed. She tucks my hair behind my ear and gives me a kiss on my forehead. My father and sister also come and say something 1 by 1. And as a surprise, they haven't said anything about the fact ' that I'm not ready.'

Kayla comes to me right after that. She gives me a big hug and asks how I'm doing. Paula also comes over after a while. ' I told Jayden. Of what happened.' My mood sinks immediately. Jayden. A moment ago I was on drugs but now I can remember again what happened. Fuck. 'When can I go back to school?' I ask.

Kai looks around and then back at me. ' I would think within a week.' A week? What the fuck, I have important things to do. I'm going to miss super much + I still have to tutor Marcus. This is terrible. ' When do I get to go back on missions?'

My dad sighs and my mom and sister step out of the room. Kayla and Paula also step out of the room. Only Kai , my dad and Marcus are still in the room. 'You had a big accident honey. I would still like to train you a little again before you are allowed on missions.You will be trained by me and by Marcus. Is that okay?"

says my father. 'More training? I sigh in sorrow. 'That doesn't answer my question.' Says I. My father looks at Kai and then at Marcus. 'In about six months.' six months.

Six months? what the fuck. I push myself straight onto my bed and I can't hold back my tears. My dad knows I just need time alone , so he pulls Kai and Marcus out of the room with him. As soon as they are gone all the tears flow out.

I've worked for this since I was born. Now I am allowed again and I have to wait another six months? Fuck. I try to stand up but almost collapse through my legs. Luckily I had the edge of the bed to keep me upright.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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