Chapter 1

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-Iris/Bulletproof's P.O.V.-
Showpony was the one person I really didn't want to see in the desert right now. But here he comes skating really fucking fast to me and Heather Eyes. I looked down at her and we both had the same idea. Run. Run as fast as our short fucking legs could take us. We turned around and started to run. I looked behind us and saw that as Showpony came closer a van right behind him got closer as well.
I grabbed Heather Eyes, threw her onto my back and started to run faster. I ran until I found the road and once I found the road I ran towards section 3. "Bulletproof why are they after us?" She asked me. "I don't know sweetheart. It could be anything," I said. If Frank was here he would have made us stop just to take to them. I rolled my eyes as I thought of Frank.
He was the reason why I'm in this fucking mess. But I can't say that I hate him though. I love him even though I haven't seen him in years.
Back on track though. I kept running with Heather Eyes on my back. She was Gerard's daughter. She recognized me so I took her under my wing and we've been together since. She's really fucking light too. I kept running and running. I could feel myself getting tired by every step I took. I looked behind us and saw them getting farther away. "Alright I need to stop now," I told her stopping. I stopped and put her down and was gasping for air.
I bent down and sighed. I looked up in the direction Showpony and the van was coming in and didn't see them.
"IRIS LOOK OUT!" Heather Eyes screamed. I looked in front of me and saw Showpony tackling me. He tackled me onto the road and flipped me so I was on my back. That was a mistake. I took the opportunity to flip him back over, pinned him down and punched him repeatedly in the face. I kept on until he grabbed my wrist and flipped me back over and pinned me down. I kicked him in the nuts and when he got off me I stood up and kicked him in the face with my combat boots. "Fuck bitch. That hurt," he snarled. I smirked and out a hand on my hip. "Good it's suppose to," I smarted off. "Oh look the deamon can talk," he said.
That pissed me off. I was about to punch him in the face again when Heather Eyes ran in front of him. "Bandit move," I said. She shook her head. "Fine I won't punch him," I mumbled. She smiled and jumped in my arms. "Thank you Bullet. I love you," I smiled back. "You're welcome B and I love you too," I said. Showpony got up groaning and glared at me. I pulled Heather Eyes behind me and glared back. "What do you want?" I growled. He smirked at us. "Just to bring you both back to the shack," he said. "What?" I asked. But before he could reply (if he planned on it) a bag was put over my and Bandit's heads and we were shoved in the back of the van.
After God knows how long we were yanked out of the van. Well I was yanked out, I could tell Bandit wasn't yanked out. We were guided to a room in the shack and the bags were lifted. It wasn't a shack, this is a fucking radio booth.
I looked over at Showpony and he smirked at me. I faced him about to beat the shit out of him when he grabbed me wrist and pulled them behind me so I was facing someone. Fuck. Gerard Way's fucking here and just staring at me and B. I looked at Bandit and she looked at me. She was just as shocked as me.
Showpony tightened his grip on me which fucking hurt like hell. "You know I'm not going to escape without Bandit, right?" I asked him. He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and groaned and looked back at Gerard, who was talking to Dr. Death. "Well Gerard I wanted you to come because right in front of you is your daughter and the Killjoy who has been taken care of her. She goes by Bulletproof and her name is Iris. That's all we know," he said.
"Daddy?" Bandit asked. He smiled. "Yes baby girl," he said. She smiled and ran and hugged him. I smiled slyly at them thinking of me and Frank. Frank. I groaned quietly at the thought of him. Gerard let go of Bandit and walked over to me and Showpony. Showpony's grip on me lightened greatly. "Who are you? And why do you look so familiar?" He asked. I rolled me eyes at him and mentally sighed thanking that he didn't recognized me completely. "You don't listen do you? And you'll find out in time," I said mummering the last part. He shrugged and grabbed a hold of me. He dragged me to the door with Bandit following. "Thanks Dr. D," he said. I shot a death glare at Dr. D and Showpony. "If only looks could kill sweetheart," Dr. D said. "If that could happen both you and Showpony would be dead," I popped off. Dr. D laughed and Showpony glared right back at me. Me and him haven't had the best past together. But that's a story for a rainy day.
Gerard pushed me out of the studio and dragged me to the dune buggy. Bandit got in first and then I got in the front next to Gerard. I huffed and crossed my arms across myself. The entire ride Gerard tried to get me to tell him why I look so familiar to him. Every time he asked I just looked back at Bandit and smirked and she smirked back.
Finally we got to the bunker/diner they have and we got out. I turned around so my back was to the bunker and looked at Bandit. Gerard noticed and grabbed my wrists. "Ok does anyone not realize that I will never leave Bandit?" I asked. "I don't care. I'm doing this in case," he said. I rolled my eyes and Bandit laughed at that which made me smile. But that quickly faded when Gerard dragged me to the bunker and pushed me down. Yes pushed. "OUCH FUCKER! YOU DIDN'T EVEN LET ME FUCKING CLIMB DOWN THE STUPID LADDER!" I yelled. He laughed at me and climbed down with Bandit right behind him. I got up and he yanked me towards a couch but stopped in front of a hall way. "GUYS WE'RE BACK!" He yelled.
He grabbed my shoulder and held it tightly. "Ok if you hold on it tighter I'm gonna have to do something to get out of your grip," I said. And with that he tightened his grip really hard. I groaned. I really didn't want to do this but I have to. I kicked him and flipped him over which he made it to where I would go with him but I got him to let go of me and I landed at his feet with my legs bent. I stood up straight and smirked. "OUCH THAT HURT YOU BITCH!" He screamed. I laughed and went into a sass pose. "It's suppose to you dimwit," I said.
I guess with all the commotion I didn't hear the guys come in because me and Gerard heard a question I dreaded hearing. "Iris is that you?" The voice asked. I knew that voice belonged to Frank. I turned around and looked at him. Other than more tattoos he hasn't changed one bit. I bit my lip and my eyes watered. "Yea it's me Iris. Your sister you left in Battery City back in 2019," I said.
Frank came up trying to hug me but I pushed past him and ran to a random room. I guess no one had this one because it was bare except for a dresser and a bed. I slammed and locked the door and laid one the bed and cried. I couldn't believe this.

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