Chapter 5

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-Two Weeks Later-
I was trying to sleep but I couldn't help but feel someone staring at me. But it wasn't a creepy stare, it was 'I'm gonna scare the shit outta you' stare. I sighed quietly knowing who it was. "Fuck off Frank," I growled. "Aww you're no fun," he said quietly not trying to wake Bandit up. My eyes fluttered open and I glared at him.
"Do you want to die at a young age?" I asked. He gulped. "Umm, I uh, just remembered that uh uh, our birthdays are next week," he said. I gave him a 'that is the lamest excuse ever' look. "No seriously I just remembered that," he said. I laughed quietly. "You weren't joking?" I asked. He shook his head and I fell to the floor laughing.
"Mom shut up. It's not Frank's fault he's stupid sometimes," Bandit mumbled. "Hey I am not stupid," Frank whined.
She sat up and looked at him with a poker face. "Yes you are. There is no denying it," she said. I bursted into more laughter. That's when everyone else came by the door and Gee and Ray actually came into my room. "Oh m-my god..... Bandit. I-I.... never knew.... you were.... s-so.... mean," I said laughing. Frank crossed his arms and pouted.
"You're mean," he said. "What are you gonna do about it?" She asked. Frank looked at me and smirked. "Mom Bandit's being mean," he whined to me. "Fuck to the no. Frank I ain't yo momma. And Bandit please be nice even though I know you just woke up," I said almost going ghetto. That made everyone crack up.
After everyone settled down me, Bandit, and the guys decided to go out for some target practice while everyone stayed here and stood guard. We went to our gun room and grabbed our guns. Gerard's was yellow, Frank's was green, Ray's was blue (a/n: either his or Mikey's is blue I can't remember), Mikey's was red, Bandit's was purple and mine was green just like Frank's but mine had my sign painted on while he had his.
We got in their car and drove to the site. I got out and waited for Bee to get out with me. When she got out I smiled at her with a devilish smile and looked towards to boys. She gave me the same smile and nodded. We looked over at the boys who had their backs towards us and started running to them. I jumped on Frank's back and she jumped on Gerard's back.
"Whoa what the fuck?!" Gee yelled. Frank started to giggle (I still hate using that dreaded word) like a school girl. "OH MY GOD FRANK I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE A GIDDY SCHOOL GIRL!" I yelled trying to avoid his ear. The others looked at us and bursted out laughing.
"God you two could be twins I swear," Mikey said. Me and Frank looked at each other and shook our heads. Oh did I mention that me an Frank are twins? I didn't, oops. "Guys we are twins remember?" We said at the same time. They stopped laughing and just stared at us. Of course Bandit knew this, so she was just resting her head on Gee's shoulder. "How did we forget that?" Ray asked. Me and Frank shrugged and I got off him and started shooting the dummies.
We got back to the bunker and before I could even get out Frank pulled me out and carried me bridal style. "Frank this is wrong for you to carry me like this," I said. He shrugged. "You're tired and remember I used to always carry you when you were tired," he said giving me a soft smile. I gave a soft smile back and tucked my head slightly into his chest.
I thought he was going to carry to my room but I expected too much. He dropped on the couch and sat next to me. "Just like old times," I mumbled loud enough just for Frank to hear. He turned and looked at me smiling. I raised an eyebrow and then his face dropped to a frightened look. "What?" I asked him. He pointed his finger to behind me. I looked behind me and saw a spider. A FUCKING SPIDER! Like seriously.
Frank and I screamed and jumped off the couch and ran to the other side of the room. "Kill it," we said. Everyone looked at us then back at the spider. They kept going back and forth doing that for what felt like forever but was only a few minutes. "You know what I'll kill it. It's starting to creep me out," Brendon said. He killed it and threw the remains away. Me and Frank ran to him and hugged him. "OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" We yelled. He laughed and we let go. He looked at us and smirked. "I swear you two could be twins or something," he said. Me and Frank smiled. "We are twins," we said.
"Whoa. Seriously?" CC asked. We turned around and nodded our heads like little kids that were just asked if they wanted candy.

-Frank's P.O.V. (finally someone new)
"Ok so we just told everyone that we are twins. Now what? There's nothing we can do with that anymore," I thought. "I have an idea," Iris's voice rang inside my head. Oh yeah we can talk to each other inside our heads, it's weird but awesome. "What is it?" I asked. "What are we doing right now?" She asked. "Talking in each other's heads but what does.... ohhhh I get it now," I said. "Why do I always have to be the smart one?" She asked. "Oh shut up. And that's because I used to do weed remember?"
"Yes but even before that I was always the smart one."
"That's true. Well I don't know why alright. Let's just do this."
We looked at each other and grinned evilly. We used to do this all the time to annoy and get to people, especially Gerard, Mikey, and Ray. "Oh am I gonna enjoy this," she whispered to me. "I'm gonna enjoy it too," I whispered back.
You see what we used to do was talk to each other but in our heads. We would say the most random stuff and tell each other things when we weren't even by each other. Then we would some other stuff but I don't feel like going into detail. NO IT IS NOT ANYTHING SEXUAL! That'd be gross, especially since that's my sister. Eww.
But only problem is that it takes a few days to get to people, unless they're weak minded. Cough cough, CC, Pete, and Brendon, cough cough. I know Bandit knows about this because she came and asked me about it.
She remembered how me and Iris would fight a lot and that's all because we can talk to each through mind. But from the time I left her in Battery City to a few days after she got here she had me blocked from her mind. Only she can block, I can't. I'm honestly surprised that she forgave me as fast as she did. That's something new. Eh, Bandit might have taught her that.
"No she didn't," she said in my head. I jumped and looked at Iris who was smirking. "Damn it why do you do that?" I asked her louder than what I wanted to. Everyone looked at us confused. Well except for Bandit, she just came and sat on Iris's lap. "What?" BatAndy (A/N: remember that's the Andy from BVB) asked. "Uhhhh.... n-nothing. It's- it's nothing," I said. Damn it why am I stuttering? I glared at Iris who was looking at me smirking evilly. I knew what she was doing. I sighed and continued doing whatever the fuck I was doing. Which just so happened to be messing with Ray's hair.
"I do this because it's fun," she said.
"Well I don't think it's fun."
"Awe you're no fun. What happened to the Frank that would do the same exact thing back to me?"
"He uhhh.... he hasn't ummm.... umm.... how do I say this? He hasn't came out since I left you in BC. And trust me he will come back.... in time."
She looked at me and gave me a 'I can't wait for him to come back' look. I smiled and she smiled back. God I love my sister. I guess I was too deep in thought because next thing I knew, Iris was cuddled up next to me falling asleep. I put my arms around her in a protective way and laid down so she would be comfortable as well. I continued to hold her like that until she was almost completely asleep. I leaned down and kissed her head.
"Go to sleep Iris. I love you and I'll be here when you wake up."
"You go to sleep too Frank I know you're tire. I love you too and you better be."
"I will be I promise I will never leave you again," I whispered. I felt her relax and her breathing lightened. I smiled slightly. She trusts me now, I'm happy. I soon felt my eyes getting heavy. I closed them and fell into a deep sleep. But right before I did, I swear I heard more 'awwws' than what there were people on here and a camera. Eh. I just fell into a deep sleep with my sister in my arms and me holding her in a protective way. And I meant my promise. I'm never going to leave her again.

Yay another chapter. 😸 This one actually took me a little bit because I kept getting distracted. I know I'm a horrible person, lol. Also bold italics is Frank's thought and italics are Iris's thoughts. That will only happen when they talk to each other in each other's heads.
Anywhore, for some unknown reason my dad and stepmom decided to tell me that we're moving (again). And the way my stepmom told me was just horrible and rude, well according to my brother. I was on Facebook having a conversation with my friend and in the middle of it she comments on the post that we're talking on 'We're moving to Azel.'
I actually cried when I found out and I'm worried about my friend because I told him and he's in the town I currently live in and idk how he took it. So yea thanks for listening to me vent really fast. Expect more. Sorry.
I love you my Deamon Kitties😸😺🐱 and bye for now.
P.S.: You should know I'm gonna add a picture like that. And it took way too fucking long to find a video for 21 guns. I love that song, therefore I added. 😸😻 oh and GO READ MY BROTHERS BOOK. He's under Lordofdarangs and his book is called ummm.... shit I don't remember.... oh well. Go under his page and you'll find it. WARNING: WE WERE NOT DRUNK NOR HIGH WHEN WE WROTE THAT. WE WERE BORED AS FUCK! So yea.

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