Chapter 7

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I woke up that next day still in Gerard's arms.... or so I thought. I looked down and didn't see clean bare arms, instead I saw arms completely covered in tattoos. "What the fuck?" I whispered to myself. I turned around carefully and saw Oli. My blood started to boil at this. Last night Gerard was holding me, now this morning Oli was holding me. Or at least I think it's Oli, can't really tell with brown hair in the way.
Well only one way to see. I got out of their grasp and sat up. I looked over at his side and lifted his tank top to just below his chest and searched for that one embarrassing tattoo that he got because of me. I spotted it right away and my eyes got big and I smiled putting back down his tank top. I looked at him and I couldn't believe it.
He was here. I was in soo much shock. He started to groan and he reached out for me. I backed away so he couldn't grab me and smirked. He continued to reach out for me and look for me, but failed. He gave up, well I think he did. I honestly think Austin fucking Carlile gave up.
-Austin's P.O.V.-
Ok so I have a reason for holding her. She's my best friend, well other than Alan who was awake with everyone else. I felt her back away as I started to look for her. I continued this for a little until I stopped and made her think I gave up. I buried my head into the pillow and smiled. She came back over to me and that's when I made my move.
"RAWRRRRR!" I screamed pouncing on her. "AHHHHH! AUSTIN WHAT THE FUCK!?" She yelled as I pinned her down. She smiled at me and giggled (A/N: you will see me using that more and more every update in ALL my stories :/ it's weird I know). God I love her. Wait did I just say that? Shit I did.
I stared into her beautiful green eyes and bit my lip and smiled. I missed her so much, and I have to admit that I've loved her for a long ass time now.
"Are you gonna let me up or do I have to flip us over?" She asked. I thought about it and just simply let her up, but I also pulled her into my lap so I could give her a hug. God I missed this girl. I gave her kiss on the cheek like I used to and just as I did Frank and the rest of the guys barged through the door and Gerard had a hurt look on his face. I guess Iris noticed because she got out of my grasp and went over to Gerard and jumped on his back.
She whispered something in his ear and he smiled slightly. "Guys since Iris is shy and quiet and doesn't like to talk in the morning, she decided that we go have pancakes and coffee then she's gonna do something," he said. Oh yeah I forgot she is shy, quiet, and doesn't like to talk in the morning. She isn't a morning person in general.
So we all went into the living room and I noticed that Oli and his gang have finally left. But you know I'm wondering how we all fit inside this bunker, eh. Gerard, Bandit, Iris and Frank all went to the kitchen to start the coffee and pancakes. (A/N: I'm bad at not adding food and shit I know. Don't tell me that that's not there because in my story there is. Fuck I'll add Pancake world if I want to.... and I'm babbling again.) Bandit, Iris and Frank came back with the coffee and handed everyone a mug. Damn how many mugs do they have?
"A lot," Bandit said. "I asked that out loud didn't I?" I asked. She nodded before following Frank and Iris (who were hitting each other for no reason- what's up with that?) back into the kitchen. Soon all four of them came back with pancakes and Frank and Iris were covered in flour, sugar, and other things.
"Ummmm, why are you guys covered in food?" Alan asked. Iris snapped her head to him and her eyes got big. "MY GINGER PRINCESS YOU'RE HERE WITH AUSTIN!" She yelled tackling him. Everyone bursted out laughing. "And your hair isn't red anymore," he said looking at her hair. Oh shit it isn't, it's back to its natural black. She smiled and giggled (A/N: -shudders- ok enough author notes). She stalked over to Gerard and sat on his lap and they are their pancakes.
After everyone finished their pancakes we put them in the sink and followed Iris and Gee to the diner were there was a little stage. Iris smiled, grabbed one of Frank's guitars, and ran to the stage. "Hey how did you know he was going to use that one?" I asked as Frank went up on the stage and started tuning that one. She looked at me and smiled. "I just know," she said then she turned to Frank and they bursted out laughing.
Um ok then. I saw Ashley, Spencer, and Patrick get on stage as well. Everyone else and I sat with the rest of the diner and just looked up at the stage. "Alright hey guys. So I'm Bulletproof and I know you all know who these four goons are. So we're gonna play two songs and I want to switch out Brendon and Frank for the second song. Alright so here we go," she said loud enough for everyone.
As soon as they played the first note I knew exactly what song it was. Millennia. She used to love singing this. I remember when she first sang it. I had ran into our room thinking I was the first one I there but she was in there instead. It was back in college and soon Alan followed. Iris was on her head singing along to it with her iPod plugged into her dock and it as loud as it could go.
She had long curly red hair and she was wearing a black long sleeve corset dress that had a transparent red fabric on top of the skirt. She also had a top hat on as well. We stood in the door way to her tiny part of the room and just stared. Her back was to us so she didn't know. I remember her turning around and screaming and then Laughing and apologizing.
She was model for somewhere but I couldn't remember where and I remember her saying that her twin brother (Frank) was in a band and they all moved here. And Frank and her being the youngest Frank lived with the rest of the band while she went to college.
She was pretty (still is) but in love already. She loved Gerard then and she loves Gerard now, well at least I think she does. Damn I don't know. But I do know that I remember us going out for a little bit and then me ending it and it hurting her. She actually was suicidal after that because on top of getting hurt by me, Lyn-Z and Gee had Bandit. I snapped out of my thoughts to her beginning to sing.

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