Chapter 10

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-Frank's P.O.V.-
"FUCK GUYS THEY'RE GONE!!" I woke up to hearing Gerard and CC yelling. They?? Wait, the only they I know that would leave would be the FOB and PATD guys along with Iris and Bandit. Shit.
I jumped off my mattress and ran to Iris's room to find it empty. I ran to the other rooms and they were empty as well. This is my fault, if I hadn't gotten mad at her this would have never happened. Well then again she did sing By The Way to us, so we had the right to get mad.... right?
I groaned at my thoughts and walked into the kitchen area and grabbed a power pup, I'm gonna need one of these to get through the day. Gee, Ray, Mikey and the BVB guys sat down in the living room with me and we all looked down. "Iris why did you leave? I'm soo sorry, please come back," I thought to her. I should know by now that she has me blocked.... again. But it's worth trying.
I laid down and sprawled my body across the excuse of a couch we have and let a tear slip. I opened my power pup and started downing it. I wonder where they could have gone. Why did Bandit go with her? Wait, that's a stupid question.
I closed my eyes and saw an image of Iris. Next came a memory of when it surprised her during the FOB, PATD, and TOP tour. She was so happy to have gone, I'm glad I let her otherwise I'm sure she would have hated me more after Dr. D gave her and Bandit to us.
I opened my eyes to see Gee looking at me worried. "Don't worry man she's probably with Brendon and them. She's safe," he said. I sighed and turned my head to the side so I wasn't looking at the ceiling. "Yea and Bandit is with them too you know," I said. "I know but I trust Iris enough so I'm not too worried," he said. "It's not Iris or Bandit I don't trust though, it's Brendon. Remember when I let her go with him on the Save Rock & Roll tour? Her and Brendon were dating and I didn't find out until a few months into the tour," I said mumbling the last part. I heard a sigh and it defiantly wasn't Gerard's either.
I turned around and saw someone I don't recognize standing there. "Uhh not trying to be rude or anything, but who the hell are you and what are you doing here?" I asked. "My name is Cellophane Hydrogen," she said. I sat up and looked at Mikey and Ray and cocked an eyebrow at them. They pointed to Gee and I looked at him.
"Hey they said they were looking for Iris too," he said putting his hands up in defense. "Why are you looking for her and how do you know her?" I asked. "Maybe because she's my second in command and just up and left randomly," a girl behind Cellophane said. Cellophane moved out of the way to reveal a girl with short black and neon green hair with bright grey eyes. "I'm Neve Bellezza but call me Belle it's easier," she said.
I nodded my head. Four more people came in and stood by Belle and Cellophane. "This is Crash Kat, Motor Kid, Cut Throat, and Blue Comet," she said pointing to each person. Huh, no wonder Iris was the way she was. "So you want to help look for her?" I asked. Belle nodded and I laid back down on the couch. "Ok. Gee you make the calls," I said. They started talking but I ignored them, instead I thought about Iris. "Damn it Iris where are you?" I tried thinking to her. "Don't worry about it. Just know I'm safe and I'll be ok. Don't come looking for me, I'm already too far gone," she replied. My eyes went big then back to normal. What the fuck did she mean she's too far gone??

-Iris's P.O.V.-
I sighed and laid my head down on the table. "It's too fucking early," I mumbled. "It's three in the afternoon," Tyler said. "I know that. But it's still too early," I whined. He rolled his eyes which made me giggle. I lifted my head up and put it in my hands and closed my eyes. "Iris if you're that tired then go to bed or something," Pete said. I opened my eyes again and glared at him. "I can't," I said. Everyone but Bandit looked at me weird and I sighed. "I have sleep problems you morons," I mumbled. Brendon looked at me with sympathy which made me groan. "Don't look at me like that," I growled. "Why?" Josh asked.
"She doesn't like being looked at with sympathy. It makes her feel weak and it calms her down a lot to where she's not the same hyper girl she is," Bandit said not looking up at anyone. I nodded my head and got out of my chair and walked outside with my gun in my holster.
Once I was outside I jumped onto the roof and sat there. What would life be like right now if none of this happened? If Korse never took over. If Draculoids never existed. If no one knew. I sighed and put my head on my knees when I boringly them to my chest. I miss the good old days.
I wish I could turn back time right now and prevent all this from happening. But I can't sadly. I looked up to the sky and for the first time in a long time I saw rain clouds. I smiled as I watched them slowly roll in. There's gonna be rain tonight.
I laid back and closed my eyes for what I thought was a second but turned into hours. I say that because I felt the rain start to come down. I open my eyes and saw nothing but darkness with faint light, just enough for me to see. I stand up and walk to the edge of the roof and jumped down only to be wrapped in a pair of arms.
"We had no idea where you went," my capturer, Brendon, said. I giggled and faced him, I couldn't really see him but I didn't care. "You and Bandit of all people should have known where I was," I said. It's true they should have known and if Frank was here, well I wouldn't have been up there for as long as I was.
"Come on let's go inside. Tyler and Josh want to tell you something," he said grabbing my hand. We walked back inside and walked to Josh's room. This is actually the first time ever seeing it. There's a small drum set in the corner, his bed/mattress is up against one of the walls and the rest is a mess. Josh and Tyler were sitting on the bed fighting with each other. I rolled my eyes at them and cleared my throat.
They both looked up and smiled at me. "Iris just the person we needed to see," Tyler said. Oh god here we go. "What do you need?" I asked. Josh pulled out a box that I recognize. It was hair dye. "You see Iris we're gonna dye your hair. But it's gonna be dyed the colour it was when you were in college," he said. "So the weird red colour?" I asked. They both nodded and I shrugged. "Alright let's get to it," I said.

Hey guys I'm back xD. Mao how many people like the new cover. Yes that's what Iris looks like and if you remember from a few chapters back that's what she wore when she first met Austin and Alan. Josh and Tyler are gonna dye her hair to that colour again. So yea. Sorry it took so long to update though. I've been focused on Jake Pitts Adopted Me rewrite and Don't Let Go. But I'm back again xD
Alright. I love you my Deamon Kitties and bye for now.


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