Chapter 2

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-A/N: ok guys so unless I say otherwise it's always going to be in Iris's/Bulletproof's P.O.V. ok? Ok.-
I was laying on the bed crying with my face in the mattress. Why did he have to be here? Why did he have to recognize me that fast? Damn me for not covering up the two fucking tattoos and damn me for not dying my hair and for me having green eyes. The tears started to burn my face but I didn't care.
I didn't make a sound, well any loud sounds, while crying. The tears kept rolling down my face and I couldn't stop it. I know when Gerard said that I looked familiar that I would soon be discovered. But why did Frank have to say something? And why did I have to blurt out that I'm his fucking sister? God I hate myself.
I guess I was too busy crying to realize that Gerard had found a way into the room because I felt the bed sink next to me. I looked up from the mattress and saw Gerard and his bright ass fucking hair. "What?" I snarled. He looked down at me and smiled softly. "I just wanted to see if you're ok. I saw you push past Frank and run into here so I knew something was wrong," he said in a calming voice. "Nothing's wrong. And why would it matter anyways?" I said. I turned my head so I wouldn't be looking at him and he pushed my hair out of that side of my face. He gave a sad smile at me and I felt him go over the scar on my face. I've always his that since I got it. Only MCR, Bandit, and Of course me know about it and how I got it.
"You know I still want to kill him for doing that to you," he whispered. I nodded. The guys have always been protective of me no matter what. I love them with all my heart but only as brothers. I turned over so I was laying on my back and I looked up at the ceiling. I had got the scar soon after Bandit was born.
I was at the park by myself like most days and I was on the swing set. And what I mean by most days I meant that the guys would come with me to keep me company but today I snuck out to come. I actually enjoyed being alone today, it was hectic at home so I know I would get stressed if I was there.
I started to swing and I thought of how happy I am now. I smiled as I swung gently and looked down at my shoes. They were black but because Frank and the guys had got to them, they were multiple colours. They had signed them, out the symbols from every era they've had, and coloured them.
I looked back and saw someone coming my way. James. My abusive obsessed ex-boyfriend. I stopped swinging and turned around and ran. I started to have tears run down my face as I ran. He couldn't be here, he honestly couldn't be. I ran as fast as I could but he caught up with me. He grabbed me and pushed me to the ground. He smiled sickly at me and started to punch me.
I thought of when he did this right before he raped me a few months before I ended it with him. I started to scream and cry but that just made him punch me more. "Will you shut the fuck up?" He snarled. But I wouldn't shut up, instead I started screaming for the guys. That tipped him off the edge. He pulled out a knife and cut into my left side of my face deeply. I started to scream louder and cry more. I started to beg him to stop but he wouldn't. He soon got tired of it and stabbed me in the stomach.
Everything started to go black. I screamed one last time and turned to my side thinking I could get away. But he got up and kicked me to where my back was against a tree. Let me tell you, that hurt like hell. The last thing I saw was Frank, Ray, and Mikey tackling and beat his ass with the police right behind them and Gerard picking me up. I saw his red ass hair and his full of worry before everything went black.
When I woke I was in the hospital. I started to flip out thinking I was gonna get hurt again. I felt arms wrap around me to try and calm me down. I didn't know who it was so I got scared and turned around and punched them as hard as I could at the time.
I saw bright red hair and I knew it was Gerard. "Ouch that hurt," he whined. "Oh my god I'm so sorry," I said. He looked at me and smiled. "It's alright. As long as you fine," he said. I smiled softly back and hugged him tightly. "We're never leaving your side unless you need some space. But even then we won't leave your side completely," he said.
We let go and the others came in. I turned to them and smiled softly at them. Then all but Frank ran over and gave me a hug. I attempted to hug them back but no avail. We let go and I looked at Frank and my eyes started to water up. I mouthed to him that I'm still heart-broken. He nodded and walked over to me. "Alright everyone out I need to talk to Iris," he said. Everyone nodded and left shutting the door behind them.
He jumped on the bed next to me and engulfed me into a huge ass hug. I hugged him back and started to cry. "Frankie why does it have to hurt so much still?" I cried. He rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. "Because you fell head over heels with him and now he's married to Lyn-Z and has Bandit. Trust me I know how it feels. These last few weeks I've been a mess. I've been crying constantly and not wanting to do anything. Yesterday when the doctor said you'll be waking up for a fact I jumped up and came and saw you. You looked a lot better than the day before. I was so happy, everyone was," he said, "Bullet please don't ever leave me." It was true I'm head over heels with Gerard fucking Way and it hurt to know that he's married and has Bandit now. "I won't leave you as long as you don't leave me Fun Ghoul," I said. "You know you really are bulletproof," he said. I smiled and laughed a little.
We pulled away from each other and he wiped the tears off my face. "I love you Bulletproof," he said. "I love you too Fun Ghoul," I said back. He's called me Bullet and Bulletproof since we were little and I've been calling him Frankie and Fun Ghoul.
-End of flashback-
I continued to stare at the ceiling when Gerard got up. "Come on we have to tell you something. Well not Bandit obviously," he said. "Just leave me alone now. I don't want to talk to anyone but Bandit because you guys left me in Battery City to fend for myself," I snapped.
He shook his head and grabbed my wrist yanking me off the bed and to the main room. When we got in there he pushed me into the couch and I saw Bandit come sit by me. "Dad you don't have to be mean to her you know," she snapped. He looked at her and raised his hand. That's when I stood up and got in his face.
"You are not going to raise a hand or anything to her you hear me. You nor anyone else is going to fucking hurt her. If anyone does they will be dead in a matter of seconds," I said. He backed away from me and out down his hand. I sat back down and put my arm around Bandit protectively. You see I may be an inch or two shorter than Frank but I'm 10 times more scarier.
"Now what do you want," I said. Frank come up to me and on his knees so we could kind of see eye to eye. He hugged me and let a few tears go. "I'm soo sorry I left you in Battery City. I wasn't thinking," he said. I smiled a tad bit and hugged him back. "It's alright I'm not mad," I said. "You're not?" He asked pulling away. "No. I'm just OBER THE TOP PISSED AND WANT TO FUCKING KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!" I yelled.
He laughed at me. Only because he knew that I wouldn't kill him. I'm just pissed so I say I'm going to. We smirked at each other and glared at each other as well. Ray came up to me next. He hugged me really tightly. "I know we fucked up big time but we're sorry. Some more than others," he said pulling away.
Then Mikey came and apologized to me which I was happy with. Finally it was Gerard's turn to apologize. He robbed his neck and looked down. "Well are you gonna apologize to her?" Frank asked. "Of course I am," Gerard snapped. He looked at me with his eyes full of worry and sorrow. "Listen I'm extremely sorry. We weren't thinking and just left. I know it was wrong but we did anyways. Please don't be mad at us," he said but he said the last part like a little kid. I swear he remembered that I love it when he talks like that when he wants something.
"Awwww. You're so cute when you talk like that. I can't stay mad at any of you," I said quickly realizing what I said. "Shit did I just say that out loud?" "Yes, yes you did," Gerard said kissing my forehead. I started to blush and Frank started to laugh. "Hey me blushing isn't funny," I said crossing my arms.
"Yes it is," he said. I narrowed my eyes at him and smirked. "This means war," I declared. He smirked back while everyone else's dropped. They know that by war we mean a huge ass prank war. We glared at each other playfully before running back to our rooms to prepare. This is going to be soooo much fun.

Hey guys so I'm gonna go by a different tag on here. I'm just gonna go by Bulletproof because my friends gave me that as my killjoy name lol. Anywhore, I'm gonna try to update this one everyday or as much as I can. Also I have three other stories put right now. They are: Jake Pitts adopted me; Don't let go (sequel to JPAM); and We only come out at night.
I love you my Deamon Kitties and bye for now.

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