Chapter 9

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It was time, time for us to leave. Me and Bandit opened Brendon's door and checked the hallway. It was clear. We darted for our room and shut the door before turning the light on. We changed into out killjoy clothes. Bandit's was a red shirt with blue skinny jeans and a blue leather jacket (in other words she's a tiny Gerard but with purple fingerless gloves). Mine was a green shirt with black skinny jeans with a black and green skirt and a black sleeveless leather jacket and also green and black fingerless gloves.
We grabbed our bags, turned off the light and made a dash for Brendon's room. When we got in there we quietly shut the door and saw the guys ready. We smiled, turned off the light and went to the ladder. We climbed up one by one and left. We took two dun buggies and drove away from the bunker without looking back once.
I knew that Frank will notice because he's gonna try to apologize. I was beside Brendon who was driving in the smaller buggy. It was only Brendon, me, Bandit, and Pete in this one. Everyone else was in the bigger one.
I looked at Brendon and smiled, I made the right choice. He looked at me and smiled back. "Like what you see?" He asked joking around. Pete looked at me and smirked. "Of course I do baby. I love what I see," he said. We all bursted out laughing. That was too funny.
"I wasn't talking to you Pete, besides you have Patrick remember?" Brendon said jokingly. I giggled and looked at Brendon again. "Yes I do like what I see," I said.
He smiled big as Pete sat back in his seat pouting. "I thought I was better looking," he mumbled. Bandit laughed quietly. "You are better looking in certain other peoples eyes," she said. I looked back at her and raised an eyebrow. She blushed but hid it and smiled at me. I smiled back and looked outside.
God I'm gonna miss the guys. I had left them behind just like they left me. Guess I'm really no better than Frank, well that's understandable because hello twins. I mentally groaned and sighed when I thought of him. I unblocked him from my mind really fast and all I heard was him yelling: "I'M SORRY IRIS, I DIDN'T MEAN TO PISS YOU OFF LIKE THAT! PLEASE FORGIVE ME, PLEASE! I MISS HAVING MY SISTER!" I quickly blocked him again and rolled my eyes. He's too late, way too late.
I closed my eyes fell asleep.
I woke up to Brendon gently shaking me. "Bulletproof we're hear love," he said quietly. I opened my eyes and saw Tyler in my face. "AHHHH!" I yelled/screamed. Tyler and Josh bursted out laughing at me. "Thanks for the scare ya wankers," I said sarcastically. They continued to laugh and I pouted. "Assholes," I mumbled. "It's great to see you too Iris," they said.
I smiled at them and jumped out of the buggy and hugged them. "God it's been forever," I said. They hugged me back. "Agreed," Josh said. We let go and Brendon came up. They did a handshake and Brendon snaked his arm around me. "So what do we do now?" I asked. "We run and not look back until we find somewhere in one of the zones. Then we take down Korse or at least try to," Spencer said.
I nodded my head and we all caught up with each other. After a while we decided that it was time to go. Bandit, Brendon, Pete, and I went back to our buggy and everyone else went back to theirs. We left and started our journey trying to find a new place. I sighed and looked up to the stars.
They were really pretty out here. Out in the desert you can see them. But if you're smart you won't get too caught up in looking unless you have time. You always have to keep running no matter what. Here in the desert you don't stay in the same place too long because of you do the dracs find you and then what? You get ghosted.
This is making me think too much and worry way too much as well. I looked back at Bandit to check up on her and Pete. Bandit was on Pete's shoulder asleep and Pete had his arms around her holding her protectively asleep as well.
"They're asleep," I said. Brendon looked back at them in the mirror and smiled. "Well at least we have time to talk without them," he said. I giggled (A/N: ok in my new story I've used that so many times and I still hate it :/ ) and looked over at him. "Do you think we'll be able to take Korse out?" I asked. He shrugged. "Possibly but we won't be able to do it alone. We'll need to find others that will help and hopefully they will," he said. I nodded and looked forward. "I hope we'll be able to," I said. "Agreed. I want my freedom back and I want to make music again and perform again. I miss it," he said. I smiled at the thought of him performing again. "I miss it too. I miss watching you all on stage and prancing each other or making fun of each other. I loved it to death. I loved being on tour with you all and I loved helping you all on stage when you needed it," I said.
"It seems like you miss it more than all of us," he joked. I hit him playfully and laughed. "Well you never know," I joked back. We both laughed and sighed afterwards. I looked ahead and saw Josh and Tyler pull over to a bunker. "I think they want to stop here," I said. He nodded and pulled up behind them.
Me and him got out and walked over to them. "You ready to stop for the night?" Brendon asked. "Yea we're both exhausted and I'm pretty sure either everyone else is asleep of exhausted as well," Tyler said, "Josh here is about to tip over." I looked at Josh and laughed silently. "Alright let me go let everyone know. Iris you go get Bandit and Pete," Brendon said. "Alright," I said.
I walked over to Bandit and Pete and gently shook them. "Bandit. Pete. We've stopped at a bunker for the night or a few days. Wake up you two. Come on now," I said shaking them. Pete opened his eyes and smiled at me. "We stop?" He asked. "Yea don't know for how long though," I said. He nodded and released one arm from Bandit and stretched.
He looked down at Bandit and smiled a little. "I'll carry her in. She needs the sleep. Oh what zone are we in?" He asked. "3," I said. He nodded and picked Bandit up. He handed her to me and got out. He took her and followed Patrick and Ryan. After they went in only me and Brendon were left.
I got onto the ladder to the roof and climbed up there. I heard Brendon climbed up there as well. I looked at him as he sat beside me and looked up. "It's amazing how much you can see," he said quietly. I looked up at the sky as well. "Yea it is. But we can't stay like this forever though. BC only controls California right now, we need to end it before it spreads which means giving this up," I said.
He looked at me and smiled. I looked at him right back. "What?" I asked. He shook his head slightly while smiling. "How did I get so lucky all those years ago?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked back. He chuckled. "I mean how did I get lucky enough to get you. I meant it when I had said that you were the best thing that happened to me," he said. I smiled a little and kissed his cheek. "You got lucky because I wanted you and you wanted me," I said.
He put an arm around me and pulled me closer. I laid my shoulder on him and sighed. "This has to end. We can't live like this forever," I said quietly. "I know but no one knows what it's going to end," he said interwinding our fingers together. "No one but those who are trying. Including the 'Fab Four'," I said sneering at the Fab Four part. He chuckled again and let out a peaceful sigh.
"We should go inside," he said into my ear. "Agreed," I replied. Brendon got up and helped me up. But before I could move he pulled me to him and held me. I put my arms behind his neck and held him back. "No one is going to take you away from me again I promise. And I promise that I won't hurt you either," he said. I smiled and held him tighter.
He moved my hair out of the way of my neck and kissed it. I tensed up a little and I could feel him smiling. "Don't you dare," I warned.
He laughed a little and bit my neck. Ok why the hell is he doing this? "Why are you doing this?" I asked through my teeth. He kissed my neck where he had bit it and looked at me with a smirk. "Because I want to," he said. I rolled my eyes at him. "Let's just focus on what we need to do right now," I said. He groaned in disappointment. "Fine," he said.
He started to pout and I giggled. "Awe don't you pout it's too adorable," I said. He smirked at me and pulled me closer.
"Now that's what I wanted to hear," he said quietly. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He pressed our foreheads together and looked into my eyes. "You still have the same bright green eyes," he said. I giggled. "I always will. They're my eye colour," I said. "I can't wait for this to be over," he said. "And whys that?" I asked. "Because then you could be mine and we don't have to worry about the fucking dracs and so I can do this and it not be inconvenient," he said.
"Do wha-" I was cut off by him pressing his lips to mine. He held me closer and tighter. I kissed him back and bit his lip. He groaned and I let go. He smiled into it and I smiled back. We pulled apart and pressed our foreheads together. "I think we should go back inside and go to sleep," I said quietly. "Agreed," he said just as quiet.
We climbed down off the roof and quietly went inside. When we got in there we locked the door and went to one of the rooms. But first I checked on Bandit. I cracked the door open and saw her asleep with Pete holding her protectively still.
I smiled slightly at them and shut the door. I went to the room where me and Brendon where sleeping. I crawled onto the mattress and as soon as my head hit it I was asleep. But I had a dream that will more and likely change my life.

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