Chapter 3

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Frank and I had somehow managed to drag everyone else into the prank war including Missile Kid (Grace). We were put into teams but it ended up be every man for themselves. It's been a week since it started and it's still going on. The people that's out now is Ray, Gerard, Bandit, Grace, Patrick, Andy (FOB), Joe, Pete (who was mad that he got pranked), Andy (BVB), Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, Spencer, Dallon and Ryan. So the only ones left in the war is Brendon, CC, Frank, Mikey, and I. Honestly everyone is shocked that Mikey made it this far, well then again he did go into hiding shortly after he was dragged into this. (A/N: yes I'm adding more bands and people because it's more fun like that)
But when we all met up in front of the people who are out he showed up. He had to pick teams at this point. To be honest we didn't see the point but everyone else wanted teams and then team member against team member. How does that make sense? But it's funny because there's five of us left so we have to take them into us not doing the stupid teams. Well we met up and faced everyone else that was sitting on/around the couch.
"Guys we are not and we repeat are not doing teams. There's five of us and none of us wants to do teams," we all said. They all sighed and surprisingly agreed. We smiled, looked at each other and ran in opposite directions away from each other. I knew who I was going to take out in order: CC, Brendon, Mikey (hopefully), then Frank. I went to my little hiding spot and started to plan. And by hiding spot I meant in the diner pantry because it's huge and it lights up. I knew where everyone else's was too. Mikey's was the air vents (how the fuck he managed that, I don't know), Brendon's was Gerard's room, CC's was the studio that we have )and that I had knew nothing about), and Frank's believe it or not the seating area of the diner.
I looked around the pantry to see what I could find and oddly enough I found a bunch of stuff the prank with. I smiled evilly and grabbed what I needed. I checked the time and saw that it was lunch time. I shrugged and grabbed a whoopie cushion. I went to the living room where everyone else was at and saw Mikey raise an eyebrow at me as he stared at the whoopie cushion.
I looked at CC who was paying attention, that's when Mikey got it. I set it down where I knew CC would sit and went to the kitchen to make me food. Next thing I knew Mikey was coming in there with a smirk on his face and two whoopie cushions going off. "IRIS AND MIKEY WHAT THE HELL?!" CC and Frank? Yea CC and Frank yelled. We got us food and came out laughing. We high fived each other and sat on the floor. Well it was more like Mikey sat in the floor and then pulled me onto him. Everyone stared at us. "Take a picture it'll last longer," I say biting into my sandwich.
I swear as soon as I said that there was a flash from a camera. I looked up and saw Frank standing there with a camera. I put my food down and attempted to get up. But Mikey wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't. I glared at Frank who took another picture. "I swear, as soon as I get up I'm going to kill you Fun Ghoul," I said in a "playful" threatening voice. Notice playful in quotations. "Ohhh I'm so scared. You can't hurt me, you're too weak Bullet," Frank said. That's when Mikey let me go. I got up and started to walk towards Frank who was laughing. "I'm going to fucking KILL YOU FRANK!" I yelled. He liked up and stared to run with me chasing him. We ran all over the place before we returned to the living room where I finally tackled him.
We wrestled with everyone laughing because I was actually beating Frank up. After a little while Mikey pulled me off Frank and handed me to Gerard and helped Frank up. Gerard pulled me onto his lap and put his head on my shoulder. I put my head on his head and closed my eyes for a little. I felt Pete and Frank come up to me. "If either one of you disturb me you will regret it," I growled. I heard them back away slowly before turning and running.
"Iris it's time to go to bed. Come on," I heard I think Gerard say. I open my eyes slowly and saw that my face was right up against Gerard's chest. I snuggled into it and didn't want to leave. But I knew I had to. I guess I'll prank Brendon tomorrow unless Mikey gets him first.
Gerard brought me to my room and laid me down under my covers. He was about to leave but I grabbed his hand. "Stay," I mumbled to him. I heard him laugh a little and then he climbed in next to me holding me. "Please don't leave me again. I've needed you. I..... I actually loved you," I whispered. Wait, did I seriously just say that? FUCK! NOT GOOD, I REPEAT NOT GOOD!
"I loved you too and I think I still do Iris," he whispered back. He kissed the top of my head and I snuggled into his chest even more before falling asleep. Or at least I thought I was going to fall asleep because I heard Brendon yell.
"GOD DAMN IT MIKEY! FUCK YOU!" Then laughter. I will admit that I laughed when that happened. "BRENDON! MIKEY! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO TO SLEEP!" Gerard yelled. "BUT HE PRANKED ME THOUGH!" Brendon yelled back. I sat up at this one and went and opened the door. "BRENDON FUCKING DEAL WITH IT! YOU'RE OUT AND THAT'S FINAL! WAIT, MIKEY HOW DID YOU PRANK HIM!" I yelled. "FINE!" Brendon yelled. Mikey came to my door tired as hell smiling. "I made a fake snake fall from the air vent onto him as soon as he closed his eyes," he said. I shook my head and smiled. "Guess it's just you and me tomorrow," I said. "Yea, now go get some sleep, you'll need it. Night Bullet," he said. "Night Kobra," I said. I shut the door and went back to bed burring my head in Gerard's chest once again.
I think I really am falling for him again. I don't want to though but I am. I mentally sighed and snuggled into Gerard's chest some more. "If you bury your head any farther you might suffocate from my chest," he whispered. "I don't care, I just want to sleep," I said. He laughed a little and kissed my head before wrapping his arms around me semi-tightly. "Goodnight Iris," he whispered. "Goodnight Gerard," I said. I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Yay third chapter! Expect the fourth one either later on today (since its past midnight here) or tomorrow. And it will be kind of short and about how Mikey and Iris try to prank each other and fail epically. Well until one wins. Who will it be? MAWHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have no idea where that came from. Well I love you my Deamon Kitties and so long and goodnight.
P.S.: I added the lyrics to Don't Go by Bring Me The Horizon because I love that song :3 and Wattpad has to be stupid and not let me add two videos. The other one I wanted to add was I don't love you by the amazing MCR. If you don't know who MCR is and you're reading this.... go to YouTube and look up My Chemical Romance. Do it now. Also I introduced my brother to Wattpad and together on his profile we're writing a story called Naked Hot Dog Weenie and the Search of Darth Bun. DO NOT ASK ABOUT THAT PLEASE! WE ARE NOT DOING ANY DRUGS, WE JUST SEEM LIKE IT! And my brother is offended by that, lol. Anywhore, his profile is Lordofdarangs I hope you guys enjoy it when he actually uploads the first chapter (he calls them hot dogs, idk why)

The Killjoysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें