Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of people whisper yelling at each other. I could tell it was Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Patrick, Pete, BatAndy, CC, Brendon, and some other people. "No we are not waking them up just so you can say 'oh by the way Bulletproof we have to take you' and break their hearts again," Gerard spoke. "We have to take her. It's for her own good. She's too dangerous to be here. We need to give her back her memories before the helium wars. Just trust us. We'll bring her back and she'll be her old self again," this time a British voice. Wait I know that voice, that's Oli. I groaned quietly and I heard Frank groan at the same time.
"If you guys don't shut the fuck up I'll murder you all," we both said at the same time. It got quiet, real quiet. I felt Frank shift up into a sitting position trying not to make me wake up more. "Guys she has all her memories. Trust me I know," he said getting pissed off and tightening his hold on me. "See even Frank knows that she isn't as dangerous as you make her out to be," BatAndy said.
"I don't care we have to take her now," Oli said. I shot up and glared at him pissed. Everyone, except Frank who was holding me, backed away knowing how I am. "I'm not going anywhere. I am not dangerous, I have all my memories, I am not leaving again, nor I am not going to loose everyone once again. I will never come with you, ever," I said through my teeth still glaring at him, "I love it here. I'm actually happy. I was happy when it was just me and Heather Eyes but it wasn't a complete happy. Just like it wasn't a complete happy for her. She needs me; Frank needs me; Ray and Mikey needs me; BVB, P!ATD, FOB, and the others need me. And I need them. I've told you multiple times before to leave me alone. I'm perfectly fine and I don't need anything. I have my memories, it took a little while but I have them. I don't need you and your little gang coming in here thinking you own me and Heather Eyes and come and try and take us. We didn't let it happen before and we won't let it happen again. But this time there's more people to help us."
He started to walk to me so I got off Frank's lap and walked towards Oli holding a pair of brass knuckles. The same pair I beat his ass with many times before. We met in the middle and he got in my face. "YOU! ARE! NOT! GOING! TO! TALK! TO! YOUR! FUCKING! MASTER! LIKE! THAT!" He yelled. I heard a bunch of gasps, even from his own gang. I smirked an punched him in the face with the brass knuckles as hard as I could. He fell backwards and held his nose. I honestly think I broke it.... again, hehe.
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled. "I'm not going with you, not now not ever," I growled. My hands formed into fists and my fingernails dug into my skin. He got up and got in my face AGAIN! Seriously, what the fuck is up with that shiz?
He smirked at me and brushed my loose bangs out of my face. My eyes went big and I looked down. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked behind me and saw Gee and Frank. I smiled very, very faintly at them. I looked back up at Oli who was still smirking at me. "Never again," I whispered. I turned around and pushed past everyone and went to my room and slammed my door.
Why is he here? Why now after 2 years? I laid on my bed and sighed. I closed my eyes and thought back to before all this shit happened. It was happier and everyone was happier. Well everyone but me. Gerard had just married Lyn-Z and everyone was so happy. I opened my eyes to wipe them then closed my eyes again.
I was in my room just drawing. I was actually pretty good at it considering I don't do it a lot. I was drawing Gee, Frank, Ray, Mikey and I hanging out around a tree. It was winter in New Jersey and there was snow everywhere. We were at our favourite tree just hanging out and goofing off. I was up in the tree with Mikey cuddling with him trying to keep warm but we were still smiling and laughing. Frank had just fallen off the tree and was sitting up in the snow laughing. Gee was in a swing the we had put there laughing lightly at Frank's stupidity and Ray was dangling upside down from a tree branch laughing. We were only teenagers in high school. Frank, me (since we're twins), and Mikey were Juniors while Ray and Gee were seniors.
I put my pencil down and sighed. It was the day of Gerard's and Lyn-Z's wedding and I was one of the bridesmaids, well there was only four and I was the head one. But since the others were Lyn-Z's friends and they knew what this was doing to me they said they'll get everything ready today.
I looked over at my dress and frowned slightly. Lyn-Z, one of my old best friends that forgot about me, is getting married to the man I love and there's nothing I could do but stare at the dress.
The dress was the dress from the Helena music video. I had heels (well stilettos) that were black and pretty fucking awesome. Just looking at it made me tear up. Gee wanted me to wear it since I was suppose to wear it for prom my senior year and I was also suppose to go with Mikey (since he's always been my best friend). But we had got tickets to a Blink-182 concert so we went to that instead.
I heard a knock on my door and I snapped out of my thoughts. I got up wiped my face in case of tears and opened it to see Frank in just the sweatpants he slept in. I got used to seeing him like this since I lived with him. "What?" I demanded. He pushed past me and closed the door behind me.
"I just came to talk to my twin. That's all," he said in his usual cheerful voice. I groaned. "What do you want?" I asked. He sighed and sat on my bed. He picked up my drawing and smiled slightly, but then put back on a tired poker face. "I know you're hurt Iris," he said. I looked down and my eyes threatened to fall. "Come here," he said. I went over to him and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap. He held me tightly, but in a protective brother way.
"Why does it hurt so much," I asked in barely above a whisper. "Because your hearts broke," he whispered. It was true, my heart was broke. The man I fell deeply in love with was getting married to my worst nightmare. "Why don't you like Lyn-Z?" He asked, "you two used to be best friends, but now you're enemies. What happened?"
I sighed. "Yes we used to be best friends in college. We first met because we were roommates, we didn't study the same thing though and you know that. But you know all that. Anywhore, so time went on and she met some other girls right before break and she told me that she was moving to one of the other girls's dorm after break. So after we got back from break she moved out leaving me alone. She didn't talk to me or anything and it stayed like that for a little while. Until one day she and her new friends started making fun of me and after a little bit that turned into them beating me. That's when it started to get worse and worse and that's also when I dropped out and Gee hooked up with her. I didn't want to be a bridesmaid, especially the head one, but Gerard wanted me to be so I am. But thankfully Lyn-Z got her better friends to be the other bridesmaids so they took care of setting it all up today but I have to be there to surprise Lyn-Z and everyone else. I actually like them, they were old friends of mine that you guys knew. But yea that's why we don't get along or anything anymore," I said.
He sighed and held me tighter. "I swear I'm not going to let her hurt you," he whispered in my ear. "Thank you for always being there for me Frankie," I whispered back. "Anytime," he whispered. We sat there for a while, well until Mikey called and said it was time to get ready. Frank left my room and went to his so we could get ready.
I slipped on the dress and did my make up and curled my hair. Frank knocked on my door and came in.
"You ready?"
"Yea, just need to slip my heels on."
I slipped them on, grabbed my bag and phone and left. We drove over to Mikey and Gee's then Ray's then to the church. When we got there I got out and walked away a little pissed and upset (ok really pissed and upset) but not before I slammed the car door.
I went inside the church and saw the other girls finishing up. "It looks wonderful," I said putting on a fake smile. "Well it's all because of you," Blade (one of the bridesmaids) said. "Not only me. You all helped too," I said back. They all smiled at me and we finished getting it ready.
Soon Lyn-Z came and we had to rush her to the back and get her ready. It took about 3 long fucking hours to get her ready. Finally the time came and we had to walk down the aisle. Ray, Mikey, and Bob (A/N: yes I decided to add him) walked down with the other bridesmaids and I walked down with Frank. We were actually matching, everyone thought it was cute. Lyn-Z walked down with her dad and best guy friend.
The reception went by really fast then we were released and I was forced to sing the song for Gerard's and Lyn-Z's first dance as husband and wife and Lyn-Z picked the song that me and Gerard claimed as our song. Apparently he didn't know because he shot me an apologetic look and mouthed 'I'm so sorry'.
I sang it and the entire time I wanted to cry. So after I sang the song I ran off stage and ran away, I ran all the way home because I couldn't take it anymore. But it was stupid of me to run home because it was snowing, yes it was winter. But even then I didn't care, I just kept running and running until I got home. Once I got home I slammed the door, went to my room, and just broke down.
I kept crying for what seemed like forever, but it wasn't. "Iris? Iris, are you in your room?" I heard someone ask. I heard footsteps come up the stairs and stop in front of my door. "Oh Bullet," Frank said. He ran over to me and held me and we stayed like that for the rest of the night. We even fell asleep like that.
-End of flashback-
I opened my eyes again and the tears kept coming because soon after that we moved to LA and I started college there. That's when I met Austin and Alan but that's also where I met Oli. I should have never talked to him but I did.
I sighed and curled up in my blankets and started to fall asleep crying until Gerard and Frank came in. Frank sat in front of me and saw the tears. Gerard sat next to him and gave me a sad smile. "I'll leave you two," Frank said. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the top of my head and walked out and shut the door. Gerard wiped the tears from my face and held me tightly. He picked me up, got on my bed, and put me on his lap holding me.
He kissed me on the top of my head and held me tightly. I started to fall asleep and after a little bit I closed my eyes and fell asleep lightly. I guess Gerard thought I was in a deep sleep though. "I love you Iris 'Bulletproof' Ireo and I will never let anything or anybody hurt you or take you away," he whispered.

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