Chapter 8

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-2 weeks later-
It's been two weeks since I last talked to MCR and I have to admit it's funny watching them try and get me to talk to them. So I've been having Brendon sleep in my and Bandit's room with us. I also got Bandit to agree to come with us, well it's more like she said that she was coming with me no matter what. See that's the bond I was talking about, we're inseparable.
Anywhore, tonight is the night we're leaving. Me and Bee already have a bag each packed and hidden. Right now we're all in Brendon's room just talking, goofing off and hanging out.
"Oh my god Iris, remember when you went on tour with us and 21 Pilots back in 2013? Oh my god that was so much fun," Spencer said. We all started laughing. "Yeah and I remember how 21 Pilots did the awesome drum thing. I fucking loved it," I said. I thought back to when I did. I had finally convinced Frank to let me go, it took a long ass time but I did it. But of course I had to have Brendon and Pete tell him that I'll be ok and they'll protect me, which they did.
I smiled as they started to talk about my favourite day during the tour. I laid back and thought back to that day.
-Flashback (which just so happens to also be a dream :p)-
"IRIS WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I heard Brendon yell. I was living on the Panic! bus so I got woke up every morning to that, have been for the last few months. "Ugh I'm up you big dork," I said. He giggled (A/N: bleh, still hate that word) like a giddy school girl. "Oh so now you're a giddy school girl?" I asked. "What? I am not a giddy school girl," he said acting offended. I laughed and sat up. "Well you just giggled like one," I said.
"Whatever. Just hurry up and get out of the bunk," he said. "Help me," I said hold in my arms out. He laughed and picked me up out of the bunk and carried me into the back lounge were everyone else was. I put my arms around his neck and snuggled my face into his chest as he carried me to the couch.
"Iris you can let go of me now," he said. "Nuh. I'm not letting go," I said. I could feel him lightly laugh and sit down. I finally took my face out of his chest and sat up right on his lap while I still had my arms around him. He sat at the end so we were away from the others (Spencer, Dallon, Josh, and Tyler) who were getting mad each other because they're playing COD and killing each other.
Brendon and I just laughed at them until they finally turned around and saw us. "IRIS YOU'RE FINALLY UP!" Tyler yelled running to me. "I'm not getting up and I'm not letting go," I said. "Aww but why?" He asked. I looked up at him and smiled. "I'm just not, alright," I said. He eyed us two and then his finally caught on. "Ohhhh that's why," he said.
He bent down and hugged me. "Congrats Iris," he whispered. I let go of Brendon and hugged him back. "Thanks," I whispered back. We let go and I continued sitting on Brendon's lap who was holding me still. Tyler ran over to Josh, Spencer, and Dallon and continued playing COD. Me and Brendon laughed and watched them play for a while. I finally got up and stretched.
"I'm gonna go get dressed," I said. "Alright," everyone said at the exact same time, that was weird. I went to where my suitcase was and took out a Panic! At the Disco shirt, (surprisingly) really tight black skinny jeans, a grey and leather type jacket, and black and gold converse. I went to the 'bathroom' (I put quotations because it's just so small) and changed. I put on some eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick. I slipped the jacket and converses on and walked out to find Brendon waiting there.
"Well hello beautiful," he said. "Hello handsome. It's all yours now," I said getting out of the way and going back to the back lounge. I sat down on the couch and put on a new phone case on my phone since I kinda broke the last one.... well more like Pete and Brendon broke it. I snapped it on and looked at it. It was a Panic! At the Disco on (Brendon bought it yesterday). I smiled at it and slipped my phone in my jacket pocket.
"AWW COME ON THAT ISN'T FAIR!" Spencer yelled. I looked at the screen and saw that Tyler had won. I laughed and they all looked back at me. "Why are you laughing Miss Jackson?" Spencer asked. I playfully glared at him for calling me Miss Jackson. "First off don't call me that. Second off, you three got beat by Tyler," I said laughing. "Oh and you could do better and beat him?" Dallon asked. "Yea. I've beat him I don't know how many times already," I said smirking. "She's got a point, she has beat him numerous amount of times," Josh said. Tyler out his head down in shame. "Aw I'm sorry Tyler. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," I said. He laughed and looked up at me. "I'm alright," he said.
I shrugged and walked out to find Brendon (once again). "We keep meeting like this," he said. "Yes we do," I agreed. We laughed a little. "You wanna come with me to get food?" He asked. "Sure," I said. We walked out of the bus and interwinded our hands together and walked to the rental car. He opened my door for me and I got in. Once he got in we drove off.
"You know you don't have to open my door for me, right?" I asked. "Yea but I like opening it for you though," he said. I laughed a little and plugged in my phone to the car plug thing (A/N: I honestly have no idea what it's called). I put my playlist named 'Emo Trinity :3' on (A/N: actually one of my playlist & I'm listening to it now. Ok I'm done). The first song to come on was The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy. We sang along and listened to a few more before we got to a good place. And what do you know it's Sonic. I looked over at Brendon who was smirking at me.
"Did you want to come or did you know that this is the only fast food place I'll eat at?" I asked. "Second option," he said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled at me and ordered the food. While we were waiting we just talked. We talked about how Pete said that he was gonna prank us but he doesn't know when. We just talked and talked. When the food came we took it and drove back to the bus.
We walked to the bus holding hands, but before we even opened the door Brendon checked to see if anyone was watching and he kissed me. I have to admit, I was not expecting that. I kissed him back and the. We pulled away and went inside. God how long can we keep this hidden? Only Tyler knows and he figured that out on his own. Brendon set the food on the counter. "FOODS HERE YA FATASSES!" I yelled. "They're not gonna come if you call them that," Brendon said. "Yes they will," I said. He looked at me then looked at the bunk area which sounded like a herd of elephants were coming. He looked back at me and shocked. "Told ya," I said. "That's no fair though. They never come when I call them fatasses," he pouted. "That's because Iris is scary when she's mad. Plus we know you went to Sonic so we know she'll eat it all if we don't come," Tyler said. That's true, I am scary when I'm mad and I will eat all of the Sonic. I grabbed my food and sat on the couch. Brendon grabbed his food and sat next to me.
We ate our food and all but me and Brendon went back to the back room. No, instead he turned on Iris by Goo Goo Dolls and pulled me up and we started slow dancing. (Don't judge us.) It was fun actually. He laid his head down on my shoulder and I smiled and buried my head into his chest.
"You're the best thing to happen to me," he whispered. "And you're the best thing to happen to me," I mumbled into his chest loud enough for him to hear. We continued to slow dance to the song I was named after (yes I was named after a song, deal with it) until it finished. We let go of each other and he kissed my cheek.
"Tonight everyone will know about us," he said. I smiled. "Alright," I said. We sat back down and put on The Nightmare Before Christmas because it's always in the DVD player, and I mean always. We finished it and by the time it was done I was sitting in between Brendon's legs (NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY YOU PERVERTS!!) and Pete and Patrick came bursting through the doors.
"GUYS DO YOU WANT TO GO PLAY LASER TAG WITH US!? And why are you sitting like that?" Pete asked. "Sure and because we can," me and Brendon said. Pete and Patrick looked at each other and shrugged. Then the rest of Panic! and Josh and Tyler came into the room. "WE WANNA GO!" They shouted. "Alright, let's go," Patrick said. We got up and left.
When we got there we paid for our equipment and were separated into teams. Josh and Tyler; Patrick and Pete; Joe and Dallon; Andy and Spencer; and finally me and Brendon. We didn't pick the teams, Patrick and Pete did. We went into the room only to be greated by All Time Low. Jake and Alex were on one team and Rian and Zack on the other. "Guess we're gonna play with you all," Jack said happily. "Yup," I said shooting him just as the the guy said 'go'. Me and Brendon ran hand in hand across the laser field to behind a wall. As soon we started running there we heard Jack yell "Damn you Iris!" though. I tried so hard not to laugh but it was too funny. Me and Brendon turned around and looked out to the battle field from behind the wall and saw that there was only one other complete team.
I motioned that team over and they snuck over. They joined us behind the wall. "Hey so I guess it's only our two complete teams left," one of them said. I could tell it was a girl. "Yea," I said. I turned around, perched up on the rock and shot someone and sat back down. "God this is too much fun," the other one said, once again a girl. "I'm Rain and this is Taylor," the first girl said. "I'm Iris and this is Brendon who is actually being quiet," I said turning to face him. I found him just staring at me smiling. I smiled back and turned to the girls again. "We know. We came here with Jack and Alex," Taylor said. "Awesome," I said. "TAYLOR! RAIN! BRENDON! IRIS! IT'S ONLY YOU FOUR LEFT!" Jack yelled. I looked at the girls but they were already gone. I perched over the rock and saw them. Brendon perched over the rock as well and at the same time we shot Rain and Taylor and got them. "Damn it Iris and Brendon wins," Pete pouted. I smirked and shot his chest thing again. "Hey that's not funny," he said. "Yes it is," I said as the lights came on.
I looked over at Rain and Taylor and saw what they looked like. Rain had aqua blue hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, and a few tattoos. She was also tall like Alex, in fact she looked kinda like Alex. "Rain is my sister," Alex said. I nodded. Taylor and brown straight hair that had bleach blonde hair, paler skin, bright grey-blue eyes and short like me. "Taylor's my best female friend," Jack said. I nodded again and smiled at them. We exchanged numbers and we left. As soon as we got back everyone had to get ready.
I just kept on what I had while everyone else changed and did their stuff. "Since no ones in the bathroom, I'm gonna take it over," I whispered to myself. I got up off the front lounge couch and went into the bathroom. I did my business, brushed my teeth, and redid my perfume and makeup. I walked out of the bathroom and found Brendon waiting for me. "You know it's a good thing there's a bathroom inside the venue," he said with a smirk. I playfully hit him. "I do not take that long," I said. "Yes you do," he said back. "Oh so you're all done getting ready?" I asked. "No," he said in defeat. "Exactly," I said kissing his cheek, "now come on."
I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the bus and inside the venue. I read the signs until I found the sign that said 'Panic! At the Disco Dressing Room'. I opened the sort and shoved him in there as I heard the sounds of a group of fan girls. "Shit," I said under my breath. I pushed him in and I quickly got in and shut and locked the door behind me. "I hate fangirls," I growled. "Well fangirls hate you too," Spencer said. "Actually you're right," I said emotionless.
I sat on their couch and waited for them to finished getting ready. Since they perform second we can watch the 21 Pilots set and then FOB's set afterwards. Soon Brendon sat next to me and pulled me next to him. I laid down and put my head on his lap and looked up. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Just looking up," I said. "Um alright," he said laughing. I continued looking up and he continued looking down at me. Soon it was a full blown out staring contest.
We stayed like that for probably 5 or 6 minutes before I blinked. "Ha you blinked," he said happily. I stuck my tongue out at him and pouted. He laughed lightly and kissed my forehead. I blushed and I heard Dallon and Spencer go "awwwww. She's blushing." I glared at them and flicked them off. "Hey flipping people off isn't nice.... Miss Jackson," Spencer said snickering. I glared at him some more. "Neither is calling me Miss Jackson," I growled. He put his hands in defense and backed away a few steps.
I heard a knock and me and Brendon looked at each other before we both raced over there. And I surprisingly beat him over there. I unlocked the door and saw Josh and Tyler. "Oh hey guys," I said. "Hey Iris," they said in unison (once again, freaky), "you gonna come watch us play?" "Yea let me just grab my phone from Brendon. He some how took it," I said turning around and playfully glaring at Brendon who was trying to get into my phone. I walked over to him and grabbed it. "Hey that wasn't nice," he whined. "Taking my phone wasn't nice," I whined back.
We all laughed and walked over to the side stage to watch the 21 Pilots set.
In the middle of their set the did this awesome drum solo together and it was fucking amazing. I sang and danced to all the songs I knew and at the end of their set they came and tried to give me a hug. "No hug for you two until you're clean," I said like a little kid pushing them away and cowering behind Brendon who was laughing his ass off. "Fine," they said once again in unison.
"Panic in 5," the stage dude said. They all went batshit crazy getting in place in shit. I was just laughing watching them. "Panic on in 30 seconds," the stage dude said. They gathered by the stage again and Brendon held me as the stage dude counted down. As soon as he said go Spencer ran out on stage then Dallon. Then Brendon gave me a quick kiss and he ran out onto stage. I knew what FOB was planning and I wanted nothing to do with it but they somehow talked me into it.
I sang along and danced to the songs until FOB and 21 Pilots came. I gave Tyler and Josh their promised hugs and I looked at FOB. "You remember the plan?" Pete asked. "Yea. When Brendon calls me out on stage and introduce me and all the shit, tell him 'this is from Fall Out Boy' and smash his face into the pie and run back off stage," I said. "Good but I decided that you should stay on stage," Pete said. I glared at him and shrugged.
I continued to sing until right before Miss Jackson. "Alright everyone I'll like to bring out on stage a very special person. She looks like someone else but she isn't him, she's his twin. Iris come on out here," Brendon said into the mic. I was handed the pie and and mic. I hide the pie behind me and walked out on stage. "This is Iris Ireo everyone and I'll like to announce that she is also my girlfriend," he said. I looked at the crowd and smiled. "Hello," I said. "She'll be singing Miss Jackson with us," he said. "Yes I will be, oh and Brendon," I said. He looked at me and I smirked. "Yea?" He asked. "This is from Fall Out Boy," I said stuffing his face into the pie. Everyone started laughing their asses off.
He glared at FOB and smiled. The. He put some of it on me. I laughed and was handed a towel. I wiped the pie off my face and Brendon wiped the pie off his and we sang Miss Jackson together which was the last song. Once it was finished I ran off stage with Brendon chasing me and telling into the mic 'GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!'
"Please hide me. He's gonna hug me and he's all sweaty and gross," I said hiding behind Pete. Pete laughed and ran away. "Shit," I said. I started to run towards 21 Pilots's dressing room when Brendon caught me. "Eww let me go and go get a shower. You stink and you're hugging me," I whined. "No this is what you get for doing that," he said. "But Fall Out Boy wanted me to. Wait no, Patrick and Pete wanted me to and Patrick went all adorable on me trying to talk me into it," I whined. "Fine," he said carrying me back to side stage. "I'm gonna go get a shower and get a sandwich. I'll be right back," he said. He kissed my cheek and ran off. I smiled and watched to beginning of FOB's set.
In the middle of the set Brendon came back shirtless and had a sandwich in hand. "I have an idea," he said. He grabbed a mic, turned it on and ran on stage and started to sing with the sandwich in hand. (A/N: I ACTUALLY FOUND THE VIDEO AND ATTACHED IT :D!! Ok I'm done now) he continued to sing WITH THE SANDWICH IN HAND STILL. Once he was done he ran back off stage and laughed. I'm surprised Patrick was still able to sing. Brendon finished his sandwich and we stood there dancing with each other while their set went on and after their set before they even said goodbye Brendon crouched down.
"Jump on my back," he said. I jumped on his back and he ran back towards the bus and you could hear Patrick yell "BRENDON URIE WHAT THE HELL?!" We bursted out laughing and Brendon finally got back to the bus. We got on there and just sat on the couch for a little. Then he randomly pulled me up and started playing What A Catch, Donnie by FOB and slow dancing with me again today. "Don't you have a signing to do?" I asked. "Nope, only Fall Out Boy does tonight," he said putting his head on my shoulder. "Alright," I said burring my head into his chest. The song switched and it was another slow song, well more like the piano version is This Is Gospel.
I loved this. I loved being on tour with them and I loved being with Brendon. I smiled and continued slow dancing with Brendon. We both knew no one would be back until like tomorrow afternoon because they're already at the hotel or at the bar or whatever. "We should go to the hotel," I said. "Yea," he agreed. We grabbed our stuff, hailed a taxi, and went to the hotel. We had a room together so that was good.
Once we got into the room we changed and cuddled in the bed. WE DID NOT DO ANYTHING SEXUAL OF ANY SORT YOU PURDY MINDED PEOPLE!! We soon fell asleep.
-End of flashback/dream-
I must have fallen asleep because when opened my eyes I saw Brendon holding me against his chest. I smiled and snuggled back into his chest since it's only 3:40 and we're leaving around midnight.

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