part 16

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Bani: i was busy with something.

Banis pov
(we only texted each other on  birthdays.and we never talked on the phone. It was easier to pretend we were casual in texts.
Steffan george
My college best friend. My boyfriend. And my first love.Once upon a time, I thought we’d get married. I’convinced myself we would overcome his parents objections and live happily ever after.stupid teenage thoughts.we break up after 6 month when his parents got to know about me.they invited me home and asked me in the most poliet way to let him concentrate on his studies and take a break for sometime.we both knew it was not a break, it was the end.)

Steffan texted back

Steffan: what is it bani?is something bothering you?

Bani: no i am fine.tell about yourself

Steffan: it haa been better.i launched my app last summer.i got investment also.but i am in town for a better contract.A company name intellt gave me a proposal.if it goes well i will be avle to stay here again

Bani: wow congratulation.

Steffan: bani you remember what date is tomorrow?

Bani: how can i forget?

Steffan: its our happy meal day date.

Bani: we were so kid back then.

Steffan: but we were cute.

Bani( The three dots that indicated he was typing popped up, disappeared,
then popped up again)

Heath:bani i just wanna say We can revisit things maybe now.i am nearly eetablished and an adult now.i acn take care of us.

(My guilt hardened into dread.he is looking forward to me.He didn’t know about the engagement.steffan didn’t follow the social pages, which meant I had to tell him.i cannot give him a false hope that there was a chance of us getting back together.)

Steffan: If you want to, of course.

Bani( i could practically see him walking fastly and rubbing his feet the way he always do when he is nervous.but i have to tell him)

Bani:i am happend a few weeks ago.

10 minutes passed.but i didn't get a reply from him.

After 1 hour

Bani was just doing her sketch design.she had to attend her classess soon.
Her phone was steffan
Steffan is calling her.

Bani( i haven't heard his voice for like 2 will be awkward if i don't pick it up)

Bani picked up the phone.

Bani: hey stef

Steffan: bani can we meet?

Bani: umm.i don't think so.

Steffan: just like for a coffee.please

Bani: steffannn.i am not sure if i can do that.(i am not even able to visit my college and will i meet him?amd veeranshu.he will not like it.but he is so rude i don't understand him properly.steffan deserves a meet up and explaination.)

Steffan: bani please.i won't bother  again.

Bani: oka.

Steffan: thank day at our date place.

Bani(its not like i am prisoned here and marie also told me i should go shopping and visit singhanias outlet)


Next day

I am at the same market where me and steffan used to come.steffan was sitting on a corner eyes found him like within 2 seconds.The firmness of his lips,The heat of his body. The subtle, expensive scent of his cologne and the  weight of his hands on my hips.I could still feel the vividness of the moment as clearly as if it’d just happened.we were exclusive.we were cute.we were everything we needed back then.

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