Chapter 3

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The trio entered the classroom and were greeted by Yaoyorazu, Todoroki, Shoji, and Tokoyami. They sat down and talked whilst waiting for everyone to enter. Izuku stared out the window, not in the mood to talk. His back was still throbbing from last night's beating. He would ask Aizawa-sensei later. When Katsuki entered, he didn't hear a 'good morning' from his former best friend. Instead, he just stared out the window. When he got closer, his face was slightly bruised.

Katsuki: "Oi, nerd. What happened to your face?"

Izuku snapped out of his trance and looked at the explosive teen. He sheepishly tilted his head in confusion. 

Izuku: "Nothing."

Katsuki: "Yeah, right. I can see that you ain't." *slammed his fist on the desk* "So tell me: what happened to you?!"

It was the first time that Izuku flinched at his words. Before he could answer, Iida stepped in and robotically chopped his hands.

Iida: "Stop, Bakugou. He says that it's nothing."

Bakugou: "F*CK OFF, FOUR EYES! I'm talking to the nerd, not you!"

Pushing Iida to the side, Katsuki grabbed Izuku by the collar of his shirt as the rest of their classmates entered. Katsuki noticed the patch of burnt skin on his neck.

Katsuki: "I asked you didn't I? So answer me!"

Iida: *grabbing his arm* "Let go of him, Bakugou!"

Katsuki: "STAY OUT OF THI-hmpf!"

Aizawa's binding cloth wrapped Katsuki's mouth shut. The students turned their attention to their sleep-deprived teacher whose quirk was activated.

Aizawa: ">sigh< Why am I not surprised to hear Bakugou screaming this early?" *deactivating quirk* "Let go of Midoriya and sit down. Lesson's about to begin."

For the rest of the day, Bakugou kept sneaking glances at the teen behind him. He seems to be acting normal, muttering to match the teacher's words while taking notes as usual. What isn't normal is his trembling hands and his dull green eyes avoiding Katsuki's crimson red ones.

 When lunch came around, Izuku was nowhere to be found. The 'Dekusquad' searched for him until they found him curled up into a ball on the roof with his lunch tray empty. 

Ochaco: "There you are, Deku."

He didn't notice them. He was too lost in thought to notice his friends kneeling next to him. He was trembling and his shoulders were tense. Todoroki shook him slightly on the shoulder. That seemed to work because Izuku lifted his head to see his friends all huddled up around him.

Tsuyu: "We've been looking for you everywhere. >kero<"

Todoroki: "You had us worried for a second when you didn't answer us."

Izuku: "S-Sorry, guys. I-I had a l-lot on my m-mind."

Todoroki looked at him skeptically. Izuku was more stuttery and monotonous than usual and he was tense.

Ochaco: "Aizawa-sensei told me and Tsu to tell you that we can visit Eri later after school. She requested to see you again when you weren't visiting her as often."

Izuku: "She did?"

Ochaco: "Mh! She missed you. Meet me and Tsu outside after class."

Izuku: "O-ok. I'll ask f-dad if I can visit her."

Iida: "Let's get to class. We already ate and the lunch period is almost over."

After gathering themselves (and Izuku's lunch box) they made their way to the stairs. Izuku already applied more burn cream to his back to make the pain more bearable. He staggered a bit but luckily nobody noticed. They didn't have any hero training which was good for Izuku because he didn't want anyone to see his injuries. He was putting his notebooks in his bag when Aizawa approached him.

Aizawa: "Midoriya, meet Uraraka and Asui outside. I think one of them already told you about it."

Izuku: "Yes, sir."

Once he was out of earshot, he pretended to message his 'father' that he was going to be home late. Hisashi would never agree to it but since Eri requested to see him, he was going to take the risk. He slung his bag over his shoulder and headed to the door. A hand on his shoulder told him otherwise.

Katsuki: "We're not done yet, Deku."

Everyone already left the room so it was just the two of them. Izuku tensed. Katsuki pulled him back which caused him to fall on the floor which aggravated his injuries. It felt like back in middle school. Izuku stood up before being lifted a bit by Katsuki holding his collar.

Katsuki: "I'll ask again; what happened to you?"

Izuku didn't answer. His hair shadowed his eyes. Hisashi's threatening note flashed in his mind. Instead of being concerned, he grew angrier. He shook his rival harshly and yelled at him.

Katsuki: "Why won't you answer?!"

He shook and shouted at the shorter teen non-stop. He vaguely reminded him of his father and that scared him. It was why Izuku tried his best to avoid an angry Kacchan. Keyword: tried. Every insult and every beating Izuku received from his former friend was just a painful reminder of what his 'father' did to him. Every day and every night just orbited around that. A normal would've gone insane but Izuku was different. His mother used to be his only source of hope in his miserable life and her last words burned in his mind. Meeting All Might, getting into U.A., and having true friends for the very first time were keeping him from killing himself. Izuku shakingly gripped Katsuki's wrist but the blonde just kept shouting.


Izuku's grip on his wrist got tighter but still went unnoticed. It was until All Might entered and broke it up instantly.

All Might: "Stop, Young Bakugou!"

The explosive teen scowled and let go. Izuku looked at his mentor with blank face but to the frail teacher it meant 'thank you'. Izuku exited the room leaving the two of them inside.

All Might: "Why were shouting at him? I thought you two finally made peace."

Katsuki: ">tch< I was asking the nerd if he was okay. He was acting weird too."

All Might: "What do you mean?"

Katsuki: "None of your business. He was just stuttery after he presented his parents."

The retired hero sighed at the teen's answer. His phone rang so he excused himself and told Katsuki to get to the dorms. All Might entered the teachers' lounge before picking up the call. It was from Detective Tsukauchi.


Ochaco's POV:

Me and Tsu were waiting for Deku outside of the building and I was starting to get impatient. I tapped my foot and looked at my watch.

Tsu: "Midoriya's late. >kero<"

Me: "I know. What's taking him so long?"

Tsu: "I'm sure it's for a good reason. >kero<"

I nodded in response. I had different things going on in my mind. His strange behavior during class was getting worrisome. I'm pretty sure Iida noticed too. My thought's were interrupted when I saw a mop of messy and fluffy green hair headed toward us.

Deku: "Sorry I'm late."

Me: "It's okay, Deku. What took you though?'

Deku: "N-Nothing. Kacchan wanted to talk."

Tsu: "I see. Let's go then. Can't keep Eri waiting any longer."


I do not own the MHA franchise nor the pics used.

FYI: I'm going to be updating my other book and this book one by one. Like updating this book then the other one. Get it?

Hoped you enjoyed this chap!💙

Word count: 1235 words

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