Chapter 8

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Aizawa's POV:

For three days, the door would only open three times a day. One for sliding in a tray of food (just a loaf of bread and water), the second for Hisashi unchaining Midoriya and taking him out of the room, and the last just to bring him back looking even worse. New cuts and bruises littered his body until there wasn't a speck of flesh left to see. Every time I saw him like that, my anger would boil and rise to the surface and I struggled to stifle the urge to lash out on Hisashi if it weren't for my chains. Midoriya told me otherwise. He would say the same words:

Midoriya (hoarse): "I-I'm >cough< f-fine."

It pained me to see one of my students like this. In pain. I was only lucky that Hisashi didn't take off my belt for me to press the SOS signal. It sends a distress signal to Nezu, Tsukauchi, and Yamada and lets them know that I'm in trouble. I just hope that they make it here in time. On the third day, Hisashi entered the room with his barbed whip in hand.

Hisashi: "You came here three days ago looking for this brat of mine. You were looking because he told you, didn't he?"

I didn't answer. Not to him. With his free hand, he took something out of his pocket and pressed something that made the collar shoot out another shock. I gritted my teeth, not giving him any satisfaction in doing this. The collar was losing power.

Hisashi: "As expected of a pro hero. But how can you handle this?"

He raised his whip and I closed my eyes, thinking that he was aiming at me, but it never came. Instead, I heard something shatter and yelling from a familiar voice. Midoriya.  When I opened them again, Midoriya was out of the chains and wrapped the whip on his arm while pulling his father's arm away. Sparks of green lightning arced around his body and there was something shiny on the base of his neck. 

Hisashi: "Let go, you little brat!"

He didn't. Midoriya looked at me and threw something on the floor with his other hand while struggling against Hisashi. It was a small key. My hand leapt for the key and immediately slipped it in the chains, quickly. I kept hearing Hisashi yelling and thuds that made made me faster. When it was undone, I looked up and saw Midoriya cowering at the back wall and Hisashi had his fist raised. I lunged at him and twisted his arm to his back. I took the bunch of keys from his pocket and threw them at Midoriya.

Me: "Get out of here! Go! I'll keep him distracted!"

Midoriya hesitated and looked at me while I pinned Hisashi at the other wall. I know that look. He doesn't want to leave me here. But he doesn't have much of a choice now.

Me: "Hurry! I'll be fine! Just go!"

That did it. He nodded and took the keys and ran to the door, staggering. Hisashi elbowed me at the face and grabbed my shirt and flung me against the back wall. The wind was knocked out of my lungs but he kept coming at me. I narrowly dodged his fist and swung a right hook on his face. He stumbled and I kicked him at the stomach making him fall on the floor. Midoriya collapsed near the door and reached for the key hole with great effort. I didn't have time to help him and Hisashi recovered quick. He grabbed the back of my shirt and threw me to the back wall again.

I heard my left shoulder crack and pain lingred from it with the taste of blood in my mouth. I looked up and saw him holding a gun at my forehead. He cocked the hammer and inched his finger on the trigger. I closed my eyes and braced for it.


It happened so fast. Someone screaming my name, the gunshot ringing in my ears, and something lightly pressed against me. When I opened my eyes, my heart leapt to my throat. Midoriya was in front of me, his back facing Hisashi who blew his icy blue eyes in shock. Blood dribbled from the side of my student's mouth as he looked at me.

Midoriya(weakly): "M-Mr. >cough< A-Aiza...wa......."

Then he fainted. I caught him with horror creeping up to me. Midoriya just took a bullet for me. Blood was oozing out of the small of his back that stood out from his many scars. I didn't know what to think but look at my student.

Hisashi: "Like mother, like son. Such a naive fool. But that makes him gone. Good riddance."

He cocked the gun again and I looked up again while cradling my student. The gun aimed for me again. Suddenly, the door flew open and streaks of red went for Hisashi, pinning him to the wall on my right. The gun flew out of his hand and struggled, yelling profanities. Hawks, Tsukauchi, Kayama, and Yamada were standing at the door way looking livid. Tsukauchi looked horrified from seeing the blood-stained room and shackles.

Hawks: "Sorry that we're late."

Me: "Nice timing."

Before they could restrain him-thank God they didn't-Yamada instantly landed a punch on Hisashi square in the jaw. Grabbed his collar and brought him closer to his face.


He yelled at Hisashi until he delivered another punch that knocked the fire breather out. I was glad. They came. Midoriya's breaths started to get weak and his blood was starting to make a pool on the floor. Luckily, the EMTs came in and took Midoriya from to get him treated. In a daze, I stood up after getting my shock collar off and followed Tsukauchi outside.
Again, I do not own the pic and the MHA series and manga.

Long time no see, darlings! I'm sorry it took so long! I had school, chores, and more schoolwork!

The green bean's finally out! Yay! Oh, wait he got shot so not a win-win. 😤😢

Anyway, hoped you enjoyed this chapter and more to come!💙

Word count: 1051 words

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