Pursuit (2x03) part 1

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"It's not working."

Alec state had been unstable ever since he started to look for Jace through the Parabatai bond with Jace. He did what Jocelyn warned him not to do: going to deep.

Magnus has been called to the Institute to handle his state and keep him closer to the surface as long as possible. But as a warlock, his powers were limited. The longer he used his magic, the harder it was for him to save Alec.

" I'm sorry Isabelle. Parabatai bonds are like a tether that binds two souls. Jace and Alec share emotions, instincts, strength...It's an angelic bond. My magic can only do so much." Magnus told her.

"So Jace is like this, too ?" Izzy asked him.

"Not necessarily. It appears that when Alec called out to him, part of his soul never returned." Magnus deducted. "Now he's stuck, lost somewhere between himself and his parabatai."

Izzy held tighter Alec's hand. "But if Jace brought back that missing piece of his soul, we may have the cure right ?"

"It's a possibility."

Izzy held Alec's hand tighter, before she let it go as she grabbed her stuff. "Stay with Alec. I'll go find Jace."


Clary, Jace, Leila and Tobias got separated after they jumped out of the boat.

Jace found himself on land as he woke up, but couldn't find Clary or Leila. What he found on the other hand, was Gretel. The wolf they had captured the day before, and that Valentine ended up killing. As he went to check who the body was, a jogger found them. As soon as she saw the dead body, and Jace's hovering over her, she immediately called the police to report him. Scared to be accused of murder, when his main goal was to find Clary, Leila and go back to the Institute, Jace fled the scene.

Speaking of the Institute, Clary was the first one who managed to go there first. As soon as she stepped in, other Shadowhunters tried to stop her but she walked past them. She needed to find Izzy.

"Clary, are you okay ?" Jocelyn asked, once she saw her daughter finally come in.

" I'm fine. I need to see Izzy."

"Clary wait !" Jocelyn stopped her as she grabbed her arm. "What happened ? Where have you been ?"

"We're all curious." This comment was added by Aldertree who had been alerted by Clary's sudden entrance. "Bring a change of clothes and a hot cup of tea to my office." Aldertree commanded the one who alerted him before he stared at Clary. "Clary and I are gonna have a little chat."

"Please, let me see Isabelle first." Clary asked.

"She's with Alec, Clary." Jocelyn intervened. "He was trying to help me find you, and something went wrong. He's in a bad way. "


As the police was alerted of a dead body found on the beach, Luke went along with them. At first, he didn't know who the victim was, but as he got closer to the dead body he recognized Gretel. She was a member of his pack.

Alaric, who had been interrogating the witness, walked towards Luke.

"Any leads ?" Luke asked him, while he covered Gretel's dead body.

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