SwanFeathers imprisonment.

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SwanFeather opened her eyes, looking up with a groan. Her head hurt so badly, how hard had she hit it?

"Where am I..?" She mumbled, not expecting a shape in the corner to speak.

"That's for us to know, you to find out." It said, she jumped a bit, turning to face them.

"SnowClan camp?" She asked, as their camp always stayed a secret to outsiders.

The feline in the shadows nodded slightly, stepping out where she could see it better. Her jaw dropped as she noticed the feline had black patches of skin around their muzzle, and grayish eyes.

"I was tryin got communicate with starclan, I swear that's all I was here for." She hurriedly said, her feeling dizzy.

"Hmm.. then what we're those herbs in your mouth that you ate on our territory?" The Tom spoke, glaring at her with those infected grey eyes.

"I'm QuillClans medicine cat, I brought those on my journey." She suddenly regretted bringing those herbs, as she would've detected the cat behind her if she hadn't.

"We will see what SnowStar has to think about that." The Tom grumbled, stepping outside of the den with a flick of his tail. Two guards, she assumed, stepped into the den entrance, preventing any escape from the medicine cat trapped inside.

SwanFeather breathed a sigh, laying her head down on her paws. She never should've left QuillClan camp. Tho if huts rushed to her head. What if someone had the illness? Here she would never be able to help them. She couldn't find out more about the disease.

Was starclan even there for her anymore?

SnowStar stepped in the den, standing tall. She Snowclan leader flicked her tail for the guards to leave. SwanFeather dipped her head, sitting up.

"Greetings QuillClan medicine cat." SnowStar spoke. "I was told you were found on our territory, attempting to go to the Meeting Place in order to visit starclan? May you tell me why?"

SwanFeather sighed. "I was trying to get there because our clan recently had a strange illness in our camp. I was trying to visit starclan to ask them how I should treat it."

SnowStar shook her head, a deep sigh escaping her throat. "StarClan has left the forest, haven't you noticed?" SwanFeather gaped for a moment, was this true?

"But why?" She asked, glancing around the small prison den.

"We aren't sure yet, but didn't you notice no stars on silverpelt?" SwanFeather nodded slowly. "No messages, no prophecies. No omens, absolutely nothing from them."

SwanFeather decided not to mention the prophecy QuillStar told her. SwanFeather stayed silent, the scent of empty was lingering in the air.

"We will let you go. But you are never to cross into our territory again." SnowStar growled, turning back on the medicine cat as she flicked her tail for the guards to escort her out. "We have no use for you here."

SwanFeather sighed, slightly relieved. But a small part of her head screaming with questions. Why would starclan leave?

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