Alley way

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I felt excited to finally chase my dreams.
I also felt nervous for a fresh start as 18 year old.
I'm still working on some dresses that I've been working on for since I was little

We enter and we check in, I check my flip phone to see what day it is September 1st 2009, "how I hate elevators they are scary!" Lexi says "calm down its just a few floors up." I said, I sharply breathe "I can't wait to see how it looks!!" Lexi says "I hope it's pretty" I say "Yea! I hope so but later let's go out to the city and have some free time." She says, we get to our floor and heading down that hall felt different, I got chills from going down the hall. We finally enter our apartment and to my surprise it looked beautiful. It looked somehow elegant.

I look around while Lexi unpacks in her room, I gently slide my palm on the kitchen counter, I turn to go unpack my things and I see an old picture of me.

(13 years ago)

"Mom look at the dress that I made!" I said looking down the picture I was holding, it was a little black and white dress with a cute curl at the end of the dress, "it looks ok?" She question, oh that was all just an ok?

My mom never really cared about what I did she only really for Marilyn and I was sick of it. Me and Ariana never had her treatment. When dad came that's when we actually enjoyed our time. After my father's death it's been really different but I had to change. I wish he was still here to see my drawing.


I put the picture down and I see another but this time it was my father. This was taken the day before my dad got into that horrible crash. I'm happy he's in a better place but I miss his presence. He taught me how defend myself. I don't miss mom at all she was just the opposite of my father.

"Hey lilac change real quick we're heading out." I throw on a pick cropped shirt and some flared jeans that I had made myself, I put on socks and I throw on some white converse, "yeah, I'm ready" I say and we start heading out, "I'm so happy and maybe we can see if there's any building for rent so we can start our business" Lexi says "let's focus and not get lost though" I say we start heading down the sidewalk and we see a store that we've have always wanted to look and shop in, my phone starts ringing "I'll be in there in a little bit I have to take this call" I say instantly regretting it when I answered and turned to see a beautiful man with dreadlocks. "Hey Lac how is my beautiful girl" my mom says, I roll my eyes and I saw him looking at me in the alley way, I moved a tad bit from uncomfortableness.

I kept on call with my mother, god how I wanted to end the goddamn call, then I heard my sister. I immediately hung up I didn't want to hear my fucking sister. I honestly hated thinking that I left my other sister to rot in that horrible house, I turn back to the alley and I saw a tall guy with thin dreadlocks, black from the top and white from the bottom. He was wearing two t-shirts, white one and a black one top of it. He looked lovely, our eyes meet.

Bills POV

She looked beautiful. Her beautiful strawberry blonde hair, her hourglass body. I don't want Tom hurting someone so beautiful I knew I had to stop him as soon as I saw him look at her but it was already too late. He walked up her and I just knew what he was going to say.

Toms POV

"Hey beautiful what's your name" I said slightly running my finger on her arm "don't fucking touch me!" She snapped at me "don't talk to me like that you cunt" I said "Tom stop touching her" bill says "stay out of this bill this doesn't convince you!" I yell at him. "Just tell me your name beautiful, then I won't hurt you." I said with a smirk "shut the fuck up and get off of me!" She yells, I pull her into the alley and slap her until she looked at me in fear. "It's Lilac now stop slapping me you slut!" She says "what are you going to do if I don't?" I threaten "just stop please!!" She screams, yes yes this what I wanted to hear the pain in her voice it made me powerful.

Lilacs POV

He lets go. Was this really happening, no it can't be I don't want this to be. I see lex "lets go home I don't want to be here please" I say she nods and I run with her.

5:30 pm

We get our floor and I see bill and we quickly get in "what the fuck is going on with you!" Lex says I sigh "look when you were inside the store this guy kept slapping me and asked me for my name but I just saw him or I think it was his brother they look identical. I just don't feel safe" I say "let's just go to sleep, just get your mind off it!" She says

Lexis POV

She doesn't feel safe. If she doesn't then I don't either I have to protect her. I don't want to get hurt either I don't know what to do.


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