His brother pt. 1

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Toms POV

It's been a few hours and its time to get that taylor girl. I check my phone, "shit i totally forgot about the fucking race. I need to go." I say to myself, i run to my room and all the girls are sleeping everywhere, "these bitches really drank in here without my fucking permission." I whisper, i open my closet and i get my clothes, i start changing as fast as possible, i put my belt on and i start to head out, "Fuck! I'm late as shit." I say, i start speeding down the highway, this time the girls weren't here, and we had to switch cars to different colors, mine was black. The other i had with lilac and Emma on was red and white. This one was all black, the number was '62' i arrive and i go to my car, i didnt have time to fuck around with the girls right now, i was late as shit.

I get my helmet and i get in my car, "you ready Tom?" One of the helpers say "always." I reply

45 minutes pass

New girl hosting the race now huh? Looks Japanese, she looked okay for a Japanese girl in New York "we have yuki hosting this months race, thank you for wasting all your money to come here!" A guy behind the intercom says. Some people laugh.

Yuki huh? Ugly ass name, "we have our gang racing today! Tokio hotel, Tom, bill, Georg, and Gustav. You know them! And welcome again to this race. Race will be starting shortly." He says, i wanted it to start already. Im starting to miss lilac now that im thinking about it, her strawberry blonde hair, her beautiful blue eyes, and her hourglass body, hm.

"Here we go-" he says "3, 2, 1, AND GO!" Yuki says and we go.

1 round = no crashes.

No crashes so far, I need someone to crash.

Rounds and rounds go by.

What round are we in right now? I see the bill board, damn, round 211? The race ends on round 215, round 213? That fast? Damn how fast are we going, i see bill going in front of my and i hit full speed, 2 more rounds pass by, i won again.

"TOM WINS THE RACE!" Yuki yells, people start cheering, some start booing but who the hell cares? These motherfuckers love me, i get out of my car and they start interviewing me and i said all that needed to be said.

12 minutes later

I walk towards two girls, one looked like the girl i saw earlier, taylor. And the other one well, i have no fucking idea. Then i see lilac walking towards bill, i see her looking at me, then she turns her head and i stands beside bill "come one taylor! It's going to be fun!" The girls says "no i just want to go home" taylor says "fine ill go, and ill stay with bill." The girl says "okay your asking for it Ria. Im leaving bye." Taylor says "come on dont be such a bitch." I say and lilac turns around to walk beside taylor. "Tom dont call her a bitch. Come here lex." Lilac says, the girl 'lex' comes by.

"Im just saying beautiful." I say to lilac, "god Tom your so gullible" lilac says "come on princess you don't want another punishment now do you? It could be worse" i say while playing with my chain with a tiny smirk on my face "dont talk to her like that." Taylor says "ah, when did the girl go to 'my name is taylor, whats your handsome?' To Mrs feisty pants?" I mimick her, "oh shut up Tom." She says "dont make me get mad taylor." I say "fine whatever but im going home Ria." She says "dont even think of coming back. Stay with this emo boy." She says and she gets in her car and drives off

Bills POV

Hours later

Ria went home. I didnt enjoy any thing of that, it was just a total waste of my time, lying in bed with her for hours just talking about the things she likes to do and not even talk about me or what the hell i liked. "Hey bill im going to be out of New York today." Tom comes in and says "why and where you going?" I ask "im going to Charleston, South Carolina to go to my friends house, i havent seen like that bitch in ages" he says "when will you be back?" I ask "ill be back in 2 days, then me and alex ill be in Raleigh, North Carolina, then ill come back." He says "alright have a good one." I say, "thanks, bye" he says "bye big bro." I say and he leaves, without me too, damn its okay ill just be bored for the rest of the— "I HAVE A FUCKING PHOTOSHOOT TO GO TO." I yell to myself and i change and start heading to my car, i hear my phone ringing, shit that must be lilac, i answer "bill we are waiting for you! Where are you at bill?" She says "im coming on full speed dont worry im almost there, dont even worry about me right now." I say as i get closer and closer "ok ill see you later." She says and hangs up, 2 minutes away from vogue now.

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