Part 9

467 11 19

"W-what are you doing?" 

Truth is I don't know what I am doing. Initially I was just lust driven and trying to mess with her, but now, I can't help the jealousy and possessiveness I feel bubbling to the surface again. Because of this, my mouth opens before I can think through my words.

"I know you care." I say with a lazy smile.

"What are you talking about?"

I take a stumbling step closer to her, which is a lot in this confined space in the bathroom. I see Mia take a gulp and cross her arms over her chest in an effort to put distance between us I guess. Our eyes lock.

"Don't think I don't see you everyday with him. Riding in his car, waiting for him between classes. Everything we used to do. So of course I'm upset Mia, how could I not be? But... I also know you look at me. I catch you... you stopped recently just to irritate me and I knew it the second you did. I think you knew that I saw you watching me, and you've been toying with me since...why don't you come out and say it?" I say, taking yet another step causing her to be pinned against the sink. No way to escape my words.

No way to escape me.


"Say it." I say in the most unwavering and serious tone I can muster.

I lean in, impossibly closer to her. I feel the heat radiating off of her body and hear the audible gulp she takes when my forehead almost presses against hers. My arms come up and plant themselves on the sink behind her, our bodies now against each other. My eyes flick down to her lips and back up to her eyes that I am searching.

"Say you care about me..." softly I say, my eyes trailing down her face before landing on her lips.

I look back up at her wide shocked eyes, but don't miss her blown pupils, or the fact that her breathing has now turned into fast shallow breaths. Her words say only one thing, or at least I think they do in my drunken haze. 


I immediately closed the distance between us as I grabbed the back of her head, pulling her as close to me as possible, and kissed her. I instantly melted into her lips remembering how soft they were when first kissed and wanting nothing more than to kiss her like this all the time. Mia was stunned and frozen as my lips pressed against hers as they move in a slow synced rhythm.  I don't know what came over me, if it was the alcohol or jealousy or the pent up feelings I have for Mia, but I couldn't resist her anymore. It was as if the dam finally broke and everything I've tried to keep inside flowed out finally resulting in this kiss. Her hand came up to my face as I swiped my tongue slightly along her bottom lip causing her to release a deep breath. We kissed a few moments longer until I felt Mia start to stiffen. 

Suddenly I feel her hands come up to my shoulders and push me away harshly as she backs away, Mia and me both gasping for air and staring at each other across the bathroom. Her once blue eyes now almost black in color as her hand comes up to her lips and touches them lightly.

"Why did you do that?" she says in a whisper.

"Because I'm sick of staring at your lips, when I know I'd rather do something else with them instead," I say and blush, the confessional words that slipped out from the liquor.

Mia looks at me incredulously and chuckles lightly running her hands through her hair. 

"What is happening right now Vada?" 

I can't help the small smirk on my lips when I look at hers and move closer to her filling some of the gap between us. "Well I'm getting sick of only staring again," I say flicking my eyes back down to her wetted lips.

"You are unbelievable," she says shaking her head and tugging at her hair with her hands.

"Mia," I say loud and clear.

She stops and looks at me.

"Are you going to kiss me or not?" I say in a slow drawl, not breaking our eye contact.

I could sense as well as see Mia's hesitation at my words. Her eyes shift back and forth rapidly from my eyes and lips as she rolls her eyes slightly. My stomach dropped more and more as time passed without her saying anything. I audibly gulped and mustered up the courage to say one word.


Her mouth drops open and her eyes drill into mine as I wear a nervous smile. Silence envelopes us again and I hang my head down and close my eyes, wondering why I had to have this much alcohol that my mouth runs with my inner thoughts on full display.

She lets out a huff and I look up as she strides toward me, grabbing my waist and neck crashing her lips onto mine hungrily, sending me backwards until I hit the door with a thud. It's my turn to be stunned by Mia's kiss as I feel her hands grip on me tighter and her body press further into mine, a turnaround from her kissing minutes ago. It only takes me a second to reciprocate as feel the want and desperation she shares. I replace my hands on her face and push my hips against hers arching off the door. Our mouths move feverishly against one another and I let out a breathy gasp when her tongue swipes along my bottom lip, begging for entrance. Immediately I grant it and I feel her soft tongue press against mine. 

Her hands feel like fire gripping me, as they start to trail down my body from my shoulders all the way to my hands that are holding her face. She gives them a light squeeze in reassurance, my stomach fluttering as I let out a giggle into her mouth. I grow impatient, moving our hands to her hips and tugging her closer into me as our centers press against one another. I let out a moan and feel Mia break the kiss in a gasp, her nose brushing mine as her eyes flutter open. She looks at me intensely with eyes that are darker than ever, and having trouble focusing on mine rather than my lips. I grab her neck with my hands causing her to dart them right back to my eyes and stay there. I lean in and place a light lingering kiss on her lips, then pull away resting my forehead against hers.

"Touch me Mia."

Mia stiffens and lets out a ragged breath, her eyes widening in shock and her mouth hanging open staring back at me.


"Touch me," I say once more and slam my lips onto hers, gripping tightly onto her neck pulling her down to me. 

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