Part 11

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HAHA I love how I couldn't write for the longest time, started writing right after I posted part 10, and then forgot until now... :/ Sorry I suck, I know, but I'm not gone and won't be gone until this story is complete. Wouldn't be finishing this story if not for you guys, thank you for the enthusiasm and for sticking with me. If anyone has a suggestion they feel very strongly or passionate about, drop it in the comments and I'll take a look! I promise to complete Us After The Fallout in it's entirety <3


I was stumbling on my feet as I made my way down the path that lead to the long sprawling wrap-around driveway of Julia's house. My vision blurred by the alcohol in my system and tears spilling over onto my cheeks. I quickly wiped them with the back of my hand, swiping harshly and slipping on a discarded beer can. I needed to get out of here. I was moving fast, not realizing how fast though until I feel a hand on my arm slamming me to a halt and tugging me around. 

"Vada can you stop for a second?" Mia looks at me with equal amounts of concern and pure shock. "I-I mean what the hell was that?! Where are you going, you can't just-just leave that like that!" Mia gasps out.

"Nothing Mia, just leave it be. I'm going home," my words almost being as harsh as the wind as I turn away walking. Fuck it's freezing out.

Once again I feel a tug on my arm, "This is ridiculous," mumbled by her and I'm face to face with Mia looking as though I just slapped her.

"You are seriously wanting to walk home right now?! A 45 minute walk in the city, alone, drunk, and in the cold? What is wrong with you?" 

That struck a nerve again, my last one. I rip her hand off of my arm, my jaw tensing. I step closer to her, her eyes becoming alarmed and her body tensing but she doesn't step back. There is a million bitchy things I want to say to her right now. I want to scream until my voice is horse, because what isn't wrong with me right now? What am I not going through? What am I supposed to feel after I opened myself up, was vulnerable and unraveling my feelings for her to only have it thrown back in my face in the worst way possible? To want to tell her she is the only relief from the numbness my body has been encased in since the shooting, but know I can't? Mia's eyes hold mine with an unreadable emotion, almost pleading me to reveal these things I'm keeping inside. But I blink back the tears forming in my eyes, turn and set out once again on my long walk home. 

This time I don't feel Mia following, and I think if I were to turn around she would still be glued to her place. 

After a few minutes of walking, the cold is really starting to get to me and shivers wrack my body. I shouldn't have gone to the stupid party, I should have just stayed in my sweatshirt and rotted in bed. Being alone with my thoughts would have been better than this, managed to hurt less than the events of tonight.

I'm so cold that my fingers are numb and I'm stumbling even more now while I mostly keep my head down, relying on muscle memory to get me home. Cars drive past, making me envious and upset at myself that I didn't find Jason before I left to drive me. Another car is coming, but this time I hear it pull up next me making my heart race and my walking pace speed up.

"Vada" I hear ring out. I stop in my tracks and look over my shoulder at Mia sticking her head out of the car window. "Get in, you aren't walking anymore!"

"I'm fine, I'll be fine, I'm not drunk anymore. I don't think I'm even tipsy at this point. Just go," I chatter out unconvincing sounding, my stubbornness keeping me from going to her car. 

"I'm not taking no for an answer on this, it's freezing you are going to get sick. Please get in the car," she says in a softer tone.

I bite my lip and shake my head, as I turn back around to keep walking. I hear the car door open and close and I look back. Mia is walking towards me, adorned in a jacket now and she proceeds to stop next to me. "Fine, lead the way then."

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