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(4.7k words)
A/n: hope you enjoy this chapter ❤️

You spent the rest of the night questioning why you ever placed the ad in the paper to begin with. Certainly you could just go to sleep and you'd wake up to all of Eddie's belongings gone because this was a nightmare.. right? Of course. You'd wake up any minute now and things would go back to the way they used to be.

Oh how you had hoped.

Eddie wearing your robe was just the tip of the iceberg of the stupid shit he would endure for the next 12 hours. After eating 7 slices of pizza, he wiped his greasy hands down the front of it. Settling for that instead of the arms of the couch after you had scolded him. He talked during the entire episode of The Nanny.

"Holy shit, she's hot, I mean her voice is kinda nasally but woooowwweeeee.. you think she's into metalheads? I bet she is. I bet she'd love to be wrapped all up in me, it'd be a secret though for her." He talked with his mouth full, bits of cheese and pizza sauce flying from his lips and landing on his naked chest. His feet were propped up on the coffee table, toes wiggling like he was a child watching cartoons. "Got any chips? I'm hungry."

He left a mess wherever he went. The chips he begged you for were still sitting open on the couch. Crumbs decorated the upholstery like confetti at a New Year's Eve party. His pizza plate on the coffee table, holding an impressive amount of beer cans. Instead of hanging your robe back up on its proper hook in the bathroom, he left it on the floor in between the living room and the hallway. You had gone to bed after he insisted on belching "Love Bites" with three beers tucked between his legs. It was at this moment you thought of begging Steve and Robin to move in with you instead.

"For the last time, I refuse to try to out burp you, I will not be duct taping beers to my hands, and for the love of god if you get salsa on the carpet I will skin you alive."

"It puts the lotion on its skin...."

You stomp to bed, slamming your bedroom door and throwing the covers over your head. You can hear Eddie slurring through your bedroom walls.

"C'mon Tooooty, I thought we were having a slumber party. You didn't even paint my nails yet!" His small hiccuping giggles turn into a roar of laughter lasting entirely too long.


The next morning you wake up to your alarm, it's peaceful, content. Today is a new day and you have a busy schedule working at the salon. Saturdays are easily the most hectic at Josie's. It seems it's the only day off for most people to come in and get their hair done. You dress in a simple black tank top tucked into a black mini skirt, a form fitting denim vest over top, and black chunky slide sandals. Spritzing yourself with your Exclamation perfume you just have to brush your teeth and grab a little breakfast.

Upon opening your bedroom door you are hit with a stench so ungodly, it makes the hair stand up on your arms. Did a fucking tornado crash through your home? How hard were you sleeping? You felt like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz only in reverse, while she was mystified by the sights around her you were full of rage, disgust, and sheer anger. Eddie.

For fucks sake it is almost as if he needed a goddamn babysitter. Beer cans litter the floor. A silver ball made of duct tape was sitting on the couch, the small tv was still on. All your VHS's were scattered along the floor by the entertainment center. A plate of what looked like hardened shredded cheese was balancing on the edge of the coffee table. Rolling papers, and two joints were piled on top of it, along with various baggies of god knows what. Chips were ground into the carpet, their sharp edges making the carpet glitter with nacho cheese and tortilla shrapnel. And sitting opened and probably now dry, was the blue nail polish you had gotten with Robin. The whole place reeked of the dirty rotten scent of spilled stale beer soaking cotton fabric, the remnants of weed wafting from the furniture baking into the fibers from the sun streaming through the windows in lazy strips of golden yellow.

Honey I'm Home  / Eddie Munson x you (female reader)Where stories live. Discover now