bonus feature: 1

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i'll be adding a little collection of blurbs i wrote formed from asks on my tumblr, enjoy

✰ eddie takes care of tooty postpartum

a small kiss sweeps against your neck, soft and sweet, followed by a sleepy little moan.

"good morning, baby."

you roll over and face him, still adjusting to the pull of the stitches in your abdomen wincing as it feels like your muscles are literally being ripped in half.

you grumble and yawn, "no way the sun is out right now, i just laid her back down."

he loves your sleepy voice, loves the way your hair is tangled into a mess on top of your head, the way your sleep shirt is twisted under you.

motherhood was his favorite look on you. it fit you perfectly and you wore it well. whenever Eddie seemed to be losing his mind not knowing what was going on when both the babies were crying, you were gentle in explaining to him what they needed.

he chuckles into your neck and you find his lips with eyes still closed, kissing him deep, sighing into his open mouth when his fingers cup your cheek.

Six weeks of late nights and spit up stained shirts— you wouldn't trade it for anything. Eddie had morphed into the biggest softie, nearly crying himself when you trimmed the babies finger nails, never wanting to lay them down when they were sleeping. Wayne was right, he was the best dad.

"you're so beautiful," eddie whispers running his thumb over your cheek bone, "my sweet tooty."

the butterflies for eddie never stopped fluttering and you never wanted them to, he was perfect. you open your eyes and smile up at him.

he's completely dressed, keys stuffed into his pocket.

"going to the shop this morning?"

" 'm taking the babies to go see grandpa and grandma—" you sit up but large hands put pressure on your arms and lay you back down, "nah uh sweetheart, this is daddy's day out, you just stay put, rest."

tears well in your eyes and you aren't sure if it's from being so tired and drained from lack of sleep or from pure happiness and the thought of sleeping uninterrupted.

"wh—what if they n-need me?" you sob, tears rolling down your cheeks in an uncontrollable flood.

Eddie's calm voice shushes you, "baby, I packed everything we might need—bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, socks, extra onesies, burp rags.. we will be more than fine."

you didn't think they wouldn't be, but you sobbed even harder. "—i'm go, ugh Eddie! i'm gonna m-miss them."

the bed dips where eddie sits next to you, rubbing your back, kissing your temple, "you need sleep, honey. it's the only way you'll heal."

it took some more convincing from eddie, but when the front door shut and tires crunched on the gravel, your tears dried, and you hiccuped yourself to sleep— waking in the late afternoon to the smell of fried food and the smoky scent of eddie's cologne.

"brought some food home," he said kissing your lips and holding two large drinks and a bag of food in his arms, "wayne and karen wanted to watch the kids for the night...said I looked like hell and should go home and sleep— can you believe that?"

you smirk and his dimples display in his shit eating grin, "diet coke for the lady, and a regular coke for daddy."

eddie unravels the slick wrappers from each hamburger, handing you a carton of fries as you sit up in bed, joining you with a burger in his mouth like a dog holding its favorite toy.

"regular coke, huh?" you say taking a small bite from your burger, "damn livin' life on the edge."

eddie snorts and swallows his food, "right, might even get real crazy and finish the whole thing."

"eddie the freak munson still has it, ladies and gentleman."

Eddie's eyes cloud dark, a smirk on his lips as he walks his fingers under the sheets, towards your inner thigh— knowing full well that you slept in just panties and that oversized shirt these days.

your breath shifts and you swallow hard when his finger tips graze over your clit, a small little hitch catches in your throat and he grins devilishly, leaning down into you, eyes ripping holes into you, swallowing your bated breath as he moves his fingers underneath your panties, and you welcome him with knees pulled apart.

"oh baby... i never lost it."

Honey I'm Home  / Eddie Munson x you (female reader)Where stories live. Discover now