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*• a/n: thanks for the votes on the other chapters. This chapter is 11.6k words 😫 hope you like it!


Clunk clunk humm

You were already late for work this morning and now this? Must be a fucking Monday. This must be that bitch karma's payback for you talking shit about Eddie's van the other night when he backed it up to the garage to unload some shit he salvaged from the junkyard.

"You would think that since you're a mechanic, you could tune up that piece of shit so it isn't so fucking loud."

Eddie scoffs and rolls his eyes, unloading another arm load of car parts from the back of the van to the middle of the garage, "don't dog on the shaggin' wagon, you know how much ass I get in this thing?"

The unspoken agreement you had with Eddie the other night after spilling your guts about your past, gave you more patience towards him than ever before. Instead of finding him repulsive, you two were almost friends.

"No I don't and also I don't care." you say taking a bite of a Mmm ham sandwich.

"More than a public toilet seat," Eddie boasts, "Ladies love it, feel like I'm Shaggy or something."

More like his other four-legged snack-loving friend.

"I really hope you use a rubber, don't wanna extend the Munson blood line anymore than you have to," you bite back.

"Oh sweetheart, I always wrap it with the groupies, especially watching Jas bounce from Gareth, to Big D to Walt all in one night."

"Well look at you, Mr. Perfect bill of health."

Eddie smiles widely a stupid grin plastered on his face, "I'm so good at the doctors they even give me a sticker. "
Now here you are, stranded at the gas station east of town, past Merrill's pumpkin patch. Losing all faith in your sanity, you slam your hand into the steering wheel one more time. Your chunky boots clunk across the pavement as you pull the door towards you, a dingy brass bell dings overhead, alerting the gas station attendant that someone has entered the store.

"Back again?" the balding creep with the greasy combover presses. His coke bottle thick glasses full of breakfast pizza slime from his fingers from pushing them up on in place after sliding down the oils on his nose. A brown paper bag with orange spray paint sitting next to it sat on the counter, and a tinge of orange around his mouth.

With no  time for small talk or shooting the shit with the local bachelors of Hawkins, you simply need to borrow the phone and call... fuck. You didn't want to have to call Boom's, but the other shops didn't open yet, and you didn't know any of them. The decision was made.

"I need to use the phone," you say laying your hands on the counter.

"No can do, this is a business line," he spits bits of his barely chewed breakfast falling from his over stuffed mouth.

Irritated beyond belief you say through gritted teeth, "What? My car broke down, I need to have it towed."

Showing no sympathy the combover greaseball spits, "That sucks, don't it," a throaty chuckle erupts from him. Clearly the man got off from making next to little effort in helping someone.

"Listen," you say peering over the counter to read the slobs name tag, "Ralph— you're going to give me the goddamn phone so I can get my car towed, or I'm going to tell your boss about your little huffing habit. Got it?"

His cheeks crimson at your threat, "...what's the number?"

After dialing it wrong three times, Ralph's oversized fingers and his altered mind getting hung up on where the 4 was on the dusty rotary phone, you hastily reach across the counter and grab it and the Hawkins phone book. Flipping through the worn yellow pages, finding the number yourself and slotting your fingers in the appropriate places to get the number correct, it finally starts ringing.

Honey I'm Home  / Eddie Munson x you (female reader)Where stories live. Discover now