volume: 15

553 8 4

"This is it," Eddie says, swiveling in his seat to look over at you, the rings on his finger tapping gently against the steering wheel.

Smiling softly, you look through the smoke stained windows of Eddie's van up at the big brick house. He wasn't kidding, Steve lived in a mansion compared to the small ranch style you had called home for the past few years.

You scrunch up your nose, "jeez Steve couldn't afford anything bigger than this? Must be going broke." Your humor was coming back in small spurts and Eddie grinned ear to ear.

"I know," he agrees, throwing open his door and going around the front of the van to open yours, ".. ugly isn't it? Poor bastard has no taste." His smile is wide and toothy like it always was, but somehow more handsome. "This is okay right? I mean just gimme the word babe and we can stay with Wayne or somethin'."

Placing a rogue curl away from his face you twist it around your finger. You weren't sure if you'd ever get used to the feeling of being his, but you couldn't wait to start a new chapter in your life.

"I'd live anywhere, as long as you're with me," you say sweetly.

One of his big warm hands finds your cheek, wafting the familiar smell of old spice and Marlboros to you and bringing your face up to him, "you really are the most  beautiful girl, you know that right?"

Steve and Leighanne had been expecting you, checking in with Eddie to make sure you would feel at home for your stay... however long that may turn out to be. They refused to accept any money from Eddie regarding rent. "It's no good here Munson...Leighanne and I are just happy you two are safe."

"..and you sir," you say, working your fingers along the cotton of his shirt, a smile pressed to your coy lips, "are so full of shit."

His eyebrows pull together and release once you stick out your tongue in a tease. A smirk replaces his concerned expression and he pulls you up into him.

His lips enclose yours and you can't stop the smile spreading across them.

"You ready, baby?"

For the first time in three months, you had something to smile about, to look forward to, but the weeks leading up to this were not paved in gold.

Eddie paced the tiles of the waiting room, nails bitten and bleeding on his left hand, threads ripped and torn in the holes in his jeans. He was a wreck.

The brief conversation with the doc while you were being prepped for surgery gave little to no relief. Few words sticking with him and running like ticker tape across a news station channel screen in his head.
"high risk"
"Possible death during childbirth"

He held your hand as long as he could before you were wheeled into the operating room, apologies falling from your lips, followed by screams of pain. Eddie was terrified but assured you everything would be okay. Even if his bravado was fake, his mask held strong on his features. Calming you instantly.

He doesn't break until the swinging doors close and he's standing alone in the cold hallway, the pads of his fingers pressed to his lips. A silent scream trapped in his lungs. But the salt of his tears paint his face and wash away the mask, Awww

He just got you back, and now your life possibly hung in the balance, again. He just found out he was going to be a dad, and now the baby he never got more than a week to love, was gone.

Is this what it was to love him? Everyone he ever loved left in one way or another. The punishment of loving an unlovable man meant losing your life in terms of Eddie Munson.

His mother.
His child.

It was a curse. An eye for an eye. He had killed and now he was reaping what he sowed.

Honey I'm Home  / Eddie Munson x you (female reader)Where stories live. Discover now