bonus feature: 2

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eddie & tooty have their first fight after everything

you weren't used to this.

the doting, the constant reassurance to see if you were okay. more doting. always a calm voice. Eddie cared—loved you bigger than anyone ever has, and you loved him equally as much.

but something dragged, crawled against your skin in piercing talons when he treated you as if you were helpless, as if you weren't capable of doing things on your own.

it came out in a snap. a bitchy tone that eddie hadn't heard since the early days of being your roommate.

it startled him. and he froze.m, not sure if you were serious. so he looked at you with hurt eyes. "what?"

"i can cut my own fucking steak, eddie."

steve stopped with his lips pressed to his wine glass, scared to move, eyes wide bracing for the car crash that would take place across from the dining room table.

eddie sets the knife down, slides your plate back over to you, "just trying to be nice, baby."

with a huff, and a screeching scratch of the chair carving the wood floor under your weight, you throw the cloth napkin onto the porcelain plate, leaving the room in a quick stomp.

steve whistles low, "i know those stomps, you're in the dog house man," he takes a generous sip of his wine, wiping his face with the back of his hand, "sleep on the pullout in the basement tonight... it's not too uncomfortable."

eddie rolls his eyes, throwing a dinner roll into steve's chest, "you're not helping dickwad."

"easy" steve tries, "better go find out what you did wrong."


he finds you fuming, wearing a path in the carpet in your shared room at steve's, tears welled but not ready to fall.

"babe?" eddie asks, shutting the door quietly, unthreading his chain wallet from his jeans setting it on the dresser, "are you... okay?"

"jesus christ eddie!" you snap, "i'm fine— more than fine!"

eddie looks at you blankly, "you don't look fine."

"oh yeah? of course when it comes to me, you have all the answers, huh?" 

"the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

im okay eddie! i don't need you to constantly ask if im feeling okay, or if im comfortable or if i need anything!"

"thats what boyfriends do, babe."

"No— no no no no!" you say pulling at your hair, frustrated beyond recognition, angry tears falling, "you treat me like i'm made of glass, like one step the wrong way and i'll break! ever since i've gotten out of the hospital you've treated me like a fucking porcelain doll!"

"you almost died, remember that?" eddie says defensively, peering down at you, "i'm never going to forgive myself, or forget what happened, tooty—" his voice breaks but he swallows it down.

"we can't keep living in the past eddie! it happened, it's over with, i'm not a fucking little kid!"

he's yelling now, voice angry and filled with sad rage, "i won't forget! every single day— every time i look at you i think of what would have happened if i was there... how i could have stopped him!" he runs a hand through his hair in defeat, bottom lip trembling.

"Fuck, i'm sorry for coddling you, baby, really i am— but right now.. the only thing— the only fucking thing— that keeps me from breaking down and wondering what a loaded gun tastes like—is taking care of you."

he grunts at the weight of you flying into him, holding him tight and sobbing into his chest, he kisses your head, his own cheeks wet, as he whispers, " i'm just trying to makeup for what I couldn't do that night, baby. "

you kiss him deep smashing your lips to his, peppering i'm sorry's all over his skin, pulling him onto the bed with you.

he's silent when he cries, sniffling every once in a while as you comb through his hair, his body on yours.

you've been rubbing slow circles into his scalp. and his tears turn to small kisses

"it wasn't your fault eddie, it never was," you whisper lifting his head in your hands and looking him in the eyes, "i love you."

his face is red, eyelids swollen, "how? how can you love me after that?"

you press your lips to his, speaking the only truth that kept you from screaming into the void from wanting to let the grief swallow you whole,  "because you showed up."

Honey I'm Home  / Eddie Munson x you (female reader)Where stories live. Discover now