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You couldn't deny that things had gotten better with having Eddie as a roommate (not that you would ever express that to him) but living with the overgrown child was slightly very slightly, like a teeny tiny bit, better than it was before.

After living in his disgusting cluster fuck of a room for a week, Eddie finally sat down amongst his heap of mixed dirty and clean clothes and organized it. The disaster made your eye twitch every time you walked past his room in the morning and got a whiff of his stench, reeking of weed and Doritos, you finally convinced him to get it done, and in typical Eddie fashion— it came with a price.

After bargaining for days and nearly pulling your hair out because all he wanted was a single pair of your panties—

"Why? So you can hold them up like that dork in Sixteen Candles to show all your nerd friends?"

"Babe, the ladies I fuck don't wear panties."

He finally settled on a six pack of Busch Light, and for you to do his laundry for a week.

"Remember to separate my delicates, sweetheart."

Fucking pig.

The only thing delicate about Eddie was his ego when you told him his hair was thinning out on top, (it definitely wasn't, he had more hair than cousin It) but you needed the upper hand, and criticizing his hair was the way to do just that.

His bed frame and the oak dressers he had ordered, finally arrived. Allowing him to put away his never ending collection of band tee's and holy jeans. Clearing a path for his floor.

"Holy shit, is that the carpet?" You ask, standing in the door frame before your shift at the salon, toothbrush in your hand, minty dollop of toothpaste atop it.

He's elbow deep in the dresser, foregoing folding anything but instead shoving the clothes haphazardly into the shallow drawers and slamming them shut with his legs, or his hip.

"Wow, Tooty, you're hilarious," Eddie says, rolling his eyes, "but since you asked, yes, it does, match the drapes."

A smile spreads across his lips. Another normal conversation turning into a sexual innuendo. He couldn't be prouder of the way you walked right into that. Since you told him what happened to Eyeball he really has been holding back his usual gross behavior, but sometimes it was just a slip of the tongue for him. Involuntary action.

You turn to leave but he stops you, crossing the room at record speed and placing a ringed hand on your wrist, the surprising warmth from his hand burning your skin.

"Hey, uh, can I get your opinion quick?"

"I've already told you, I don't think the groupies give a shit what color boxers you wear."

"Wow, okay— that's the wrong answer! But I'm talking about this."

He points to the shelf crammed full of his odd knick knacks. It originally belonged to Nancy, but she had left it behind. Inside of it were a hoard of books. Lord of the Rings, something that looked like manuals for Dungeons & Dragons—of course he's still playing that— a plethora of Stephen King books, and a full— more than likely sticky— stack of playboys. Go figure.

"What about it?"

"Do you think it looks good here or should I move it under the window?" Eddie asks, hands out wide measuring and comparing in arms length the distance under the window and the width of the book shelf.

You take a step into his room, every square inch of wall was covered in posters, your former bed sheets graffitied with his band, hung on one wall, the opposite held a kitchen knife stabbed through the drywall.

Honey I'm Home  / Eddie Munson x you (female reader)Where stories live. Discover now