31. Dwale

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TRIGGER WARNING: Broken bones and description of anxiety and slight mention of death

A/n: Idk if they have cars or something, I totally forget. But just pretend that they do. If you want to imagine them as more magical and stuff, go for it! <3


Gus' dad carried Gus to the house and set him in the car. Gus couldn't stop crying. The whole way there, Perry said, "He's going to be okay, Gus. Dont worry."

Gus sat in the passenger seat. His knees curled up close to his chest, hands wrapped around his legs, looking out the window.

In a haze, Gus was taken into the hospital by his dad. Perry guided Gus through the small 'crowd' of people in the lobby. "We're here to see a Mattholomule," he told the receptionist.

She gave the two a sad look and said, "He is still being checked on by the doctors, so you cannot see him right now. But you can wait here in the lobby for the time being."

Gus gave the receptionist, whose name was Holly, a small, sad smile before making his way over to some empty seats. Perry sat next to Gus, his arm wrapped around his son in an attempt to comfort him.

Gus turned to his dad and sobbed. He hugged him back and sobbed. Large tears fell sloppily from Gus' eyes as he let his soul bleed out and manifest into salty tears.

Perry rubbed circles on Gus' back and tried his best to get him to calm down. But it didn't work.


Matt barely remembered what had happened after he got attacked at the park. He slightly remembers being taken into the ambulance. He also remembered the blinding lights of the hospital when he was brought in.

Other than that, Matt remembers almost nothing from the last hour. He sort of remembers doctors standing around him and asking him questions, but it all felt like a dream. So Matt couldn't be too sure if it actually happened or not.

No one's pov:

The doctors examined Matt's condition and wrote down notes on their clipboards.

"Let's get an IV going for the kid, he barely has any weight on him" shouted a doctor.

Two nurses nodded their heads and rushed to get an IV.

"He has a broken nose, 2 broken ribs, and a broken leg, so someone go grab the bone-healing potions!" The doctor shouted. This time, two different nurses left to grab the potions.

Matt begun to stir awake. As soon as he did, he let out a blood curdling screem. There was a burning pain torching his entire body. Tears began to fall from Matt's eyes as he screamed in agony.

One of the nurses gently put a gas mask over Matt's face. He tried to take it off, scared about what's happening, but the sleeping gas was turned on and he shortly fell asleep.

Two nurses came back with the IV requested earlier. They hooked Matt up to the IV and checked his condition.

Soon after, the bone-healing potions were brought in and the doctor administered them to the necessary places. He gently lathered on some of the thick, magical sludge onto the skin by Matt's broken bones.

After the doctor was done applying the potion, a couple nurses wrapped up Matt's leg and put on a cast. They put some bandages around his ribs, and put a splint on Matt's nose.

Matt was taken out of the ER and taken to a resting room. Room 42. Where he was put on pain medicine and had almost the whole room blacked out. Just a small amount of light came through an open set of curtains, as well as a small Mushroom lamp on a small table near some chairs on the side of the room.


Gus watched frantically as he saw doctors and nurses rushing through the hallways. He couldn't help but think that they were for Matt.

Did Matt need this many doctors?
Was Matt even okay?
Is Matt going to survive??

Gus sobbed even harder as he hugged his dad. Perry just kept telling Gus that it'll be alright and that Matt is going to be okay.

About 2 hours after they had arrived, they were finally allowed to go see Matt. Gus had fallen asleep, so when Perry told him that they could go see Matt now, Gus almost fell over as soon as he stood up.

Gus walked swiftly through the hallways, scanning quickly for room 42. He finally spotted room 42 and dashed towards the door. He took a few deep breaths before knocking quietly on the door.

He heard a faint "come in" from inside the room, so he twisted the door handle and opened up the door.

"Oh, Matty..."

(End scene)
I know this chapter is shorter, but whatever. I'm doing a little bit better than I was since my last update. I'm still feeling g horrible, but that's okay.

I'm so grateful for your guys' patience. I love all of you ❤️❤️❤️

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