2 - RB1

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"I'm going to be your tour guide for today." The woman leading Emrys didn't seem much older than her, at most she looked to be in her early 30's.

"My name is Ally."

"Emrys Pierce."

Ally stopped in her tracks and whipped around to look at her with wild eyes. "As in Milo Pierce? Of Red Bull?"

Emrys gave her a tight lipped smile. "We just have the same last name."

Ally mouthed 'oh' and turned back around to continue walking toward the pit lane.

She points some things out to Emrys here and there but most of the walk is filled with silence, that was until the younger girl noticed that she had something to say.

"Did you wanna ask me something?"

The guide looked a little shocked but asked anyway. "How come you're at the pre-season testing and not using your money on the actual race instead?"

Emrys hummed before answering. "I start work soon and I wanted to see the cars and drivers before then."

Ally nodded and brought the attention to the pit lane. Holding her hand out, she introduces the first team. "This is Williams." She waves to some people and Emrys sees the two drivers walk over to them.

"I'm sure you know them. Alex Albon and Logan Sargeant."

She shakes their hands and gives them a smile. "I'm Emrys." Avoiding saying her last name so that the situation with Ally didn't happen again.

Logan Sargeants whole face brightens upon hearing her speak. "Are you American?"

"Sure am." Emrys smirks as Logan looks at Alex like she just gave him a million bucks.

"Wow!" Logan points at her casually. "Where are you from? I'm from Florida."

"Born and raised in Las Vegas."

He whistles and follows it with a chuckle. "Partying is in your blood huh?" Emrys shrugs, her smile never leaving her face.

Ally breaks the American duo apart but is stopped almost instantly by Logan. "Wait." He turns to Emrys. "Can we take a picture? I wanna post it and say I met a fellow American today."

She laughs and takes off her hat, giving a clearer view of her face; to which Logan blushed a slight bit. "Sure, although I feel like the roles should be reversed."

Alex counts down from three as Logan places his arm over her shoulders and she places her arm around his waist.

Emrys waves goodbye and walks down the pit lane to the other teams.

"You so look like a fan girl right now," Alex says patting Logan on the shoulder. He didn't answer as he was too busy posting the picture on his Instagram story and adding a text saying, 'Met a wonderful American today, she made my day.'

Emrys puts her hat back on as they approach Alpha Tauri. "Yuki Tsunoda is over there." Ally points to the other garage at where a short guy is talking with one of the engineers.

"Nyck De Vries has been swapped out with Daniel Ricciardo last minute."

She looks at Ally with furrowed brows, to which she responded with shrugging her shoulders.

They turn away from each other and are met face to face with Daniel Ricciardo. The 5'6 girl takes initiative and sticks her hand out to shake his hand. "I'm Emrys."

Daniel smiles his big smile and shakes her hand. "Nice to meet you, even if you are a Mercedes fan."

She laughs and walks away with Ally. The drivers from the rest of the teams were just as nice and shook her hand, surprised that she didn't ask for any pictures or signatures.

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