6 - RB3

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"You have an interview right before FP2. So get ready for that," Ally says, not looking up as Emrys snaps out of her trance and side eyes her.

"Get it off your chest now so you don't look like you're trying to kill me in that interview." She glances up to see Emrys busy tying her suit around her waist.

"Let's go," Emrys says, walking out of the room.

Ally guides her into a room with a camera, the interviewer, and the camera crew.

The cameras start rolling and Emrys gives a kind smile that made almost everyone in that room melt.

"I'm here today with the new Mercedes driver, number 95, Emrys Pierce. So Emrys, how does it feel being able to race in Formula 1?"

She picks up the microphone and looks at the camera. "Well, it feels like a fever dream. I didn't think I would be here to be honest."

The interviewer nods, looking slightly bored, creating a sort of awkward atmosphere.

"We noticed that you have the same last name as Milo Pierce of Red Bull. What's the relationship there?"

Emrys shifts uncomfortably and glances at Ally, who also had a curious look on her face. "Uhm, we're siblings."

People start whispering and there were a couple of gasps. "Haven't talked in a bit though," she adds quickly.

"That actually brings me to my next question. We've all been wondering how you got to drive for a Formula 1 team."

"Well an extreme amount of luck," she says with a laugh at the end. "But also hard work. I used to Kart when I was younger but I had to stop for a bit due to an accident I had and some financial issues."

She again, shifts uncomfortably in her seat before continuing. "My aunt helped me with everything and I owe so much to her. She wanted me to keep pushing toward my dream instead of giving up. I worked hard and rose through the ranks and of course everyone knows how hard it is being a female race driver"

Emrys takes a deep breath and makes eye contact with Ally, who nods, and then turned back to the interviewer. "I guess Mercedes saw my potential because they gave me an offer and now I'm here," she ends with a smile.

"That's a wonderful story, Emrys," the interviewer says, smiling. "But we've never heard of you during your time rising in the ranks." The tone made Emrys furrow her brows.

"We're just wondering if any other factors played into it as well."

"Excuse me?"

The interviewer has a smile but Emrys sees how disgusted he is by his eyes. "Well you know, being a woman in this sport and all. Some people believe you haven't worked hard enough."

Emrys is completely floored and looks to Ally, who is now in a whisper battle with someone.

"I'm not sure exactly what you're implying but I can take a pretty good guess." The whole room stops, waiting to see how she was going to handle this situation.

"I practiced day and night to get to where I am now." She sits up straight and looks directly into the camera.

"I didn't get this seat because of my name, I didn't buy my way in, and I didn't get it because of the methods that you're thinking about." Emrys turns to the interviewer who looks a bit flustered.

"I got it through giving my blood, sweat, tears, and even my life to be able to be acknowledged. I worked just as hard as everyone else on this grid and I will not sit here and watch while you belittle my efforts for a juicy scoop."

Her words move most of the women in the room to tears. "Quite frankly, it's misogynistic. Don't take us back in time and tell me women can't be in this sport because it's disrespecting Maria Teresa de Filippis, Lella Lombardi, Divina Galicia, Desiré Wilson, and Giovanna Amati who paved the way for women to race in F1."

Ending her speech, Emrys places the microphone down and walks away with Ally right behind her.

"I'm sorry," Emrys says, turning to face her. "I didn't know the proper way to tell him off after he implied that I slept my way here."

The pr manager wipes her tears and instantly wraps her arms around the driver. "You were perfect in there. If you get any backlash, I'm sure every woman in there would defend you."

She lets go and holds onto Emrys' shoulders with red eyes. "You are my hero and my favorite F1 driver, Emrys Pierce."

A tear rolls down the Mercedes drivers cheek as she nods with a grateful smile. "Well, we should go now before Toto and Lewis kill me."

The pair laugh and start walking back to the garage.

~~~~ 🏎️💨 ~~~~

"What's with the red eyes?" Lewis asks, pointing between Emrys and Ally.

They look at each other and turn back to Lewis. "You'll get your answer when you look at the interview I just had."

Emrys pats his back and heads toward her car where Toto is.

"Hey Toto," she says, hopping next to him.

"Hey speedy," he replies, moving his arm to her shoulders and hugging her into his side.

"Is something wrong?" He asks, nodding to her eyes.

Emrys shakes her head. "That stupid interview is the problem." She looks around and lowers her voice. "He insinuated that I slept around to get into Mercedes!"

"He what?" Toto takes a small step back and looks at her with wide eyes.

She nods fast, waiting for what he's gonna say next. "I'll have a talk with them. Don't let it get to you and try your best okay?"

She gives him a thumbs up and goes to Ally, who's talking once again with a Ferrari worker.

"Hey if you like Ferrari so much, should I request a transfer?" Emrys says playfully with her hands on her waist.

"If the transfer is for you, then I would be more than happy to welcome you," says a familiar voice from behind her.

She turns with a small smile and is met with Charles Leclerc.

"Never mind. I think I'll stick with Mercedes," she says with a bigger smile and a tilt of her head.

Charles laughs. "Whatever suits you." He looks at her for a second. "You never texted or called."

Emrys is taken aback a bit but clears her throat to bring her back. "Sorry, I've been a little busy."

He shakes his hands in front of her, panicked. "Oh no don't worry about it. What about dinner tonight then?"

She furrows her brows with a smile. "Nice try, Leclerc." Emrys walks past him and pats his shoulder. Their faces close as she stands at his side, looking up at him.

"I'm not really interested in having a scandal right now. Even if it is with you."

She walks off as he stares at her in awe. "There's always tomorrow!" He yells out to her, making her shake her head and laugh but still not turn around.

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