4 - RB2

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      "Welcome to the first practice of the season at Bahrain International Circuit; I am Alex Jacques and I am joined by Jolyon Palmer, former Formula 1 driver." Alex's voice bounces off the walls of a Mercedes driver room, the driver in question is watching intently at their introductions.

"It's so exciting for all of us to be here for another new season," Jolyon starts to commentate when the door to the drivers room opens.

"Please get ready, practice will start soon," Ally said, peeking through from behind the door.

The driver nods and continues to listen to the tv.

"20 cars on track for the first time this season. Teammates up against each other for the first time this season, little more competition there."

As soon as Jolyon finishes talking, Alex inputs something that puts a smile on the drivers face as she walks out of the room.

"Talking about teammates. George Russell seems to have gotten himself a new one as his former teammate, Lewis Hamilton, retired at the end of the 2022 season."

Jolyon nods in agreement with his commentator. "We've gotten word this morning of the name of the new driver. Emrys Pierce. Now we're not sure what his relation to Miles Pierce is but we'll make sure to find out."

"I can't believe you didn't tell me you were the new driver. I probably embarrassed myself so much," Ally says, shaking her head while following Emrys.

The driver laughs and turns her head to look at Ally. "Don't worry, it wasn't that embarrassing."

The pr manager slaps her shoulder as they reach the garage. Emrys greets the team and begins putting all of her gear on.

"Good luck," Ally yells out.

Emrys simply nods and puts her helmet on. She steps into the car and clicks the wheel in place.

She closes her eyes, shaking her head slowly before opening them again, this time with a different gaze.

The young girl mentally switched off her sympathy and kindness, replacing it with a cold side that would do anything to win.

Getting into the racing mood, she snaps her visor down and waits for the signal to exit into the pit lane.

Emrys sees the signal light up and drives out, continuing to accelerate when the car hits the track.

As she warms her tires, Lewis' voice rings in her ears. "Radio check, pipsqueak."

"Unfortunately loud and clear, Lulu."

She could practically hear his eyes roll, making her giggle to herself. After the radio message, Jolyon and Alex comment on it.

"You heard that as well right, Jolyon?"

"Yes I did, Alex."

The two are silent before simultaneously saying, "Mercedes' new driver is a girl!"

The car gets hotter and hotter as she pushes to get pole position, preferring it to be a higher one than her brothers.

"Hot lap, Emrys," Lewis says into Emrys' ear as she approaches turn 14.


She speeds up after turn 15 and speeds down the straight, taking notice of a Red Bull right behind her.

The Mercedes car slows down and shifts into 2nd gear for the first turn.

Her car smoothly makes the turn and she shifts back to 4th gear for the 2nd turn.

Everything was going smoothly, Emrys taking the fastest time in the first two sectors. That was until turn 13.

After Emrys turns, she is practically ran off the road by number 5 from Red Bull who didn't give her any space.

"Who the hell?" She yells into the radio. "Lewis get this Red Bull off my fucking ass!"

"Copy. We're discussing now."

Emrys attempts to defend but her chances of having the fastest lap is now out of sight. She groans in frustration when she is completely ran into the gravel.

The siblings go back and forth battling for p1 until the end, Emrys somehow doing her hot lap without being interrupted.

By the end of FP1, Emrys is sweating and breathing hard.

Milo Pierce: 1:32.758
Emrys Pierce: 1:32.872
Max Verstappen: 1:33.375

She pulls into the garage, feeling somewhat discontent making her stay in the zone instead of snapping out of it.

Her head is a blur as most people tap her helmet and arm to signal a well done.

Emrys takes off her helmet and takes out her headphones for the radio.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She turns to see Milo walking toward her with a number 5 on his suit, making her roll her eyes. "Mercedes? What happened to Red Bull forever and always?"

Emrys clenches her jaw and takes off her balaclava. "That ended when you signed a contract with them, I'm a Mercedes girl now. You can't take my name away from me."

She sets everything down but hung onto her helmet. "I'm tired, go find someone else to bother."

Milo steps forward and gets into her face. Max and Charles look over to see him towering over her and walk over to stop the argument but happen to overhear the ending of it before the Pierce siblings noticed them.

"You're a fucking traitor." Emrys looks into his eyes, seeing nothing but anger while hers were empty.

"Your name? Be fucking honest with yourself, Emrys. Even when dad died and you found out he was gonna name you Mercedes, you still wouldn't switch." Milo pushes her shoulder harshly, making her stumble slightly.

"You don't deserve the name and you should've never gotten back into a race car." He spoke each word with venom and hatred, hoping it would penetrate Emrys' thick skin like her words did to him.

In fact, he spoke with so much hatred that Max and Charles were scared to approach the two, because of his words and the unsettling tension, they knew nothing would stop them even if they had stepped in.

Emrys slammed her helmet down, her eyes no longer being void but now filled with pure anger.

"Maybe I am a traitor, but you were the one who made me this way." She pressed a finger on his shoulder and stabbed firmly on the word 'you'.

"So make me the villain if it makes you feel better about yourself, Milo." Emrys grabs her things and gets ready to leave.

"Just know that while I was lying on a hospital bed crying from the pain and begging to see my older brother, you were on that track, stealing my dream after almost killing me."

Emrys turns her back on him and doesn't look back to say her final sentence.

"So tell me, who's really the traitor in this story?" With that, she walks away as Milo stood there staring at her back, watching her walk away like he did to her.

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