17 - F1 W08 EQ Power

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Tensions were high in Monaco. Ending FP3 with Emrys only able to get up to 16th while her teammate was in 8th.

No matter how much she pushed the car, nothing was responding. Quali was her last chance to get a good spot on the grid.

It was unrealistic to the people watching, her practices being lower than exciting. A sense of guilt crept up on Emrys, maybe her luck was running out.

"Focus and you got this, pipsqueak."

Emrys drives out onto the track. Eventually, after riding through the traffic, she begins her fast lap.

Something in the car must have ignited, because she stood right at p4 with her first lap of the session.

Q1 ended and the people who were cut were Sargeant, Magnussen, Hulkenberg, Zhou, and Stroll.

Letting out a slow exhale, Emrys shook her head slightly at the amount of stress on her shoulders to get a good position for tomorrow.

Q2 :

Out - Piastri, Bottas, Albon, Tsunoda, Ocon

Q3 was the decider. With both teammates still in, Emrys had a feeling the team might be betting on George to bring home a high position for them.

That fueled Emrys, making her push harder on the corners and forcing every drop of energy from the car.

No longer thinking about beating her brother, she just wanted to beat herself. Which she had already done in the last two sessions, but it wasn't enough.

By the end of the third session, the grid arrangement came at an unbelievable shock to everyone.

P1 - Emrys Pierce
P2 - Fernando Alonso
P3 - Charles Leclerc
P4 - Max Verstappen
P5 - Milo Pierce
P6 - Carlos Sainz
P7 - George Russell
P8 - Pierre Gasly
P9 - Daniel Ricciardo
P10 - Lando Norris

The cheers coming from the Mercedes Garage that day could probably be heard from across the world. The team was majorly proud of Emrys.

The comeback was unbelievable. From only p16 in the final practice, all the way to pole position in qualifying was an amazing accomplishment.

She soaked in the position, only thinking about how difficult it would be to turn that into a win tomorrow.

But for now, she celebrated with her team. Everyone knew she needed some relaxation, even if Emrys herself said she didn't.

~~~~ 🏎️💨 ~~~~

Now was the day everyone had been waiting for, Grand Prix Sunday.

After the formation lap, everyone took their places on the grid. Charles Leclerc being given a 3-place grid penalty and ending up starting in p6 instead of p3.

Emrys would've felt sad for him, but she didn't. She thought that maybe it was karma and that he deserved it, but it was his home race.

She shoved it out of her head and focused on the race. The lights went out and she was head to head with Fernando Alonso.

Emrys somehow managed to keep her position but Fernando Alonso loses his to Max Verstappen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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