9 - F1 W04

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"A podium winning driver and an amazing dancer?" Logan says, leading them off the dance floor and to the bar.

"What can't you do?"

Emrys laughs and goes to respond when she's interrupted.

"Play fair."

The two look towards the voice and is met with Milo.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She says with a disdained look.

Milo rolls his eyes and doesn't respond instead, he walks away with his drink.

Emrys excused herself and follows him.

"If you have something to say, then do it boldly instead of making petty comments."

The older brother leaves his drink on a random table, drags her out of the club and into an alleyway.

"How stupid are you?"

Emrys crosses her arms and looks at him blankly.

"Those moves you pulled during the race today. You could've killed someone!"

He continues while his little sister stands in silence. The words she read on her tiny screen being yelled in her face.

"Why don't you just quit?" Milo steps slightly closer, the smell of alcohol hitting Emrys' nose.

"Nobody wants you here and all those people being nice to you? They aren't your friends. They feel pity for you because we all know it's only a matter of time before you get dropped for someone better."

"Are you scared I'm gonna take your seat next season?"

Emrys pushes him away and stands her ground.

"Is that what this is? Some strategy to scare me off? Why don't you save it for the races so I don't have to listen to your whining, it ruins my day."

Milo angrily clenched his fist and points a finger in her face. "You—"

"We both know you aren't as good of a driver as me. Admit it." She pushes his finger out of her face and continues.

"I'm not the one using dirty tricks so stop lying to yourself, it's not healthy."

She inches closer but is shocked when the Red Bull driver shoves her into the concrete wall.

As Emrys gets up from the ground, two figures come up to the siblings.

She looks up to see Max helping her up and Charles between the two with his hands out.

"Hey hey. You're drunk, Milo. Just go back to the hotel."

"Are you okay?" Max asks Emrys as he holds her arm to help stabilize her.

She nods and turns her head to Milo, absolutely fuming now.

"Stop pushing for another accident just to get even! You can't get over what happened 11 years ago and it's eating you up inside!"

"Are you fucking kidding me," Emrys whispers, rolling her eyes.

She yanks her arm out of Max's hold and lunges at her brother before anyone could react.

A loud smack rebounded on the walls of the alleyway.

Emrys threw a right hook directly into her brothers jaw, putting him to the ground.

She steps over him and walks inside as the three guys were in complete silence.

Milo gets up, holding the left side of his face.

"I'd be surprised if that didn't sober you up, Milo," Max says, holding in his laugh.

He flips Max off, adjusts his shirt, and walks back inside as well.

Max and Charles look at each other and nod slowly, both agreeing to never piss Emrys Pierce off unless they too wanted a black eye.

"We're leaving, Ally."

"What? Wait," Ally says, turning from her to Lando who sat there sipping his water.

Emrys doesn't stop and grabs the car keys out of Ally's bag and walks out the door.

"Sorry Lando. I'll see you later."

Lando nods and waves as Ally runs to catch up to her designated driver.

Charles and Max come up from behind Lando and sits down on either side of him.

"What happened?"

Max and Charles look at each other before looking at Lando.

"Just know—" Charles starts, stopping and motioning for the McLaren driver to look at Milo. "Don't ever piss off little Pierce. You'll get a matching black eye with Milo."

Lando's jaw drops as he looks at Milo who is sitting with Daniel, holding an empty drink with ice in it to his face.

~~~~ 🏎️💨 ~~~~

"Are you going to tell me what happened at the club? Or do I have to read it in the news tomorrow?"

"Don't throw up in the car," Emrys says as she pushes on the gas and speeds down the roads.

Ally sighs and keeps silent for the rest of the ride back to the hotel.

When they reach the hotel, Ally opens the door but Emrys still has her hands on the wheel.

"Are you getting out?"

"No. Imma go on a ride real quick."

"Come back early. We have a flight to catch, okay?"

Emrys nods as Ally closes the door and watches her speed off.

At a red light, Emrys picks up her phone and calls the first person she could think of.

"Hello?" The voice is groggy and low.

"Hey Lulu. Did I wake you up?"

There's shuffling of sheets before Lewis responded. "Yeah. What's up?"

Emrys sighs and rubs a hand over her face. "I don't know. Everything?"

"Are you at the hotel? Want me to come over?"

"Nah I'm on the streets. Blowing off some steam." The girl enters the highway and immediately slams on the gas.

Reaching speeds that would probably get her arrested for reckless driving.

"Uh no. You need to get back to the hotel now." His voice gets louder and more clear. "The last time you 'blew off steam' we had to get you a whole fresh set of tires because you shredded them."

"Don't worry. I have to use this car to get to the airport." She taps her fingers on the steering wheel and sheepishly continues her sentence. "It'll be in alright shape."

Lewis groans. "You are flying with me. I better hear the whole story tomorrow and get back before you ruin your tires."

Emrys agrees and hangs up.

She rides in silence, listening to the engine roar as she zooms down the roads.

It starts raining when she pulls up to the hotel. Emrys groggily makes her way to her hotel room and flops down on the bed.

"Is my dream career supposed to be this draining?"

The Mercedes driver dozes off into a deep and comfortable slumber.

But who knows, this might be the last time she's comfortable.

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