5 - MGP W02

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2012 ( 11 years ago )

Maybe it was a bad idea to let a 15 year old and 11 year old drive in a modded out Porsche 944 alone.

Well, everyone knew it was a bad idea. That's why the keys were hidden, until one night, an eager teenager came across them poking out of its hiding spot.

The clock hit the time at exactly 12:41am when Milo quietly slipped into his sisters room.

It was dark except for the little light coming from her phone screen.

"Hey Ace. Get up." He shook her arm to make her look at him with confusion. The older sibling waves a set of car keys in her face. "Let's go for a drive."

The two exchange smiles as Emrys gets out of her bed and throws on a F1 Red Bull hoodie to shield her from the December cold.

"I don't know why you like F1 so much," Milo says, tapping on the words Formula One on her arm.

"Street racing is so much better."

Emrys swats his hand away and puts her hair into a loose braid. "At least mine is legal."

Milo rolls his eyes and walks out of the room with his sister close behind.

The two quietly walk down the stairs and out the front door.

"I don't know if we should be doing this, Milo," Emrys says, looking around nervously.

"Don't be a buzzkill, Ace." Milo opens the car door for Emrys and gestures for her to sit down.

"Who knows when we're gonna be able to drive this again?"

Emrys reluctantly gets in as Milo smiles brightly

The two young Pierce's drive around the city with the music blasting for a little until they reach a long empty road.

"Do you wanna see something cool?"

At this point, Emrys wasn't scared anymore so she nodded her head excitingly.

Excitement and anticipation filled the car while they wait for the light to turn green.

As soon as the traffic light turned green, Milo slammed on the gas pedal.

They sped down the road hitting 160mph and increasing.

Milo slightly turned his head to look as Emrys, who's staring at the road in front with a big smile.

"This is just how I feel when I'm karting," she says, glancing over quickly.

"I think it's better." Emrys rolls her eyes and he watches as her smile fades and her eyes widen. "Milo, look out!"

He snaps his head to the front and sees a large broken branch in the middle of the road.

The oldest sibling slams the breaks and swerves to the right, the car tipping and sliding onto its side.

Everything was silent as Milo attempted to regain his consciousness.

"E-Emrys?" His voice cracks as he attempts to shake her awake.

There was no response as tears start to fall down his face. Milo immediately reached for the nearest phone and dials 911.

He could barely hold it together while talking to the sweet lady that stayed calm.

Milo puts her on speaker and once again reaches for his sister.

This time her eyes open, setting off a wave of relief throughout his whole body.

"Milo?" Her voice is weak and wracked with fear.

"I'm right here, Ace," Milo says, giving her a soft smile.

"My arm hurts really bad."

He glances to her right arm, completely clean of any injuries. Only when he looked at her left arm did he realize how much pain she was in.

"Is it bad?" She asks, turning her head to try and take a look.

"Don't look, Ace. Help will be here soon." Emrys nodded and relaxed as much as she could in her position but Milo's eyes were glued onto her injury.

Glass shards stuck out of her forearm and a large gash about five inches long ran from her wrist to near her elbow.

The sound of sirens snapped his attention away from her.

Footsteps approached as they were carefully taken out of the car wreck.

A rush of people ushered them into ambulances but Milo didn't pay any attention to them.

All he knew was that the injury Emrys had gotten from today meant that she might not ever get to do the thing she loved the most in the world anymore.

Emrys did karting like her life depended on it and maybe it did.

One thought was stuck in the back of Milo's head as everything went dark and the noises muffled out into silence.

What if he had never found the keys and what if he had listened to Emrys when she said it was a bad idea.

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