15 - F1 W07

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Azerbaijan :

Max Verstappen P1

Emrys Pierce P2

Charles Leclerc P3

Miami :

Milo Pierce P1

Fernando Alonso P2

Emrys Pierce P3

Imola :

Called off

~~~~ 🏎️💨 ~~~~

The last few races had been interesting.

Emrys had been more attentive to the car and recently has been getting podiums back to back, shutting down any rumors about her not having enough talent.

The team had just landed in Monaco and was now getting everything ready for the race.

"You have some interviews, so make sure to be on time for those," Ally says from beside Emrys as they walk through the paddock.

"Are you not coming to get me?"

"I will, but I don't want to have to wait while you rush to get ready," She says with a smile as Emrys rolls her eyes.

It was hot in Monaco today, Emrys made a bad decision by wearing black skinny jeans combined with a Mercedes sweater.

She was sweating any skincare or makeup that she had on. As soon as they reached her trailer, she tore off the sweater and ran around in her bra, trying to find a spare Mercedes shirt in the many boxes scattered around.

"Ally, are there any more spare shirts in these boxes that you happen to stuff into my trailer?" She says, not looking up as she rummages through them like a raccoon in a trash can.

"No, they're in the trailer next door."

Emrys groans as she reluctantly grabs the sweater Ally picked up for her, puts it back on, and walks out into the sweltering heat.

As soon as Emrys walks into the cool trailer AC, she looks around to see boxes labeled with Mercedes.

"Jeez, why does she only put the useless boxes in my trailer."

The Mercedes driver looks around the room for more Mercedes boxes as the first one only had engineer shirts and not driver shirts.

Right as she pulls one in her size from the depths of the big box, someone jiggles the door handle. It scares her and the first thing she thought of was to hide.

After about five seconds of hiding behind a clothing rack, she thought back. "Why am I hiding?" She whispers to herself.

But just as she was about to step out from behind the clothing rack, Charles, Pierre, and Milo walked in.

"I think you were a dick, Milo," Pierre says, flopping down onto the couch.

"Oh please, you don't even like her," Milo responds, throwing his cap at the Alpine driver.

"Hey! I think she's a cool girl!" Pierre chuckles out, taking a water bottle from beside him.

"More like a quick fuck." That comment made all three of them laugh, but Emrys stood in shock because the person who said it wasn't who she thought would be someone who could stab her in the back like that.

"Is that why you're trying so hard to ask her out to dinner, Charles?" The Alpine driver asks, standing up and shaking him by his shoulders.

"Hey," Milo puts his hands on their shoulders. "We may be on bad terms, but she's still my sister guys."

"C'mon, she's cute," Charles smiles and the dimples Emrys once thought were cute, turned into the dimples she scowled at. "But you mean to tell me you could go out with a girl like that? Alexandra's more my type."

"Oh right, the chick you've been wanting to break it off with for the past 2 months?" Milo says with a chuckle at the end.

"No, Charles is right," Pierre shrugs. "She may be cute but not the elegant kind of girl like Alex."

The Ferrari driver points at Pierre and makes a face that signifies that he agrees with him.

"Whatever," Milo rolls his eyes and that's when things went downhill because he caught the eyes of his sister, the one standing behind the clothing rack unseen until now.

His smile immediately dropped and as he was about to say something, the door opened once again to reveal Max.

"They're calling you guys for interviews."

All of them walked out the door, except for Milo, who lingered at the doorway where Max was standing. "Uh mate, are you gonna go? I need to get a shirt."

"Yeah," he puts his Red Bull cap on and shuffles down the stairs. Max walks into the trailer and shuts the door behind him.

Just as he was about to take off his shirt, Emrys stepped out from behind the clothing rack.

The interaction between them almost made Emrys forget what she just heard because Max screamed at the top of his lungs and swatted at her with his cap.

"Oh my god!" He says, catching his breath. "Have you been here the whole time?"

"Yeah," Emrys smiles and sits down on the couch with Max coming to sit right beside her.

"But Milo was just in here," he says slowly, piecing the puzzle together.

"Would you ever date me?"

Max awkwardly purses his lips into a straight line and discreetly slides further down the couch to get away from Emrys.

"I have a girlfriend and a kid."

"Not what I meant," Emrys laughs out. "It's—I heard them talking about me and saying how no one would ever date me and there's this one girl they prefer."

"You like Charles?"

"Are you a magician or something?"

The two laugh and Max brings Emrys into a side hug. "He changes girls like he changes sheets."

"Yeah but what if I wanted to be at least taken to check out and not just picked up only to be put back on the shelf again?"

"We all were on the shelf, some longer than others. But word of advice," He separates them from the side hug and puts a hand on her forearm. "Charles wouldn't be the guy for you. I think you deserve someone who doesn't flirt with you and then leaves you to hang dry."

"Are we interrupting something?"

The two bounce away from each other like being within six inches of each other would make their skin melt off.

The door was wide open with Charles and Milo standing in the doorway. A few people in the paddock look inside the trailer and some hold their cameras up but aren't able to take a shot as Charles pushes Milo into the trailer and shuts the door behind them.

"Max, you have a girlfriend," Charles' tone had anger throughout it, his face, and stance matching, with his hands on his hips and a serious face on.

"We weren't even doing anything," Emrys says with a roll of her eyes.

Milo gets up from the floor that Charles pushed him to and wipes dirt from his shirt. "Explain what you were doing with this Merc snake." He points towards Emrys accusingly.

"What a child," Emrys grabs her shirt from the couch and goes to leave when Charles steps in front of her.

"Max? So were you lying when you said you wanted to set a dinner date?" Charles had puppy eyes and an innocent look on his face that Emrys hated because he was far from innocent in her eyes.

"Were you lying when you said I was just a quick fuck?" She scoffs as he pales. "Yeah, thought so. Don't bother, I wouldn't want you to waste your money on me when you could be using it on Alexandra."

Respect and MemoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora