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It's been ten months since Madeline and I, started seeing each other, again. Ten months filled with joy, happiness, fights, sorrow, couples therapy and a lot of midnight conversations but amidst all, we never looked back on our past and felt like we should have done things differently. What we did was something done out of emotional instability. Madeline was afraid of her parents while I was afraid of being her lover in secrecy, to be more precise, her dirty secret. It was also something we both worked on together and I am proud to say that we did overcome it. Our lifestyle, it too has improved in the aspects of communication and honesty. We started taking things slowly in the BDSM aspect of our relationship and finally ventured to the going to Desires club part last month since that's when we were both confident enough to take the next step, Collaring. Even though we did sign a contract we took it very slowly and found each other's limits, even dominant partner has their own limits and many usually forget the fact. It took a lot of courage to even take that next step, on both our sides but we did and I am proud that we did that.

As the cold winds of mid-October breeze, a chill rose up my spine as I eyed the empty parking lot of Remedium, the main branch of Hoffman pharma empire, a very big hospital which catered to numerous patients of very background with equality and hospitality. Yes, there were VIP wards but that doesn't mean others don't receive good treatment or are treated by good doctors. The only difference is, patients there are given security protection from media.

Because one thing Madeline's grandmother, the great Lyla Hoffman, the founder of Hoffman empire wanted was to make treatments available to everyone regardless of any prejudice, equally to all. The VIP rooms are just made to give the sense of protection the rich patients who think they are always followed.

It was now almost nine in the evening, long since the bustling and crowd of the hospital was over, leaving a sense of calm as doctors who had night shift worked inside.

The chill air of the evening made me regret being late and made the dreading anticipation of what's to come when I go home or in this case Madeline's house.

Today was one of those rare days were I usually pick up Madeline from the hospital and stay over for the night and spend the next day together. It was Monday today and tomorrow, Madeline has her day off, so we thought I could pick her up since I gave her a ride this morning and we will both cook dinner together and have a movie night. Or at least that was the plan until I met one of my patients, Anika, a beautiful twenty-five-year-old Indian, who had migrated from India due to her father's job and that job was what turned her life into a dread.

At first everything was normal but after sometime only did the bullying start, people started making fun of everything she did and even the way she talks. Yes, people have their own native accent if they are not natives of that place. If they are asked to speak any of her countries many different languages, they wouldn't even be able to talk without embarrassing themselves.

After a while, she graduated and thought everything will be fine since she is now an adult and is now going to some other state for studies but that's when all those self-depreciation started. She did have her good days but it was like how they say, we are more affected by the bad than the good. Her depression became severe and that's when her parents finally had enough. They didn't want their only daughter to wither away. They weren't able to stand seeing their daughter slowly loose herself and finally took her to a psychiatrist, but there was a lot of communication barrier which obstructed her treatment and that's when I came in.

We slowly started exploring her problems from the root, her school bullying. First it was very difficult for her to talk and express herself in front of her parents and that's when our solo sessions started. We had around four sessions a week and the first thing I asked her to do was to start writing a journal and at the same time I asked her parents to read books, specific books on how to help their daughter. As the days went on, she decided to quit her college, her UG in sciences, since her parents wanted her to be a doctor but she wasn't able to stand the pressure nor did she like the idea of being a doctor. Her ambition was to be an artist and her parents too thought it was her calling.

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