Prolouge: The Kraken Kingdom

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Music: He's a Pirate.

As the stand alone movie begins, when Ruby Gillman is a giant Kraken. She swims faster, carrying a shield bubbles, that holds her human friends. Margot, Trevin, and Bliss.

Ruby: (To her friends inside the bubble) Are you ready for this?

Magrot: Yeah, we were born ready for this.

Trevin: So where are we going anyway?

Ruby: Ha, you'll see.

Ruby kept on swinging, until she stop!

Music: Kingdom of the Kraken

Ruby: Well, we're here! (As her friends watch and amazed.)

Trevin: Whoa.

Ruby: Welcome to the Kraken Kingdom.

As they all look at the Kraken Palace. Then, Ruby and her friends, enter inside the palace, as they wonder around, the glory of the palace.

Margot: Whoa! I can start my own drama class, if I am graduated in 2026!

Bliss: Yeah, even as you wish.

Then enter in Uncle Brill.

Brill: Hey, Ruby.

Ruby: Hi, Uncle Brill.

Brill: How, you doing kid? (Then he was amazed of what Ruby have brought) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute! Ruby, what are you doing? You know we're not allowed to bring Humans in our Kraken Kingdom.

Ruby: Yes, but things have change, Uncle Brill. See, using my powers. I have made a air shield bubble for my friends, so they can breath air, anytime they like. Beside, my friends are on a biology field trip. They want to learn about our Kingdom.

Margot: Yeah. And Ruby was great, when she made this force field around us.

Trevin: So, we just want to learn, how the Kraken were the good guys, not the bad guys.

Bliss: Thinking they were monsters. Sinking every ships and drowning of every sailors. Sorry, no catastrophizing.

Trevin: And beside, Ruby was our natural hero now. Since she is giving us a tour.

Ruby: Yes, it's the least I can do, since Nerissa was trying to kill you all. And me revealing the classmate, that Chelsea was a bad excuse for a liar, and using me to get her trident by confusing of jealousy.

Margot: Of course you did. You save us, on that boat remember.

Ruby: Yes, it was very heroic, and I saved Connor twice, and he accept our apology.

Bliss: So Ruby, why did you visit here, in the first place.

Trevin: Did you use a map?

Music: Grandmamah

Ruby: Well, I was follow, by my mother's brother. Uncle Brill. He took me to the Kingdom of the Krakens. And show me this place. And then I realize that my Grandmother was...

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