It's Time to Change Course

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We dissolve to the next scene, where the sisters we're heading home.

Grandmamah's Narration: And so it begins. Agatha and her sisters, begin to turn around, and headed straight back home. From every location, we once stumble upon. Until my daughter and her sisters, were block by this constructions crew of hammer sharks, and swordfishes. Who are working on, fixing the lake stream of the rainbow falls. And there was no place to go. They told the workers, to know which road they would take. Until the manager, told my daughters, to head to the detour, that could get them, straight home. But unfortunately, the detour led them to the surface of the humans. As my daughters, we're headed somewhere very strangely.

As we see a scene where the three Krakens look up to that sign, of where the humans live.

Athena: Welcome to River Green Ocean. Population: 2001.

Matilda: What a strange place, for the humans to live in.

Athena: Well, if you ask me, (During the situation, Agatha look worries) It's a looks like a dull town. And human will be expecting us Krakens, if we ever crush their homes.

Music: Melodies from The Teenage Kraken Movie.

Matilda: Then what are we waiting for, let's just barge in this town, and head back to sea.

Athena: Yes. And we'll do it, but not shrinking ourselves, into humans. We keep our power as it is, and that's that. (As she walks forward)

Matilda: I'm with you. (As she walks forward)

Young Agatha: (To herself as she join her sisters) Yeah, and for my mother. And my only family, if we were humans. (As she walk forward as the last in line)

As we dissolve to the next scene, the sisters walk through but then, they stop.

Music: The Burning Bush and Cry

They shocked to discover a ruined village. As they approach, they are briefly startled by a falcon's screech. They spot a flag that looks like a pirate flag with a symbol of a skeleton fishes flapping in the wind. As they stare in mild horror, they suddenly hear whimpering coming from one of the ruined houses. Matilda walks forward and pulls away a piece of wood to find a cowering mother and her infant child. Athena also approaches, and the other humans relax slightly when the two do not attack. Agatha was so upset, as she also wonder around to know what is happening.

Human Mother: Are they gone? The merpeople. Are they all gone?

Matilda: (She check softly) Yeah, why?

Human Mother: Because, they have sea creatures with them. The merpeople, don't sing, but they were going to rip us to shreds. And their leader, that giant mermaid, she was monstrous! She crushes houses! And made some of us drown! (As she look up to Matilda) Are you one of them? Who attacked earlier?

The Legend of Agatha Gillman: Warrior Krakenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें